
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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Hero Saves Beauty as a Daily Routine

The live video of the Quiz game exposed everything. Harry could completely predict his fate. It was already challenging to hold onto the company left by his father, and now with these 'scandals,' he would surely be manipulated by greedy directors and thrown out from Osborn Industries.

Furthermore, the authorities would likely restrict him, seizing all of his father's inheritance. There might even be experiments on him.

For the sake of preserving the family business and his own safety, Harry had no choice. He had to become the second Green Goblin, even if it meant paying a significant price.

In the Eternal Space, Peter was oblivious to his friend's thoughts. He was conflicted, "Harry has come for revenge after all..."

Gordon sighed, "Hatred isn't easy to let go of, but I'm more concerned about that Venom."

Harry becoming the second Green Goblin was within their expectations. However, they were more concerned about that venom corrupting Spider-Man. What magical power did the extraterrestrial creature possess to blacken such a virtuous hero?

Bruce Wayne solemnly added, "Peter, you must be cautious when you return to your world."

The video continued, showing Harry receiving timely treatment and narrowly escaping death. If Peter had chosen not to save him, he would have perished.

However, after waking up, Harry suffers from amnesia, selectively forgetting his enmity with Spider-Man. He remembered Peter, his own identity, and the visit from Mary Jane, considering them his best friends.

He also remembered his father's passing but forgot the animosity with Spider-Man. It seemed like a blessing from above, saving him from hatred, a piece of excellent news for Peter.

Their friendship was safe, and Harry had forgotten his resentment. Everything seemed to be back on track. Even Peter from outside the video thought it was a good thing!

"I remember there's an item in the Point Mall that can make people forget memories..." Peter recalled, thinking it was a flashlight. It could make someone forget many things by shining it on them.

Gordon raised an eyebrow, "Hey, kid, your idea isn't great. Arbitrarily altering others' memories isn't something a hero should do."

Arthur sneered, "Hah, such hypocritical and meaningless insistence. You want Harry to let go of hatred, yet you don't want to alter his memories. You are forcing him to tolerate all of this"

Bruce glanced at him and said, "Everyone in this world must compromise and endure at all times. No one is exception."

It seemed like the threat of the second Green Goblin was resolved in a unique way. However, Mary Jane encountered trouble – not a kidnapping this time, but criticism.

Her opera, in which she played a role, faced harsh reviews from professional critics. The newspaper's comments were particularly harsh, deeply affecting Mary Jane. She sought comfort from her boyfriend, Peter.

Peter, familiar with newspaper smears since his photo appeared in the Daily Bugle, comforted Mary Jane. He advised her not to care about criticism, and to persevere, and compared to the smears he faced, Mary Jane's criticism was child's play.

However, Mary Jane wasn't Spider-Man; she didn't have Peter's strong inner resilience. The criticism left her emotionally distraught. As a woman, she could even indulge in unreasonable tantrums just to get her boyfriend's company and sweet words.

Unfortunately, her boyfriend wasn't an ordinary person. He was the busy city hero. To facilitate crime-fighting, he had a radio at home to monitor emergency incidents. Now, the radio signaled an urgent case.

Peter, without caring for consoling his girlfriend, immediately changed into Spider-Man and swung away on his web.

Mary Jane, looking dejected, stared at the empty rental apartment. She genuinely felt the difficulty of being a superhero's girlfriend.

On the other side, Spider-Man swung between tall buildings, rushing to the scene of the accident. This time, it wasn't a criminal; it was an accident. A crane went out of control, hoisting a heavy steel plate high above a skyscraper. The plate fell, smashing through the front wall of the building.

Inside the affected building was none other than Gwen, a familiar face to Spider-Man. She was Peter's school experiment partner and the daughter of the New York Police Commissioner. Currently, she is filming an advertisement in the skyscraper.

Her floor bore the brunt of the crane attack. The massive steel plate swept through the floor, demolishing everything. Glass and construction debris scattered, posing a danger to people on the streets below.

If the crane completely collapsed, the consequences would be unimaginable. Just as Gwen was in jeopardy, about to plummet from a great height, Spider-Man arrived just in time for a standard hero saves beauty moment.

For Spiderman, this was routine, not a significant event. However, the person he saved this time had a special identity. After the rescue, he encountered a fellow colleague – an ambitious, aspiring photographer aiming to become the Spider-Man.

While taking pictures of Spider-Man, he also criticized his rival, Peter, claiming that his photos were terrible and tarnished Spider-Man's image.

At this point, many audience members chuckled at the rookie journalist's blunder!

Spider-Man didn't pay much attention, swiftly swinging away. Later, Peter saw his competition at the Daily Bugle – the new photographer. He was selling photos of Spider-Man, and he also wanted to apply for a job.

Because he offered a lower price, the stingy Jameson ultimately chose his pictures over Peter's. In the flattery of the new photographer, Jameson even considered giving him a job.

Naturally, this displeased Peter greatly. He had been providing photos to the Daily Bugle since he started as Spider-Man, hoping for a stable job and position. However, Jameson was unwilling to give him any job. But now when a newcomer came, made a few flattering, and was promised a job?