

" I asked a question! " The small individual shouted, taking everyone by suprise . " I-- I don't think thats - His eyes shifted from her body to look at his friend, features contorting in to a devilish anger, that wouldn't be able to leave his face easily. Striding over to his target, the short make looked up into his friends eyes, even with the height difference the elder was still scared... Knowing how angry he could get and the things he would do when angry made Yoon re-think his words completely... " I asked you a question, it's in your best interest to awnser me. " Taemin warned his friend - before he heard a throaty gulp reverberate in his friends throat. " She-- I don't know... I don't know think she'll make the night. "

Misha89 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Ch.6 || Queen

Taehyung sat the girl down on the sofa watching as the others around him stated daggers at her 'ah'. Even without saying anything, they all felt that initial pull, the smell - like the other three did. It confused them since they couldn't put a finger on it, but definitely recognised they had smelt this before, this lovely sweet sent with lavender mixed within its fibers.

It took them a while but finally figured out the smell and once they did they were as angry if not even more then Kook was.

" What is a human like her doing here? " Saehyung was the first to speak up about the matter, seeming to see everyone else in turmoil with the fact she smelt like her.

" I don't know, but she's unconscious, this human won't do us any harm " Doji smiled through his sentence stroking her hair. In all honesty, he wasn't worried about the her getting hurt by any of the others, or vis versa. He was more worried that she would of died a few minutes ago... His one and only chance for redemption - their one and only chance.

" For what reason should we be scared of a Human?-"

"-You never know, some unexpected things happen. " Doji spoke, as if trying to say she was the unexpected thing... With his words, they all knew why.

" Joon-hyung what do you supposed we do with the human? " Kook asked the elder, standing next to his armchair.

" I believe we should-

"-We are not throwing her out Hyung " Everyone heard a booming voice from the stairs, soon to be heard on their level " Hyung, this is our only actual lead to find the reincarnation... "

Joons eyebrows furrowed together with a mute face contrasting to his actual atittude. " I'm not going to let another useless human make a fool out of us. I'm not going to let her use us like the others... I'm not letting that happen again... It's doesn't need to. I don't deserve it Jimin, none of us do. "

In that way Min couldn't denie his elder, there had been multiple times people had come to them claiming they were their Queens reincarnation, and other times where they thought that they found the one. Of course, they never found her, and every time it ended with them dead. All their practiced lines, all their evidence - and equally - all those innocent people who knew of their identity, it all ended the same. Death.

But unlike those people Y/N gave actual proof, her sent is like that of their Queens and they all know that changing sents itsn't something that can just happen.

" Hyung... I understand this is a fool's erend to you, but at least allow me to explain myself and for her to explain. Even if this seems foolish to you, let me entertain myself as I believe this is our one and only shot at getting our Queens reincarnation. "

Min spoke toward his elder.

The way Min worded his sentences was imperative to making Joon agree, everyone in the house knew if you buttered Joon up, just the tiniest bit he was at least fifty percent more likely to say yes to what you were asking of him.

And in all instances his answer is always the same.

" Fine. But you have when she wakes up to explain yourself, and for her to explain herself too. You both will have no other time then then, am I making myself clear? "

Min masked his excitement with a monotone face, walking over to Saehyung who layed on the sofa sleeping.

Sitting down, Min would of lying if he said he wasn't scared. As soon as he tried to sit down a deep breath was taken by someone in the room, his eyes looked around too see the others just as shocked looking at Charlotte in Dojis arms, a relieved smile on his face.

" Your breathing again, I really thought you were going to die for the second time today, lol " Doji sighed, anxiously looking around the room...

" What? " Doji questioned misunderstanding what he said wrong, swing all the disapproving eyes in the room.

From beneath him Charlotte was there wondering why such a Handsome man was letting her lay on his lap, lucky he wasn't looking at her because her blushing face was betraying her.

" Charlotte! " A familiar voice rang around her.

" Min? " Letting the blush vanish from her face, she got up from the mans lap, looking around the room to find even more men.

" Are you okay? What happened, are you hurt? " Min bombarded you with questions but you shrugged them off.

" Min I'm fine... Why wouldn't I be? " Min looked at her in astonishment.

" You don't remember... " Min looked at her in disbelief.

" I told you Min, there's no point, she was most probably using you like the others. " Joon spoke before thinking about his words.

Min ignored his friend but Charlotte couldn't help but glare at the guy that insulted her " Excuse me, but what the hell did you just say? " Charlotte got up on her feet to charge at the man.

" Charlotte stop. He didn't mean anything by it. " Min tried to make you understand.

" Weather he ment it means diddly squat to me, it that he's judging me without even knowing who the fuck I am first. " Trying to move past Min, Charlotte stepped to the side.

" Please Charlotte calm down, what's wrong with you? " Min tried to reason with Charlotte, asking her why she was blowing up at the slightest of things.

" Nothings wrong with me, it's him being the assh-- " As if she chocked on her words Charlotte stopped speaking stepping back, step-by-step.

They all looked at her slowly moving backward " Something isn't right. " They all thought looking intently at the girl.

Min could smell it all over her. Fear, dread, death, confusion...

His eyes widened walking to the women that was about to fall backward. Catching her, his sences kept telling him to help her, but he couldn't do anything, she seemed to be in the same state she was a few minutes ago... Min just prayed she wouldn't die... He needed her, they needed her, this can't be the end.


Opening her eyes, Charlotte saw a fuzzy vision of her hand sprawled out on the floor, she tried moving it but to no avail. The action didn't work. Charlotte could only watch and wait, her body feeling numb and the thought of dying clouding her mind.

Charlotte wondered what she had to think about on the brink of death... But her mind must have been numb too because all she could think about was taking breaths in.

