
Chapter 4: The fight that broke everything

When I got really close to the school I took a break and I looked at the messages that have been blowing up my phone. I was surprised to see a few random and new phone numbers messaging me. me being the paranoid person I was I shut off my phone and I chose not to read them. I knew it would end up being a bad idea to read them.

I reached the school I looked at the large building that loomed over me. I really didn't want to be here, but I had to be here. So I just did the only thing that I wanted to do at least here and walked to my tree. The ground was wet, so I actually couldn't sit on the ground.

Well, that was what I was thinking as I walked to the tree, but there was a blanket placed on the ground. I sat next to it not really knowing what to do. my butt was getting wet from the grass, but I didn't care.

"Kid, the blanket is for you to sit on," a voice said from above me in the tree.

I looked up to see a random boy with gray hair. He had bright blue eyes and was just looking at the leaves in the tree. I looked at him confused. I haven't seen him at this school before, but he wasn't new like Ashton.

I looked at him quizzically and asked, "who are you?"

"My name is Aragon. I'm here just for this week because my parents are out of town and I'm staying with my aunt. I have all day to be here because I'm in college. My aunt said there was a student that just hangs around here, so I wanted to see was up yesterday before bothering you."

I smiled at him and said, "nice to meet you Aragon my name is Avery."

"Avery," I heard the principle call out. I turned around to see her out of breath and her usual kept manor slightly off.

"Yes," I said and gave her a polite smile.

She caught her breath and said, "I'm sorry about my nephew. Are you okay?"

"Yes, why wouldn't I be?"

"Your arm is bleeding," she said looking at the arm Houdini bit.

My arm actually was bleeding and dripping through my long-sleeved shirt. I sighed and I went to my bed and pulled out bandages. I pulled up my sleeve to see that my arm came unwrapped. I was lucky that he didn't bite my arm that had the stitches in it. I rewrapped my arm and just put the bandage back.

I pulled my sleeve back down and I smiled at her and said, "okay, so what did you want to say?"

She smiled at me and said, "oh I just wanted to warn you about my nephew he said he was watching you yesterday. He can be a little too much at times, but you seem kind enough not to judge him too much."

"Okay," I replied.

She nodded to me and rushed off to two girls who were screaming at each other. One of them I recognized as Alex's girlfriend and the other as one of her friends. Luckily he wasn't there, so I sat down. As I was about to pull out my phone I heard yelling that I could recognize as my best friend.

I looked up and the three were yelling at each other. Then, As soon as I saw that Alex's girlfriend was thinking about hitting him I was on my feet. I walked over there and all eyes were on me. She raised her hand and I grabbed her arm mid-swing. I glared at her and I saw a few kids hold their breath from the corner of my eye.

"You fucking depressed bitch let me go," she yelled and spit in my face.

I stood directly in front of Alex and said, "I'm not depressed. I'm not letting you go unless you walk away. I'm not afraid to hit you. Alex won't, but I fucking will."

"Don't you dare talk to me like that," she got close to my face. She expected me to cower away, but that wasn't what I was even close to doing.

I stood up straight and looked her directly in the eyes. Her face showed anger, but I could see a small bit of fear. That was good I could use that against her. She was not going to get to me.

I let go of her wrist, and she slapped me hard. Her nails caught my cheek and I felt the blood run down my face. Her nails were sharp and I knew why. She has been in too many fights over Alex. I looked at Alex who looked at me shocked.

This was not my normal behavior. I am reserved, quiet, and scared almost 24/7. He thinks that. The school thinks that I kill people. This was a rare behavior, but it happens.

She laughed and was waiting for me to freak out about her hurting my face. I just wiped the blood then licked it from my fingers. She looked at me in disgust and I took that moment as she wasn't thinking I grabbed her by the wrist again and I trapped it behind her back. She squealed in pain.

I wasn't planning on leaving a mark on her body, maybe on her mental state. That would be a weakness in some people's eyes. It also ended up leading me to get my bandage on my neck ripped off.

I shrugged and I said to her, "you can't hit him knowing he won't hit back. I won't stand for your landing a hand on him in any way that is in a manner that is to hurt him."

He glared at me as she strained her neck to say, "what are you doing to do about it? Hold my arm behind my back like a seven-year-old bully?"

I smiled at her and said, "I would punch your pretty nose in, but unlike you, I'm not stupid and know that fighting on campus is not allowed."

Her face paled as she realized that she messed up majorly. I let her go just as one of the police officers who watched over the school came and took her away. He insisted for me to go to the nurse, but I declined. It was about time for the bell signaling for everyone to go inside when it started to sprinkle rain.

The cold water hit my warm skin cooling it down and giving it time to heat back up before repeating it over and over again. Every one scrambled inside and I just looked up at the sky. The water hit my bleeding scratches and small cuts around my neck. I was lucky she didn't ruin my clothes.

Alex glared at me and his eyes looked at me with daggers, "for fuck sake Avery you don't have to fight my battles. You're going to get my girlfriend suspended even though you should be the one in trouble right now. I don't need you. You just ruin everything. I'm tired of this. You can't make friends, so you drag me with you. I try to be nice to you and you go and do this to me."

Everyone looked at the two of us, but when he walked away from me every one hurried inside. He left me in the rain. And I stood there.

"Hey you okay young one," Aragon said.

Now that he was standing next to me on an even surface I could see that he was actually quite a bit taller than me. After a moment of looking into his eyes, I looked back up at the sky. I didn't want to retreat inside from the rain, but I knew I would be soaked. I knew I could dry off, but still.

"Yes," I replied not even looking at him.

"You looked like a lion protecting their young while fighting that girl you must really like him," Aragon said while he looked up at the sky with me.

It rained harder and I said, "he is my childhood friend nothing more or less. Well, Unless you count still being my best friend. I just don't want to see him get attacked by girls who are assholes."

The rain started to pour harder and my hair was slowly getting soaked more and more. I smiled while the rain fell to the ground. The rain was the only thing that keeps me sane.

"We need to go inside," Aragon said as a jacket fell over my head.

I watched as Aragon walked away and grabbed my stuff and hurried back. He put his hand on my top back and guided me inside. I walked through the doors the office worker's eyes were on me.

"Oh my god are you okay Avery," the front office lady came over and hugged me.

"I just like the rain," I said as I smiled.

I smiled and everything inside me seemed to break. I didn't know what seemed to break and I don't know why. I knew it wasn't about Alex, no it was about me. I know it was true. I was needy, and he was too good to still be my friend.