
Chapter 26

“Are you okay?”

“What?” she asks breathlessly. “Oh, yeah. Had another Riot Dykes thing and Blaze lives in the neighborhood so I drove her back here. I felt like we had some…unfinished business.”

She gazes down on me, her eyes delivering her silent message. “You have to know why I’ve come.”

And, of course, I do. People don’t make surprise visits like this late at night to have coffee and a chat. And anyway, it’s not like Layla could ever love me: we’re too different. I am practicality and she is revolution.

The logical part of me is begging the rest of me to ask her to leave and go to bed, but the scream of longing from my insides is too loud to ignore.

“What can I say,” she drawls. “The revolution makes me horny.”