
Ranking and Reward in Naruto World

A man died and reincarnated into the world of Naruto, as Naruto's twin brother. He also got the system and the knowledge of a certain Ranking and Reward system. With this system and knowledge, will he become one of the best Shinobi in this world, or will he stay as an ordinary person? Follow the journey of Zokuto in his endevour in the world of Naruto.

Thundertroy · Fantasy
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56 Chs

Chapter 21: A Way for Bijuu to Evolve.

-Count-down time: 1D:04H:26M:33S. Total participant: 334 people.

The number of participant left on the floating land are keep lessening. This is because there are many danger that awaited every participant on that land. There are two biggest danger factor that contribute to this. One of them is attacked by other participants. The other is attacks from beasts!


On an open field, Kubo is trying his best to outrun an aggressive T-Rex. Just sometimes ago, he was walking merrily after he got transported onto this land. Somehow, he felt like taking a pee. He then find a secluded place and...well, he did pee on a sleeping T-Rex. The beast that he thought was a rock, got enraged and roared in anger. After that, the beast chased after Kubo as if he just stole something precious to that beast.

He tried to scare the beast by attacking it with kunai, but it's skin is as hard as a metal. The attack though infuriated the T-Rex even more. It charged at the escaping Kubo with all it's might. There is a time when the T-Rex claw almost cut Kubo's head. This frightened Kubo so much that he did no longer think of attacking the beast, and run away as fast as he can. This is how they ended into chase and run, until now.

Suddenly, Kubo saw a person in the far distance. Looking carefully, he was surprised and become happy because he know this person.

"Help! Sensei, please help me!"

Zokuto who is about to pick a Gold Light turned sideway and looked at Kubo. Saya who is on his shoulder also looked at Kubo.

"Ah. It's you Kubo. How's your Gold Light collection? Did you manage to get any?"

"Sensei, it's not the time to chat. I'm in danger here. The beast is almost upon me." shouted Kubo.

"Dinosaur? Well, that thing look very durable. No wonder you cannot defeat it." said Zokuto, looking curiously at the T-Rex.

"This thing is dangerous. It's energy is identical to a bijuu's chakra." said Saya.

"Let me give him a hand then. Earth Release: Earth Fissure!"

A crevice suddenly opened below the T-Rex, causing it to fall. Zokuto made the crevice extended even deeper in the ground, making the T-Rex fall even deeper.

"Earth Release: Earth Closure!"

Zokuto then made both side of the crevice to close, trapping the T-Rex inside temporarily.

"This should be able to restrain, or trap the dinosaur temporarily. We should leave this place before that beast got out from there." said Zokuto. He then brought Kubo away from that place.

"Thanks sensei. I nearly died there. That thing almost ate me." Kubo, thanking Zokuto sincerely. "By the way sensei, how do you know this creture is a dinosaur?"

"I have seen it before. You should be careful next time. There are many beast like this everyway on this land." reminded Zokuto. "I will get going then. Hopefully, you can make it into the ranking."

"Hei sensei, we are not going together?"

"Huuh? Surely not. We are in the middle of a competition. You need to collect Gold Light on your own. Don't worry of getting wounded or dying."

"Sensei, don't jinx it!"

"Whatever. Good luck on your own. Bye." Zokuto left in a flash, leaving the perplexed Kubo. Kubo sighed, and moved away to searh the Gold Light.


- Count-down time: 0D:16H:45M:50S. Total participant: 256 people.

On a certain hill, Kroku who is surrounded by genins, crouched down and picked a Gold Light.

"With this, I already collected a total of 19 Gold Light." whispered Kroku.

"This make you one Gold Light ahead of me." said Kimimaro at his side.

"Well, we already discussed that whoever found the Gold Light first can take it." replied Kroku.

Just six hours ago, Kroku met Kimimaro. The two then decided to travel together, and also made a deal. The deal was that whoever found a Gold Light first, he will be the one to have it. If both of them found it at the same time, then they will decide with a paper-scissor-rock game.

"I know. That aside, how do we deal with these noisy genins?"

"Let's eliminate them as fast as we could."

"How fast?"

"10 second."

"Fine by me."

The two guy then used their best jutsu to eradicate those poor genins as fast as they can.

On another side of the land, two kids are using teleportation technique to avoid attacks from a group of flying piranhas. These two are Hyuuga Hinata and Yuki Haku.

