
Re-Born: Live, Lust, Conquer

On a faithful night, a man catches his girlfriend of 3 years cheating on him with another guy, his best friend at that. Distraught by the events and disloyalty by his girlfriend and best friend, he storms off in anger all alone in the nightly rain. As he begins to cross the street, he gets hit by the infamous and classic truck-kun and dies upon impact. The protagonist is suddenly reincarnated into a new world, but not as a normal human but as a King. He isn't any King, however. He has been reborn as a God-Emperor, the Stongest King to exist who is seen as a God in their Kingdom. The protagonist soon discovers that his kingdom is in a crisis after a cruel war took place and his kingdom was destroyed. This is where the protagonist's legend begins in the story of Re-Born: Live, Lust, Conquer.

ForgottenSaint · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Onward! March Forward!

I got myself geared up and ready to lead my army to Idrisid. Lulu walked into my room and I looked at her. "Hey babe, what's up?"

"Babe? What's babe?" Lulu asked and tilted her head.

'Right...Different world. Seems like I went back in time.' I thought to myself.

"It's just a different term for my love, and dear." I said then finished getting ready. I walked over to her then gently held her shoulders. I felt how tense she was and smiled. "Don't worry, Lulu. We will make it back safely. I promise."

Lulu looked at me and her tail swayed. "I don't want to lose my husband that I just married yesterday. Please come back to me safely.."

I smiled and stroked her hair then kissed her lips. She kissed back and we kissed for a few seconds before I broke the kiss. "I'll come back...I promise that my love."

Iris knocked on the door. "Knock knock!~ Time to go Lord Brother!~"

I nodded at Iris then looked at Lulu. "I love you."

"I-I love you." Lulu said then placed her hand on my chest.

I rubbed her hair then walked off with Iris.

"Yeah I did good~" Iris giggled and bumped my hip.

"Yeah whatever squirt." I said then bumped her back.

Lulu watched us walk down the hall then a few battle maids walked to Lulu and began to escort her to the courtyard for a stroll.

Iris and I met up with the others and I noticed Charlotte with Raven. She seemed to have recovered quickly, but I wasn't sure if she was truly ready to go back out on the battlefield. I walked over to her.

"Oh, My King!~ I heard all about the wedding...I am quite jealous~ Maybe you can take my hand in marriage too and I can always fight at your side..~" Charlotte flirted.

"Well it seems like you're still at the old roots. Think you're ready to throw down again?" I asked.

"Throw down?" Charlotte asked.

'Yeah I'm definitely teaching this era my slang.' I thought to myself.

"It basically means are you ready to battle, get a little messy." I said.

"Of course! And I'd like to get a little messy with you~" Charlotte smirked.

"We'll see if that happens if your performance keeps me interested in you." I said then called my horse.

"He's totally into me." Charlotte said to Raven.

"Mhm." Raven said, doubtfully then got on her horse. Charlotte got on with her and giggled softly.

"Are you sure you want to go on the front lines, Your Highness? What if something happens to you?" Felix asked.

"We'll be fine, Felix. Besides, these bastards aren't gonna defeat themselves." I said then got on my horse.

"Right. Well then. Let's ride." Felix said then hopped on his horse.

Iris hopped on a horse with Yukari and held onto her. Yukari made sure Iris was holding on tightly and nodded then waited for my command.

Wolfe hopped on his horse and looked at me.

"Together we ride, charge forward!" I commanded and we all rode forward on our horses and the soldiers bellowed as they followed behind on their horses.

We charged down the plains and towards the first main enemy outposts. My soldiers charged forward and began to strike down the enemies. Within five minutes the outposts were cleared and a few soldiers began to set up their second camps here, expanding our land. I changed forward and Felix and the others followed behind.

"We're going all the way?" Felix asked.

"All the way, unless you think you can't handle it." I smirked.

"Ha! Old age isn't gonna stop me from showing the young ones how it's done." Felix said, bantering a bit.

"You sure old man? You look a little tired." I chuckled.

"Heh, allow me to demonstrate my true prowess in the next battle." Felix said.

"Wow! I didn't expect Grandpa Felix to banter with Lord Brother!" Iris said.

"Felix is all fired up. I can sense his boost in morale. This boost is bound to give him a boost in his power." Yukari said.

We continued to press forward until we reached our first enemy base. It seemed to be a small village meaning we were making a bit of progress.

"Lucerian Army ahead!" A soldier called out.

The horns blew and Theresa woke up. She sat up on her bed and held her head. She heard the horns then immediately got prepared and heard the groaning of her allies. Theresa hurried out of her room then left the house.

Felix dashed ahead and began to strike down the enemy soldiers as if they were nothing. The male knight charged forward and blocked Felix's next attack. He grunted as Felix was overpowering him.

