
Random K-Pop System

Author: dexxterzxc
Realistic Fiction
Ongoing · 158.4K Views
  • 35 Chs
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  • NO.200+

What is Random K-Pop System

Read ‘Random K-Pop System’ Online for Free, written by the author dexxterzxc, This book is a Realistic Fiction Novel, covering ROMANCE Fiction, SYSTEM Light Novel, COMEDY Internet Novel, and the synopsis is: An ex-assassin connected with a random system after death (not a dark story), get a chance to restart his life, what wil...


An ex-assassin connected with a random system after death (not a dark story), get a chance to restart his life, what will he do? K-pop story, enjoy.

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【男女主相濡以沫,故事偏向现实,治愈暖文。】 一场意外,九岁的顾流笙遇到七岁的慕洛宸(chen), 她是孤女,被遗弃;他是少爷,被弃养; 挺好,两人互补,相互取暖生存; 再后来,他们相伴,相依,再相爱; 她侧头,在签名前,忐忑的又问:“我们真的现在。。。结婚?” 他嘴角带笑,工整的签上自己的名字,抬头看她,眼睛流光溢彩, 他说:“阿笙,以后,由我护你一世安稳!” 她幸福的笑了,趴在他怀中,真暖和! *** 一场阴谋,他突然失踪,她苦等归来; 再遇,六年后,他说:“顾总,你认错人了。” 她包容含笑,落落大方,伸出手,说:“慕总,重新认识一下,我是顾流笙。” 他淡淡点头,伸手,说:“我是慕洛宸。” 她放下手,轻轻拢起手指,想要把手心的暖留住。 他放下手,将手插入裤兜里,不经意的说:“顾总,晚上的晚宴,可否做的我女伴?” 她抿嘴,忍住笑意,也云淡风轻的说:“好呀,我的荣幸。” 于是那晚,‘老气’女财阀顾流笙把上了年轻绝艳的慕三少,上了头条! 江城人人都说,顾流笙,好手腕。 慕洛宸眉头轻皱,说:“顾总,我们。。。以前认识?” 顾流笙将自己投入他的怀中,感叹说:“好暖和,我等了六年,你终于回来!” 【慕洛宸与顾流笙的爱情诠释:】 爱是两人在捱过长长的生命颠簸后,还会跟对方说一句‘下辈子,我还想和你在一起’!

萧潇爱 · General
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The story is pretty good, the pacing is a little fast and the characters can be a little bland. But overall not a bad read. I'm not a huge fan of how the author does dialogue, but I've seen far worse and it definitely isn't unbearable.






Good......................... 💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥💥


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