Like Kroku and Kimimaro, they met not too long ago. Haku who is someone very loyal to Zokuto, feel obliged to take care of Hinata, who is a friend of Zokuto. However, while they travelled together, they met a horde of flying piranhas. These beasts directly attacked them. Initially, they tried to just kill it. However, there are too many piranhas. To make it worse, the teeth of these flying beast is very hard and sharp, that they can bite any kunai or shuriken that was thrown to them, like biting a vegetable.

In the end, Haku and Hinata was forced to flee. At first, Haku was worried for Hinata. However, when he saw her flash away with a Raijin Kunai in her hand, he brushed away his worry. He then used his ice mirror to teleport or escape whenever he was attacked by these flying fish.

Suddenly, the piranhas stopped chasing them and changed direction toward something. Seeing their movement, the two looked at that direction.

"Zokuto" "Zokuto-kun"

Hearing this, Zokuto B (clone B) turned away to look at the direction.

"Yikes. Piranhas? And a group of piranhas that can fly?" Zokuto B.

"These creature look delicious. Also, they got this bijuu like energy." said the lazy Mora. "Zokuto let me help you deal with them." added Mora while licking his lips.

"Sure. But don't make it obvious. I don't like it when you eat fish raw." Zokuto B.

"You human sureworry to much on eating ethics." said Mora. He then launched himself toward the piranhas. In an instant, he grow into a gigantic bijuu. Several chakra hand extended out and caught many flying. After that, Mora tried to knock down these piranhas by punching or clawing them with his chakra hand, but failed most of the time. So he used another trick. He made the piranha he caught to knock each other. This approach seems more effective and knocked down many of the piranhas.

Fifteen minutes later, the piranhas was cleared and stacked on the ground, creating a small mountain of piranhas.

"Here. I already knocked them down." said Mora, who already turned into his mini form. "I will abide your ethics. So, please cook these for me." he added with his cat eye looking at Zokuto.

'If I have never seen his bijuu form, I might thought that that is a normal black cat. I might be tempted to pat it's head.' thought Haku, who already beside Zokuto.

"Um. Zokuto-kun, Mora-kun seems to be hungry. Can we just cook the fish for him?" asked Hinata.

'Hinata, don't get fooled by that 'cat'. Besides, I dont know if those piranhas is edible.' whispered Haku, but kept his advise on his mind.

"Okay then. However, this will take a bit of our time. Sigh, I might need to perform a seppuku after this." said Zokuto B.

"What is a seppuku?" asked Hinata.

Zokuto B sweated but still answered "Well...its a kind of punishment game for us clone of Zokuto."

"You are a clone?" Hinata and Haku was surprised by this fact. This Zokuto is bringing out a bijuu. Therefore, they thought he was the real deal, and not a clone.

"Ah. Did I not tell you? Forget about that. I can only cook some of these fish. So, I will store the rest of it." said Zokuto B.

"I will help you."

"Let me help you too."

They then get into cooking. Not long later, they finished doing the chef stuff. Fortunately, there are no beasts or genins that attacked them.

"Here. Your favorite food." Zokuto B gave Mora some sticks of grilled piranhas. Mora took it and ate it excitedly. A moment later after he finished eating one of the grilled fish, Mora stopped in surprise.

"Hei Zokuto, the energy inside the fish seems to integrate into my chakra body. It can improve my state of chakra, although only a bit. However, I have this feeling that it might help me to evolve. Maybe evolving into seven tail bijuu?"

"What?? Are you sure about this?" said Zokuto B in shock.

"I think so. No, I'm sure of it." said Mora. He then finished eating his food. "Yes. Now I am really sure of it's effect. There is an evolving progress in my body."

"Then, this is a serious matter. I need to inform the main body."

"You don't need to worry about that. I am his bijuu and my seal is connecting me to him. I already sent a message through this connection." said Mora.

"Thanks for that. Let's change our plan. Our priority is to catch more beast from this land. Hopefully, we get the same result when consuming those beasts."

"How about us? Do we go and catch se beast too?" asked Haku.

"You can do so. But your priority is to collect as much Gold Light as possible. Otherwise, you will not get into the ranking list later on." answered Zokuto B. "Let's move out. We don't have much of a time left. I'm sure the main body has already informed the other clone. I don't want to be beaten by them in catching those beasts."

He then brought Mora and disappeared in the distance in a flash.

"That guy just left us here." said Haku while sighing.