"Your face seems new, you must be a new recruit." Felix said then pushed the knight back.

"My name is Sir Ignas III, heir to the throne in the Lais Empire! This is your end!" Ignas said then his Royal Crest shined on his armor.

"Well then...allow me to show you the power of a War General." Felix said then sheathed his claymore and summoned his double sided axe and shield.

"I thought Felix said he didn't have anything impressive about him other than his unparalleled strength and speed." I said.

"You're about to see what Felix can really do when he's fired up." Yukari said.

Felix dashed ahead and swung his axe at Ignas. Ignas dodged the first swung, but was blown away by a cutting wave from the second swung. He groaned as he crashed through a house and rolled backwards. Felix stomped his foot down and his eyes shined. He bellowed and threw his axe, sending it flying straight for Ignas.

I looked surprised as I noticed how far he threw his axe. "Whoa.."

Ignas noticed the axe as he stood up and jumped out of the way of its trajectory then noticed it stick to the wall. He began sweating realizing if he hadn't dodged it, he would've died. He noticed the axe disappear and stood up slowly. "What the hell...This must be the power of the legendary Felix Thuriya. If his power is that terrifying...imagine the God-Emperor."

"Seems like the enemy soldiers are retreating." Raven said.

"Awe and I was just starting to have fun." Charlotte sighed and placed a hand on her hip.

"Hahaha! Oh darling the fun's just started!" A woman's voice said.

We looked around then Iris yelped, blocking a magic beam. I looked back at Iris then looked ahead and noticed a woman in front of my face.

"Mmm~ The God-Emperor in the flesh..~ Such a wonderful aura you have. It would be a shame if I just took it!" The mage laughed.

She had long blonde hair that reached to her butt, very pale skin, pointed ears, and long claw like nails. She wore a tight black jumpsuit with knee high black boots, and a magic choker around her neck. She wore a blindfold around her eyes and had a tiny familiar floating around her.

"Your Majesty, she's a succubus! Watch out! That's Sareth from the Idrisid Kingdom who's known for hypnotizing men and killing them by having sex!" Yukari warned.

Sareth took off her blindfold and giggled, exposing her eyes which had hypnotic symbols in them. "Look into my eyes, God-Emperor..~" She said in an alluring, hypnotic manner.

I looked at the woman. The Royal Crest on my hand shined and allowed me to resist her hypnotic abilities then I palmed her away and she groaned as she slid away.

"So that's how you want to play..? Let's play that way.." Sareth said then summoned her cane.

"Allow me to handle this." Yukari said then walked forward, putting her hair in a ponytail.

"You believe you can defeat me?!" Sareth laughed and twirled her cane.

Yukari smirked and looked at Sareth. "Believe..? I don't need to believe. I know I'm striking you down."

Yukari threw down a smoke bomb then vanished in the smoke. Sareth looked around for Yukari then began to dodge a barrage of arrows and looked in the air. Yukari was in the air with her energy bow. Sareth laughed and blasted her with a magic beam. The beam hit Yukari and an explosion happened.

"Yukari..!" I called out.

"Don't worry Lord Brother~" Iris smiled.

The smoke cleared and a log was seen falling down. Yukari appeared above Sareth spinning horizontally then she kicked down and struck Sareth's head. Sareth groaned loudly as she was hit. Yukari landed on the ground then placed her hands on the ground and kicked Sareth's chin, knocking her in the air. She jumped after Sareth and began striking her body then kicked her higher in the air. She jumped again mid air then grabbed onto her.

"Her special move no other ninja has ever mastered." Felix said.

"Ninpo Arts!" Yukari said then began to drop headfirst and began spinning in a 360 degree angle.

"Stop this, you're gonna kill me!" Sareth bellowed and tried to use her magic to stop Yukari.

Yukari grunted and kept going with her attack. "Sky Hurricane Drop!" She bellowed and powerful winds surrounded the both of them.

'A real life Izuna Drop variation being performed right in front of me. This world is so fucking awesome.' I thought to myself.

Yukari and Sareth crashed to the ground and a large smoke cloud formed. Yukari appeared outside the smoke cloud then grunted and fell to one knee.

"Yukari!" Felix hurried to her.

"The bitch got me last second on my leg and right arm.." Yukari said then looked at Felix. "Because of that...the attack failed..but she should have still sustained a dangerous amount of damage."

Sareth groaned and coughed as she laid on the ground.

Theresa felt the mind control magic growing weaker and she looked more alive. She walked out to the battle area and noticed Sareth on the ground.

Charlotte noticed Theresa and smirked. "It's you again. Now it's time to get payback!"

Wolfe grabbed her arm and stopped her. "Hold on. Something's different about her."

Charlotte smacked Wolfe's hand and glared at him. "The only person I'll let touch me is My King! Rid your filthy hands off me, wild beast!"

