
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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Captain America

Peter was overjoyed. He has always been a low-key person that no one cares about, but now he has been taught by so many superheroes, whether it is Captain America or Iron Man, they are all idols he admires very much and now they are personally training him, this made Peter happy.

"I'm so happy, omg, I'm going to record all of this and show it to my kids in the future, hahaha"

Although the optimistic and lively Peter has a chatty personality that can give headaches to anyone, but he is smart and talented and is not afraid of hard work. Even if he was exhausted from the practice, he would not complain and that's why he made great progress in such a short time.

In the beginning, he couldn't even fight one round against Captain America, and now it seems that he can fight at least 6-7 rounds against him.

"If possible, I would like to teach this kid more, he will have great achievements in the future."

Tony Stark looked at Peter dangling in the woods in the distance, with a somewhat gratified smile on his face.

He likes this energetic Peter. And Of course, the most important thing is that the rewards for participating in teaching Peter are very generous.

Player Tony Stark used the laboratory and materials of Iron Man in this world to create a set of spider suits for Peter, which gave him 50 points.

Tony Stark sighed: "I have never found that earning points is so easy before. Could it be that the boy in the spider suit is the protagonist hand-picked by the quiz game?"

Bruce Wayne said in a deep voice: "Think about the next thing, the Secretary of State has found you, right?"

Of course, he was referring to the Iron Man of this world. On the second day they returned from England, the Secretary of State brought the Sokovia Agreement to Tony Stark.

According to the thoughts of the players, a consensus has been reached not to sign this agreement, so as not to cause the Avengers to split and have civil war.

But how to change this future is also somewhat complicated. According to the development of the original timeline, Iron Man and Captain America have great differences in signing the Sokovia agreement. In the end, tony agreed to go to Vienna to sign the agreement.

It was also at that international conference that the king of Wakanda was attacked and killed, which in turn accelerated the internal conflicts of the Avengers, leading to the civil war.

After Bruce Wayne's research, he thinks they should follow the original timeline, only in this way can they break the situation faster.

Tony Stark disagreed with this: "Seriously, I still think it's redundant to follow your plan. Why don't I just refuse to sign the agreement? Then there will be no Vienna Congress, and the King of Wakanda will not be Attacked!"

Bruce Wayne glanced at him, "Did you ever play dominoes?"

Tony Stark shrugged: "When I was five years old I played this game."

"Well, as a scientist, you must have heard of the butterfly effect, right? The development of the timeline is a very serious matter. Any small change or interference may cause a huge impact! you indeed can convince yourself of this world to refuse to sign the Sokovia Accords. But doing so will undoubtedly intensify the distrust between the Avengers, the government and the people!

In addition, this will also arouse the vigilance of Helmut Zemo, the man behind the scenes. We have not found any traces of this person, which shows that he is a very careful and cunning enemy. Instead of messing up the future, why not follow the timeline and wait for him in Vienna? Tony, don't forget, our greatest advantage is knowing the future, at least don't ruin this advantage until we solve that Zemo! "

Bruce Wayne gives a rare long speech.

Tony Stark frowned when he heard this: "But we have changed the future and saved people who should have died."

"Peggy Carter is not a key figure, at least in this timeline, it doesn't matter if she lives or dies, but Zemo is different. Although we know from the quiz game that he was behind the attack on the king of Wakanda and the driving force behind the Avengers' civil war, we still don't know much about him."

Speaking of this, Bruce Wayne said to Tony Stark in a deeper voice: "Don't let your vigilance be let down just because you have seen a more powerful enemy. Even Lions will do their best to hunt and kill rabbits."

Indeed, after seeing such powerful enemies as Thanos, Dormammu, and Ego in the future exposed by the quiz game. Tony doesn't care about a small villain like Helmut Zemo.

But don't forget, it was this little character that single-handedly directed the split of the Avengers, also played a big role behind it, and accelerated the disintegration of the Avengers and started a civil war between them.

Tony Stark nodded thoughtfully: "What you said makes sense, then we will proceed according to the original plan?"

Bruce Wayne asked: "I want to stay here, can you guys settle it without me?"

"Ha, don't underestimate me" Tony Stark didn't talk nonsense, waved his hand, turned and left.

On the other hand, the tony stark of this World also developed according to the original timeline and brought the Secretary of State to the Avengers Headquarters for a meeting to discuss the signing of Sokovia's agreement.

Regarding the matter of another parallel world, Tony and Steve did not disclose it to others, so the Avengers naturally had differences according to the development of the original timeline.

Tony agrees to accept the control of the government, while the other does not sign and insists on freedom. Both sides have supporters.

Everything seemed to be going the same way as the normal timeline, but there was a little surprise at the end.

In the original timeline, Natasha supported tony, but this time she supported Steve, "I support Captain on this."

She smiled at Iron Man and Captain America with a deep meaning, she seemed to see something.

After the meeting, the Black Widow approached Captain America and said quietly: "You know, I was surprised today because Captain America had a good time!, your acting skills are good, I think I'm the only one who saw through it."

Captain America sighed: "It's not because I'm good at acting, but because you trust me. I'm sorry, I failed your trust."

In everyone's impression, Captain America symbolizes honesty, reliability and justice. He will never lie, especially in such a major event that determines the future of the Avengers.

But this time is different. Knowing the future, Steve had to act out a play according to the plan, to catch the mastermind behind the scenes.

Guys you know what gives me motivation?

Your comments and power stones so please don't forget that. Thank you

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