
Chapter 28

“When Michael and James died in Chicago, we got word that some right wing groups were coming to picket their funeral. And queer activists were our lifeline—there was this group Les Femmes, here in New York, that flew out and formed a human chain outside the church to block the protestors. They’re an amazing group of human beings—cis women, trans women, nonbinary people, of all sexualities you can imagine. They’re non-violent. And they show up when it countsI would be a member now that I’m back here if it wasn’t a conflict of interest—I want to be able to represent any of them if they need it.”

“Wow,” I breathe.

“And of course, the Riot Dykes were nowhere to be found. They don’t care about actually helping anyone outside of their little group. And what they’re doing…what they did last night…makes things really complicated for all LGBTQ activists. It makes everyonelook bad.”