
Chapter 27

She sits back on the bed next to me. My breathing slows unceremoniously. We are quiet for a moment, both of us naked from the waist down on my bed.

“Damn,” Layla comments, her voice thick with post-sex fatigue.

I sigh. Her phone chimes from somewhere on the floor, and she gets off the bed, finding the phone in her jeans and reading from the glowing screen.

“I’m gonna take off,” Layla says.

“Hm?” I yawn, feeling suddenly tired. “Okay…”

Layla hurriedly pulls on her boxers and jeans. I get up to retrieve pajama pants from my dresser drawer.

“I’ve really gotta get going,” she says suddenly, looking at her phone as I sit back on the bed to put my pants on.

“Oh okay, just a sec.”

“It’s okay, I’ll let myself out,” she says. “I have something to do with the Riot Dykes.”

“What, now?” I ask. “It’s the middle of the night.”

“Yeah,” she says, patting my head patronizingly.

You stupid girl, her eyes seem to say. You couldn’t possibly understand.