
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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Trying to fool quiz game

As a spy, Peggy Carter inadvertently tested the authenticity of Steve Rogers. From the perspective of the player Steve Rogers, he can see particularly sincere emotions, including nostalgia and love, as well as a touch of sadness and regret.

Peggy Carter couldn't help but burst into tears. Who else could show such true affection and love to such a dying old lady as herself, except her own good boy?

"Steve, we haven't seen each other for so long, I don't know what happened, but I'm still happy to see you!"

She knew that her time was approaching. After all, she had lived for too long, and she would die eventually. Those old friends she knew passed away one by one, and she would follow closely to reunite with them.

So when Peggy Carter was sick in bed before, her only regret was that she couldn't see Steve Rogers.

Player Steve Rogers smiled: "Yeah, it's been a long time, but you are still so charming, my best girl."

After the two hugged each other with emotion, they finally remembered the business.

Sharon Carter suggested that Peggy Carter go for a full-body examination. She was very curious about what just player Steve Rogers and the player Tony Stark did.

She doesn't understand how they did it, they can make an old woman who is on the verge of death instantly healthy.

Of course, there are also some concerns about whether this supernatural phenomenon will have some negative effects.

Peggy Carter understood what she meant well, but she still refused, "I feel good now, better than ever. I feel like I am 20 years old again, look!"

After she finished speaking, she did a backflip on the spot.

It is of course very dangerous for an old woman in her nineties to do this kind of action, but Peggy Carter's skill is exceptionally flexible.

Sharon Carter was stunned: "I don't understand, it's unscientific!"

The player Tony Stark blinked, and said with a smile: "So, you can regard this as magic, after all, it's not restricted by scientific rules."

Sharon Carter shook her head: "I was shocked by everything that happened tonight, two Captain America, two Iron Man, honestly speaking, I am in a daze right now, as if I am dreaming. "

"I think anyone who encounters this kind of thing will feel confused." Peggy Carter taught her niece: "But when we face these doubts, we can't be confused, Steve, you should have a lot of things to tell me, right?"


The two captain America glanced at each other. Of course, they would not hide anything when things had developed to this point.

Player Steve Rogers also communicated with Bruce Wayne on the team channel, now that they have revealed some of the future to themselves in this world and nothing bad happened.

That seems to suggest that the quiz game is not limited in this regard, they can tell Peggy Carter.

In any case, she was the founder of the famous SHIELD, so she should be able to provide them with some help.

So Steve Rogers told the ins and outs of the matter, including his origin, the purpose of coming to this parallel world, and the existence of the quiz game.

Sharon Carter listened to their narration, and kept getting shocked, Peggy Carter seemed very calm and composed on this.

"About your mission, I have an idea, you can try it."

Normal people will have a lot of questions when they hear these incredible things told by player Steve Rogers, just like Sharon Carter.

She was feeling very confused right now, and there were too many things she wanted to figure out, but she also knew that she was a small character in front of these people, so she couldn't speak indiscriminately.

But Peggy Carter is different. She has a flat smile on her face, and without any surprise, she actively advises players Steve Rogers and player Tony Stark.

"Your task is to train a young man named Peter Parker and help him defeat Captain America, but there is no limit on the occasion or time, so Steve, you can go directly to fight that young man, Then if you lose to him, you may be able to complete the task."

The Captain America of this world: "Am I going to play a fixed game? Haha, I can try it, but I don't think there should be such a loophole for cheating."

Player Tony Stark said: "Bruce also mentioned this method, you can try it, if it succeeds, it can save a lot of time so that we can do other things."

Of course, changing the future of this parallel world is more important than teaching the immature Peter Parker.

They found in the trial that the quiz game does not seem to have restrictions on this, so they can do it with confidence and boldly, they can't waste this trip on only teaching peter parker.

Peggy Carter added: "You can split up and Steve will follow Peter, both to teach the young man and to try to complete the task ahead of time. Others will change the tragic future. The death of the King of Wakanda is an important event. If he can be rescued, it shows that the future of our world can be changed. "

Without the participation of players like them, Peggy Carter might have passed away in these two days. They saved Peggy Carter's life and achieved the first achievement that changed the future of the world.

After a brief discussion, Peggy Carter also gave them help, using her influence to help the four players arrange a reasonable identity, and promised to give them other support when necessary.

Time was running out, everyone did not delay and immediately started to act.

After returning to New York, Captain America of this world went to meet Peter Parker and fight a fake match as they had expected before, trying to fool the quiz game but they failed. The task given by the quiz game would not leave such an obvious loophole.

That being the case, Captain America also start teaching Peter as a sparring partner. In addition, Tony Stark also sent him a combat uniform. All this made Peter even happier.

Give me power stone again I need lots of stones as paperweights

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