Wolfe glared at Charlotte. "Well excuse me Princess."

Sareth slowly sat up and coughed. She chuckled then laughed. "That was a pretty nifty attack, but without your dominant arm and leg, you're finished."

Iris bellowed and rushed ahead then threw her shield at Sareth. Sareth dodged the shield and went for an attack on Iris, but a barrier blocked the attack. I held my hand out to Iris and walked forward.

"Lord Brother!" Iris looked at me.

"This ends now. Killing you will free that knight." I said.

"Ha! You want me dead? Well that will have to wait, God-Emperor! Until next time." Sareth laughed and warped away, forcing Theresa and Ignas with her.

I glared and looked ahead in the distance. "Got away, but this isn't over. I'm killing her and freeing those knights from her hold."

"She's the one mind controlling them. It seems her insanity magic has more effect on Theresa than it does Ignas." Felix said.

"Insanity." I said then looked at Felix. "You seem to know them. Is Theresa usually like that?"

"No." Felix answered and closed his eyes. "She used to be a gentle soul before Sareth came along, killing her family and kidnapping her forcing her into the ranks of Idrisid."

"Sareth may be beautiful, but she's a monster. She must die along with the King of Idrisid." Yukari said as she stood up with the support of Raven.

"I see. Let's stop here for now. Rest up and tomorrow we continue forward." I said.

"Perfect timing. It's starting to get late anyway." Felix said.

"Our numbers in soldiers are still looking good so we don't have a reason to backtrack." Yukari said.

"I claim the bed with My King!" Charlotte said then marched forward towards me. "Besides as a Princess it is my duty to satisfy My King~ Ohohohoho!~"

"If you're gonna do that laugh, I'd rather sleep with a pack of wolves." I said.

"THANK YOU!" Raven said.

"Don't worry, for you I won't laugh like that~ Come now, let us find a private place~" Charlotte said then held my arm and began to walked with me to one of the the houses.

The others began to claim their houses for the night and the soldiers claimed what they could. Some stood guard and kept awatch out along with Wolfe who seemed to never sleep like Raven.

Raven found Wolfe after laying Yukari down with Iris and watched him. Wolfe noticed her walking up then scooted over for her to sit down.

"How do you deal with that royal brat?" Wolfe asked.

"We're good friends. She can get very annoying but I learn to deal with her. She's enjoyable when you get past her...difficulties." Raven said then used her binoculars to look at the night sky.

"Huh. So do you think she actually likes God-Emperor Ares?" Wolfe asked and used his binoculars to keep a watch out for enemy attacks.

"Oh yeah. She's already got plans of marrying him and having children." Raven said.

"A woman like her couldn't possibly like anyone. She seems like someone who only wants a man because he's rich and has high status." Wolfe said.

"That's usually how the stuff goes, but I couldn't tell more or less. Charlotte will do what Charlotte wants. Even if it means having sex with the King for her own pleasure. She needs it so she can stop bothering and annoying me." Raven said.

Raven and Wolfe began to grow closer and Felix noticed it and smiled. He kept a watch out as well and stood guard outside the house Yukari and Iris were in.

Charlotte began to take off her armor and sighed then sat on the bed. "So tired. Can you comfort me tonight?~"

I took off my armor as well and looked at Charlotte through the mirror. I smirked and closed my eyes. "You're really into me aren't you."

"Well yes. Why wouldn't I be?" Charlotte asked.

I walked over to Charlotte and she looked up at me. "What do you find so attractive about me?"

"Well...I like your figure and your eyes and your strength and your personality?" Charlotte smiled innocently.

"Yeah, I bet you say that to all the princes and kings my age." I rolled my eyes.

"Some of it yeah, but there's just something different about you. It feels like you're just so out of this world. I like you because you aren't like all these other royals who just ignore their people and knights. I see you have an actual good relationship with your people and knights. I want to be more than a knight. I want to be beside you." Charlotte said.

I sat beside Charlotte and looked at her. "Can I ask you something?"

"Yes of course, what is on your mind?" Charlotte looked at me.

"I want to know more about you. What exactly happened to your kingdom?" I looked at her.

Charlotte looked at me then looked down. "Well it's as simple as it was destroyed during the war. Anyone who was in alliance with Luceros was prone for ultimate destruction by those who sought out the end of Luceros and the end of the Luceros Bloodline. My kingdom happened to be an ally and we got wiped out."

"I see. Well.." I said then took Charlotte's hand and held her hand into mine. "We are pretty much the same being the last of our family. Well kinda, Iris is still alive and even if she isn't blood she's still family. I won't let anything happen to you."

"Ares.." Charlotte said then looked at our hands then back into my eyes.

I smiled then stood up. "Let us rest. We have another long day tomorrow ahead of us."

Charlotte blushed and nodded. "Alright."