
Ranking and Reward in Naruto World

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Naruto, as Naruto's twin brother. He also got the system and the knowledge of a certain Ranking and Reward system. With this system and knowledge, will he become one of the best Shinobi in this world, or will he stay as an ordinary person? Follow the journey of Zokuto in his endevour in the world of Naruto.

Thundertroy · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 20: Whoever Lost, get Seppukued.

- Count-down before the Chuunin Competition: 0D:0H:59M:33S.

"Are you ready guys?"


"Let's go!"

Zokuto as the lead, was the first one to touch the Golden Totem. The moment he touched the totem, he was teleported into another place. This place is a very large and spacious platform that was floating on air. Far below the platform, there is a big blue land. Looking around, Zokuto saw many other participants already on the platform.

swish! swish!

More participants came out of nowhere and popped onto the platform. The others from Tonika Village also appeared on the platform.

"Huh, where is this place?"

"I think we are on some kind of stage or platform."

"Yikes! We are suspended in air!"

"Look below. There is a big blue ball."

"Stupid. That is a land."

"Land? Is it moon?"

"Baaka. Moon is not blue. Also, that is more like a floating continent."

The participant got into a hot discussion about their current location. Suddenly, a guy was pushed by someone and fall from the platform.

"Ah!? AAAAAHHH!!!"

The guy screamed, and his sound of scream followed him down below. However, he was teleported again onto the platform.

#Kawaki Kizu is disqualified!

"Huh!? Wai..."

The one who pushed and made the guy fall got disqualified and teleported away to the place where he found the Golden Totem and used it to sign in. When he saw the totem, he touched it to sign in again. However, the moment he touched the totem, he was electrocuted by a high voltage of electric current. The guy fainted from the shock, and dropped on the ground beside the totem.

This scene is shown in the air above the platform where all the participant stand. Seeing this, all the participant become wary. Some participant who have the same idea to ambush any participant on the platform to dwindle down their number, stopped their scheme.

The golden screen seems to have the mechanism to check any rule breaker, and give a punishment to those rule breaker.

- Count-down time before the Chuunin Competition: 0D:0H:0M:03S


- The Chuunin Competition will be starting now. In the first round, every participant will be transported onto the Lost Beast Land, with the task of collect Gold Light. The total of Gold Light collected will then represent the participant rank in the next round. Reminder: There is no restriction on the participant's action. Dead participant will be resurrected, but no longer qualified to participate in the competition. Good luck! Count-down time for first round: 1D:23H:59M:59S. Total participant: 476 people.

The moment the golden screen showed the count-down time is the moment all the participants got transported onto the floating land below.


On a certain forest in the floating land, a kid with a gourd appeared out of nowhere. After arriving here, he checked his surrounding. After making sure that no one in his vicinity, he moved forward to find the Gold Light.

After walking cautiously for almost a kilometer, he found a glittering light ball. The light from it was gold in color. Seeing this, he showed a small smile and approached that ball. Before he take the ball, he checked again his surrounding. After making sure that nothing seems dangerous, he then took the ball of gold light.

"Earth release: Pebble Barrage!"

Suddenly, someone released a barrage of pebble toward the gourded kid. The kid evaded, but almost halfnof the pebble barrage shot him through, riddling him with so many hole.

'Did I kill him?' A Genin with the head band of Iwagakure who was hiding nearby was surprised that his sneak attack successfully shot his target. The gourded kid dropped to the ground, near the Gold Light. Seeing this, the Iwagakure kid stepped out and tried to grab the light ball. However, hands made out of sand caught his legs.

"Desert Grande Espada!"

A sharp blade of sand slashed upward and cut the Iwa genin in two, from left to right.

#Shizu Karaki is disqualified!

Seeing this disqualification with his spy eye, Gaara who is hiding under the sand clone that already fall to the ground felt relieved. He then come out of the ground and took the Gold Light.

"I wonder, where are the others got transported to." thought Gaara, while trying to seal the light ball in a sealing storage. However, the Gold Light was unable to be kept in sealing storage.

"It seems like this thing need to be contained in a physical container and cannot be sealed away."

He then put the light ball in his gourd. "With this, no one will be able to see my collection of Gold Light." whispered Gaara. He then continued his search for Gold Light.

On another side of the land, someone is constantly flashing by to search and grab a Gold Light. With five gate of Twelve Perfect Gates opened, added the effect of Sage Mode, Naruto travelled speedily while seaeching for any Gold Light. Right now, he already managed to collect three Gold Light.

"You know Naruto, the way I see it, you are just wasting your energy by activating both taijutsu and ninjutsu of this level at the early game." advised Yin Kurama.

