
Quiz Game system: starting from Marvel Universe

[Please answer the question. Who is Ironman?.] A: Tony Stark B: James Roddy C: Ivan Vanko D: Pepper Pott Tony Stark:"It's me, I am Ironman." Bruce Wayne:"How can a Playboy like you be a superhero?" Live stream+multiverse madness+good plot (hello guys I am just translating this novel. all the credit goes to the real author) author name:The left ear has a cat

translator_sama72 · Movies
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565 Chs

I will Become the Green Goblin

Peter was attacked by a mysterious person on his way home, the attacker riding a flying glider, swiftly and unexpectedly attacked, making it difficult for Peter to defend himself.

Undoubtedly, the mysterious person is the second-generation Green Goblin, Harry Osborn!

He improved his father's equipment, and with the modification of the serum, his own physical qualities became stronger. In a fierce battle with Peter in the city sky, he even gained the upper hand, smashing Peter into the wall.

At this moment, Harry didn't hide his identity, he directly lifted his mask, telling Peter plainly, "I am here to seek revenge for my father!"

Peter was naturally very sad. While resisting the attacks of his former friend, he explained the truth of the Green Goblin's death. He didn't kill his father; Norman died under his own glider.

But Harry was already blinded by hatred, and he was not willing to listen to Peter's explanation. Instead, he became even more enraged and intensified his attacks.

However, Peter had concerns and didn't want to engage in a fierce fight with his once-good friend. Instead, he fought while retreating. During the battle, he accidentally loses the engagement ring given to him by Aunt May. Peter became more preoccupied with retrieving the ring and escaping from Harry.

Harry naturally pursued relentlessly, with a determined attitude not to give up until he killed Peter. His newly modified equipment was indeed formidable, with pumpkin bombs and a pair of small wings, closely following Peter.

Harry had the upper hand, and Peter was struggling under his pursuit. But in the end, Peter outsmarted him. In a narrow alley, he spun a spider web that caught Harry, inconspicuous yet effective. Harry flying at full speed, couldn't brake in time and was tripped by the spider web, flying off his glider.

To make matters worse, this guy insisted on removing his helmet and showing off his face in front of the camera. As a result, he fell from a high altitude, his head hitting a steel pipe, and he fell to the ground unconscious.

Peter, still caring about their friendly bond, quickly approached to check on Harry. Unlike his cunning father, Harry was genuinely unconscious, and he even stopped breathing.


Peter immediately approached, checked Harry's condition, and, without hesitation, performed CPR. However, the effect was not very obvious, so he had to call 911.

The ambulance arrived promptly, swiftly taking Harry to the emergency room for treatment.

Seeing this, many viewers were moved by Peter's kindness. Even though Harry, his former good friend, had become the second Green Goblin and didn't hold back in their recent fight, Peter still went out of his way to save him. At this moment, outside the screen, Harry's face was full of complex and tangled emotions.

In the previously exposed videos of the future through the Quiz game, he learned about the secret room in his villa, which had already been opened and examined. However, he only took a quick look and then came out to continue watching the Quiz game live broadcast. Between the Green Goblin's equipment, his father's legacy, and this magical and bizarre game broadcast, Harry knew very well which one was more important.

At this moment, on the coffee table next to him, there was the Green Goblin's mask and the green liquid that enhanced human abilities. Just now, Harry had almost made up his mind to inherit his father's legacy and become the second Green Goblin. However, he hadn't decided whether he should seek revenge on his friend Peter.

Through the future videos exposed by the Quiz game, he clearly saw the ins and outs of his father's death. Although his father did not die at the hands of Peter, it was still related to Peter.

More importantly, Harry found that the future videos exposed by the Quiz game differed from reality. For example, in the future video, his father committed several crimes after killing the Osborn Industries board of directors, and then Spider-Man defeated him.

But in reality, his father died early, and the Green Goblin only attacked the laboratory of Osborn Industries' competitors. The board of directors of Osborn Industries were still alive.

Harry was not stupid; he knew that the difference was because Peter had been chosen as a player by the Quiz game a long time ago. Since then, whether it was Spider-Man or the Green Goblin, including the world they were in, the future had already changed.

And the videos exposed by the Quiz game this time should be the future of the original normal timeline...

Therefore, Harry could not confirm how much responsibility Peter should bear for his father's death in reality.

Of course, it was impossible for him to admit that his father deserved to die, but Harry did value his only good friend Peter.

Especially after seeing in the video how Peter urgently gave him first aid and sent him to the hospital, he hesitated even more.

"Peter... I will find you for clarification. I will give you a chance to explain, but I will also become the Green Goblin!"

He shifted his gaze away from the screen outside the window, looking at the green body-enhancing serum on the coffee table. It contained extraordinary power that ordinary people naturally admired, especially since the Quiz game exposed all of this.

Harry knew that his situation would become very bad. In fact, before he shut down his phone, the ringing had not stopped. The greedy directors of Osborn Industries, official investigators, and other interested parties were all looking for him.

Even outside his house, the police had set up a cordon. Openly or secretly, either the police or other official investigators were after him.

The reason they hadn't taken action yet was probably because they had concerns about the Quiz game and were afraid that Harry would destroy everything. After all, everyone saw the piles of pumpkin bombs in his secret room.

The power of pumpkin bombs was seen by everyone.

Harry knew that from tonight onwards, he and the human enhancement potion developed by his father would become the focus of attention.