A few seconds pass and a loud bang was heard, after that, all Charlotte could gather was that people came into the room and one was crying... Loud sobs... That's what she remembered and a lot of tears.

It made her sad but happy to feel loved by that person, though she didn't know who It was or why she felt that way, she still did and then--


Charlotte was breathing again and she was back in the real world.... Though everything seemed to get tuned out with her wavering mind...

" What was that... Who was?- " Feeling someone grab her by the waist Charlotte looked up to see Min holding her on the floor. Not knowing what had happened Charlotte looked back down.

" What?- " Charlotte started " what's happening to me? " Charlotte finished.

" Figures the first time I have a fucking dream it has to be a recurring nightmare! " Thats When Charlotte thought back on the day... What exactly happened?

" Damn, why can't I remember what happened. " That's was when an image of that girl looking back at her appeared in Charlottes mind " I don't understand... Why do I only remember her... " Charlotte kept thinking, an agitated frown on her face.

" Charlotte! Can you hear me! " Sound filtered through her ears when a familiar voice was heard.

" I- I... " Charlotte tried to answer, 'I's only coming out of her mouth.

" What happened? did you have another one of those dreams again? " Min asked Charlotte and she only nodded not able to speak.

" Can you tell me about it? " Her body shook under his touch hearing his request.

" I- I dont... I cant... " Charlotte thought for a while before trying to awnser again, taking a deep breath in and out before speaking " I... I think... whatever I'm dreaming about.... It's not... I mean... It's not just a dream "

Even with her not saying it, everyone in the room knew she wasn't just dreaming, whatever physically was happening when Charlotte closed her eyes her body in real life would endure. Of course if Charlotte stopped breathing or felt the slightest bit fatigued it would be because of whatever is happening in her dream, they pretty much figured that out, but for her to suggest such a thing to them knowingly ment something was going on.

" What? Don't your think thats- "

" Yes. Crazy... I- I know, but it just... It just feels so real, I keep feeling weird very time I wake up and when I'm in those weird dreams It's never me in them... It some other girl... " Charlotte had a far off look on her face reminiscing about he girls face. " So pale... " Charlotte shivered.

Min eyed Kook and he stepped forward, Kook kneeld down next to the two sitting on the floor, looking into Charlottes eyes " I'm Mins friend, I want to try and help you, can you look into my eyes for a moment? " Charlotte didn't argue and instead complied to his request - like a mindless puppet.

" Now. " Kook said staring back at her getting himself ready. Closing his eyes Kook was trying to infiltrate your mind. Trying to find whatever Charlotte was dreaming about since she wasnt saying anything specific.

In the world of dreams Kook saw a spark of light, his one way ticket to finding out what her dream was about, so he went to it. Trying to hold the orb in his hands to see what happened, Kook was pleasantly surprised to feel a short but electrifying shock course through his body and continue to do so as he held the tinny ball in his hand.

Trying to forget about the pain, Kook looked into the ball and saw something he wanted to forget, the purple stain and musk glass bottle that layed on the foor. He felt himself become short of breath, with even slightly holding the ball in his hands, understanding a fraction of what Charlotte felt.

Then, realising how the memories worked, Kook abruptly let go of the ball and closed his eyes trying to get out of her mind.

Feelings heavier Kook opened his eyes to four men crowding around his body. Getting up and looking around, Look tried to find the girl, his Queen.

Ignoring the other voices that might have been worried for him, Kook saw the girl he had hurt with his powers cuddled up with Min on the sofa, feeling bad he bolted towards the girl he had hurt unintentionally trying to explain himself.

" I am... I am so sorry for doing that, I didn't mean to hurt you. '" Jungkook tried to say to her a slight frown of disappointment on his face.

" I'm fine... It was just a slight migrane. " Charlotte smiled at him tiredly, Kook frowned at her positive reaction.

" You should be more worried about yourself, you ened up smashing into the wall " Min frowned.

" Really? I don't remember that? And my body doesn't feel weird. " Kook answered looking down.

" See! That's how I feel! Ugh- " abruptly getting up from Mins lap, Charlotte pointed out that's how she was feeling when in those dreams, but slowly realised it wasn't the best thing as the migraine bit at her brain.

before she could crumble to the ground Jungkook caught her, genuinely concerned " Miss? Are you there? " Charlotte nodded in response rubbing her head.

" I'm fine, I just want an explanation as to what I'm even doing here. " Kook stilled at her words, he looked toward Min and he looked down.

" What are you talking ab-- "

" --The last thing you want to do is lie to me right now, if you guys don't tell me the whole truth I have no reason to stay here, and from what I've been told I am somewhat important to you all - am I right? " Charlotte wanted them to tell her everything they know, because that way she could get to the bottom of why she felt like this.

" Your right. We need to tell you everything and Joon will do just that. " Kook glared at the older one.

" Excuse me? I'm not explaining anything to a lying human, can't you tell Kook she's just trying to trick you-"

" No she's not! " Kook shouted making the girl in his arms and the rest of the men shiver " You guys are so narrow minded, I admit I didn't believe it before either, but with what I saw in her head... I can't just say is doesn't exist. "

" And what did you see oh-wise maknae? " Doji mocked.

" I saw her face... And her death... I saw Sarah. " Kook said in the softest way possible " Her dreams... Their memories from Sarahs life, sthis human is carrying them in her head, she's the person we've been searching for Hyung. " Kook swore he felt a tear fall down his face when he said that.

The others looked at him in disbelief watching the male bring the girl closer to his chest " The last dream she had... Was when Sarah died... It had the purple stain on the carpet and everything... She is the reincarnation... "

" She's our.....

Queen... "