"Don't worry. I know What I'm doing." said Naruto.

"Sigh. You with your stubbornness. Up to you then. Don't come crying to me later" Yin Kurama.

Ten minute later, Naruto got exhausted and exited the Sage Mode. Another ten minute passed by, and Naruto can no longer maintain his opened five gates. He then crouched down on the ground in weariness. Although he managed to grab another two light ball, making his Gold Light collection increase to five, it costed him much chakra energy and vitality.

"Ha...haa. I need to rest for a moment. You are right Kurama, I seems to waste some energy." said Naruto.

"Hmph! It's not 'seems', it is 'really'. Now listen. Although you already are able to use those jutsu, it does not mean that your body are ready to run such technique, not to mention using those ninjutsu an taijutsu together." elaborated Kurama. "For now, just hide and take some rest first."

"Okay. Thanks Kurama." Naruto then hid on a tree and rested, trying to regain his lost energy as soon as possible.

Somewhere east of the floating land.

"You want to challenge me and this Gold Light as a reward? Fine. Take this explosion of mine."

"An explosion? I can do that too. Take this."

Here, the Uchiha Little Maniac met the bomber maniac of Iwagakure. When Natsu saw Deidara trying to take a Gold Light, his 'challenge' sickness kicked in, and he directly challenged Deidara. This resulted in these two throwing explosion to each other.

Seeing that his explosion attack got cancelled out by the other's explosion tag, it agitated Deidara for a bit. He want to use more advanced bomb, but suddenly, both of them got attacked by another participant.

"Water Release: Water Trumpet!"

"Gah! I hate water."

"Ah! My bomb got wet!"

Kamizuru Kurotsuchi suddenly attacked them, drenching both the unprepared Natsu and Deidara. After that she quickly took the Gold Light between the two.

"You two barbarian can continue fighting. I will keep this for you. Bye. Hahaha!"

Kurotsuchi run away and disappeared in the distance in a flash. When the two kid recovered, they saw that the Gold Light has already been taken away.

"Bastard! This is because of you, Uchiha Moron!"

"Huuh? that should be your fault for getting distracted. Baaka!"

"You are the stupid one. Take this."

"Do you think I'm afraid. Have a taste of this."

Both of them throw a couple of kunai. The moment these kunais got into contact with each other, Deidara's kunai erupted into a blast of bomb, while Natsu's flared into a flame.

'He read my thought'. both Natsu and Deidara.

They then jumped and attacked each other in close combat. When they was locked to each other, Natsu's body suddenly turned into fire.

"Got you. Fire Release: Flaming Clone!"


The fire engulfed Deidara, forcing him to jump back a distance away. His body was smoked for a moment. When the smoke disappeared, a burn mark was seen on his left hand.

"Hahaha. How does it feel getting burned?"

Natsu attacked Deidara with his tanto. The tanto cut Deidara from his shoulder to his chest.


"I'll give you the taste of your own medicine. Explosion Release: Explosive Clay Clone!"

Bam! "Arghh!"

This time, Natsu was the one getting blasted for several meters away. When he stood up again, his right hand are already got some bruises from the impact of the explosion. If not because of his fast reaction, his right hand might have been destroyed thoroughly.

"You are really cunning huh."

"Same to you."

"This is not going anyway. Let's have a fair fight."

"Sure. Let do this with a fist fight."

The two then used their fist to fight each other. However, the moment their fist almost in contact, both of them opened their fist showing each with clay bomb and an explosive tag.

"Ahh!" "Geh!"

Both hand almost got burned and blasted.

"Bastard! F#@k with your fair fight. Explosion Release: Explosive Clay Doll!"

"You are the bastard! Katon: Goukakyuu no Jutsu!"

After that, the two continued their little scuffle.


North of Lost Beast Land.

Zokuto appeared on top of a hill. Looking around, he sensed no one close by. He then created five clones, and tasked five of his bijuu to each of his clone.

"Now we are set. Let's grab some Gold Light."

"Zokuto-kun, are you abandoning me again this time?" questioned Saya.

"Uh...Well, you will go with me then.Kurama, switch with her." said Zokuto, while sweating with Saya's question. Kurama then switched with Saya. "Well, we are..set? Let's go." Zokuto moved first to search for a Gold Light.

"Hei guys. How about making a little competition?" Zokuto clone A.

"Sure. What's the bet?" Clone B.

"I think you guy know the bet." Clone D.

"Whoever lost, get seppukued." said Clone E.

"Uh, you guys are bad. I will report you to main body." Clone C.

"Shut up." all the other clones. The bijuus sweated seeing their antic.

"Remember the bet. Seppuku!"

They then dispersed from that location.