
Random K-Pop System

An ex-assassin connected with a random system after death (not a dark story), get a chance to restart his life, what will he do? K-pop story, enjoy.

dexxterzxc · Realistic
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35 Chs

Ch 3 Random (3)

'Damn it, shouldn't have listen to her advice, this is even worse than getting shot, ah just kill me...' In the end, Jay decided to listen to Random and returns to reality just to get that +5 endurance.

"Halmeoni... this oppa is not waking up... wah..." Suddenly, a little girl's crying voice can be heard nearby.

"Jee Eun ah! Don't look, close your eyes, grandma will go take a closer look okay? Yeobo" He hears someone walking closer to him.

"Oh no... both the parents are dead... what about the kid? Thank god, there's still pulse! Gotta call the ambulance right now!"

Meanwhile Jay's POV

'Random, please tell me there's a way for me to go unconscious immediately.'

'For a normal person, he or she would've already fainted automatically because of the pain, but oppa's will is too strong for that, are you sure you are not a masochist?'

'This is not the time to be strong-willed, can't you do anything?'

'Just hold it for a little while longer, the ambulance is coming, and you will be given anesthesia. Look, your endurance is rising slowly!'

'Fuck the endurance points!'


Ambulances and police cars arrive at scene.

"Everyone please move out the way!" A few cops clear the area and take control of the situation. Two paramedics rushes to Jay while the others go to check on his parents and driver. After giving some emergency treatment to him, they slowly carry him into the ambulance with a stretcher, Jee Eun and her grandmother follow them. Jee Eun holds his hand tightly the whole way to the hospital.


Emergency room

After being anesthetized, Jay's conscious returns to the dimension.

"This is kinda weird, watching yourself getting operated, ooh, that's gonna leave a mark." Jay and Random are watching the operation through the big screen.

"Since we have nothing to do now, I need to mention one thing to you. From this point onward, you come in this dimension through your conscious freely."

"You mean I can control it at will?"

"Yes you can, but better do it when you are sleeping or when there's no one around, you don't wanna just pass out in the middle of the road suddenly right?"

"Right, by the way, this angle of view showing on the screen, how did you do that?" They are looking at the operation from directly above the operation table.

"Oh, think of it like an invisible eyeball floating around you, watching your surrounding, that's how I watch and record everything that's happening outside the dimension, I can't be too far away from you though, the maximum range is about 2 meters."

"That's good enough, if I have you in my past life, everything would've been so much easier."

"Ehehe, is that a compliment oppa?" ^-^


"C'mon oppa, that's a compliment right?!"


Suddenly a small ball of light appears in front of him, and then it slowly changes it's form into a slim figure.


"Oh, so this makes you talk! No wonder they say it's better to have a conversation face to face."

"Since when can you do this?"

"Always, this is my dimension, I can do whatever I want, same as you oppa, you are my master afterall."

"So you can change your appearance into anyone?"

"Everyone that has appeared in your memories, yes. Their personality will be just like how you imagined it, but of course they will be different in real life."

"T-then, can you make them n-naked?"

"Ahh!!! Oppa you pervert!!!" She crouches down and covers her chest.

"That was solely for research purposes! There are no bad intentions at all!"

"...nobody would believe that oppa... but to your answer your question, no I can't, because you have never physically see it before, so even if I try, everything would just be mosaicked."


"You were thinking of it afterall weren't you?!"

"Anyway, I'm gonna start meditating right now, wake me up when the operation is over, wait no, wake me up a day after the operation is over, people might be suspicious if I wake up too soon."

"You are trying to dodge the question aren't you?! How do you even meditate in this state?!"


Outside the emergency room

A police officer is asking Jee Eun's grandmother about the accident, and she answered them his questions truthfully.


"That's a brave kid right there, a very stupid brave kid. Let's just hope he can handle it when he wakes up. Thanks for your cooperation ajumeoni, take care!" The officer shakes his head in pity and leaves the area.

Jee Eun has already fallen asleep on her lap, still sobbing from time to time. She gently pats her back, trying to give her some comfort.

"I should call them..." She takes out her phone and calls Jee Eun's parents.


Fast forward to the evening next day

"Oppa! Wake up! Something happened!"

"Hmm...? What? Can I return to my body now?"

"Yes, but you better take a look at your status bar."

Name: Jay Kim

Birthday: 14 Feb 1986

Age: 15

Health: 80/100

Base attribute:

1. Strength - 28 (25)

2. Agility - 30

3. Dexterity - 30

4. Endurance - 28 (25)

5. Stamina - 30

6. Intelligence - 70

"I don't see any problem."

"Your health is at 80% now, how do you even recover 45% in just one night with that kind of injuries?! And your attributes also increased, that's not normal at all."

"...this is a good thing isn't it?"

"I mean, it is but I still wanna know the reason!"

"Maybe it's because of the meditation I did yesterday? Look at my skill."


Meditation - Master (62/80) - greatly recover health, buff your attributes, returns to normal after a day.

"...this is a cheat skill isn't it? How did you even bring the meditation skill to master level in your previous life?"

"Well, being an assassin, you rarely have the chance to sleep for real, so I meditate."

"That sound really sad... but with this, you are really overpowered, especially the buffs it gives."

"Nah, I wanna sleep normally in this life, so I won't be using that skill if I don't have to."


"Thank you for giving me the chance Miss Random! And don't call me master, we are partner, oppa is fine." This is the first time Jay has smiled sincerely in a very long time.

"Now, I think should go back out there, I wanna test this new body of mine."

"Nae oppa!" (^-^)/
