

" I asked a question! " The small individual shouted, taking everyone by suprise . " I-- I don't think thats - His eyes shifted from her body to look at his friend, features contorting in to a devilish anger, that wouldn't be able to leave his face easily. Striding over to his target, the short make looked up into his friends eyes, even with the height difference the elder was still scared... Knowing how angry he could get and the things he would do when angry made Yoon re-think his words completely... " I asked you a question, it's in your best interest to awnser me. " Taemin warned his friend - before he heard a throaty gulp reverberate in his friends throat. " She-- I don't know... I don't know think she'll make the night. "

Misha89 · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Ch.5 || Physical / Mental

Slowly opening her eyes to a familiar space Y/N looked around her in worry. Not knowing what had happened Y/N for our of the bed somewhat seeming frantic as she realised the gown she was wearing and the room she was in. Her legs moved on their own, briskly walking toward a big window that was beside the bed. Once there her hands held into the rim of the window looking over the threat hold at a shouting soldier.

In a sense, Y/N felt like her body moved on its own, like her emotions in that time. For some reason she felt more aware, somewhat scared and anxious because of the soldiers outburst on the ground floor of the building she was in, figuring it was a castle because of all the stone looking blocks she saw outside.

When the sudden sound of doors being pushed open and slammed against the delicate looking accented walls of the room Y/N was in, she felt her heart almost sink, almost immediately understanding what he was here to do.

Turning around, Y/N wanted to see this man's face, a slight inclinging as to what person would go against her... Or this women she was playing as. Sadly, the face was covered by some sort of cloth, though there eyes were visible and they screamed masculine.

The way he grabbed Y/Ns arm the next second, his overwhelming strength and height difference was all an indicator. The latter told Y/N, with also the pericing gaze, that this person was a male. And an angry one at that.

She tried to kick, shake out of his tightening grip, but nothing worked. If anything he only became stronger, his height getting taller ever time Y/N tried to get out of his grip. Though she knew that was all in her mind she had a sneaking suspicion it could actually be true.

As Y/Ns eyes tracked his left hand she was surprised to see a white clothe with some sort of stain in the middle.

With the unanticipated blow, Y/N thought he was trying to sock her right in the face, but in the end it was just his way of getting the clothe over her mouth. With this development Y/N remembered in all the movies the first thing to do was to not breathe in...

But before she could even try her eyes started to become heavy and her body started to become jelly, at some point her whole body seemed to lose its muscles and her whole body came crashing down to the floor. Y/N could see the man follow from the floor, his steps coming toward her but before she could feel his hands embrace her neck--


Hyperventilating, Y/N tore the covers she had I'm too of her off and stumbled out of the bed she already knew she was in and coughed for air.

The sudden feeling of being choking and not getting enough air in her system infiltrated her thoughts and actions, at this point she just wanted to fill on the floor and die, he throat felt like it was burning and the air - or lack of - wasn't helping her South her problem.

In her shoke, Y/N didn't realise the door bursting open right next to her and three men walk in.

Jimin walked in with two of the other men rushing to your side.

" Y/N? Y/N, are you ok? " Jimin shouted out to her, she couldn't answer or hear him though.

" She's going to pass out. " Taehyung said simply, looking down at human by Jimins side " You need to slow her heart down somehow, or stop her from taking such big breaths in. If she doesnt, she could even die... "

Taking Taehyungs advice into consideration Jimin looked toward the youngest " Jungkook, can you see sharpening in her head? Mabry soothe the nightmare she having? " Jungkook nodded at his thing and looked at you, working his magic.

Jungkook goes into her mind and can't see much, she wasn't having a nightmare or dream at the moment so what was triggering her anxiety? Jungkook continued to look through her mind, and came to a fault when something was messing up his own head making him twitch back into real life taking a stop back.

" What's wrong Jungkook? " Jimin asked confused, he looked back at Y/N and realised she was still in the same position, breathing heavily and couldn't open her eyes " Jungkook I asked you a question, you better Damon well answer me!- "

" I don't know... " Jungkook looked at the girl in confusion.

" What do you mean ' I don't know? ' " A frown appeared on Jimins face as he went to check you pulse.

" I don't know... Usaully, hyperventilating is a caused by things like day dreams or thinking / being in a state where you think you cant breathe or even past memories that upset you. " Jungkook explained " But this girl has nothing like that in her, infact her heads basically empty when it comes to dreaming or nightmares. "

" so are you saying?- "

" I'm saying, whatever is happening to her isn't something mental, it's physical. She enduring physical pain right now. "

" But that impossible, neither one of us is touching her "

" True. And that's why I'm so confused... what wrong with her? Does she have-- " That's when what Jimin said before came to him.

" 'Does she have' -what Jungkook? Come on we don't have time! "

" This only happens... Of what my dad taught me, when a reincarnation of our Royals are made or just reincarnations in general. " Jungkook stopped trying to understand what he's saying as well, to him what he was about to say was very fragile prices of information but needed to be said for the girls life " *gulp* they exchange and... Re-live the events of the other person they once lived as... It's the way they get a good hold of who they were before and learn from their past lives mistakes and make sure to do it better as that's the point of reincarnations. "

" So your suggesting- "

" -That she is re-living one of Sarah's memories? "Y

" if we are to say it in terms of... Our queen, then I guess so. "

" Though, don't get it twisted, she might just an one of those girls that lies to us. We have to make sure first that this is our Queen and not some reincarnation of some witch. " Jimin cringed at that and looked back at Y/N.

She had stopped breathing as hard and her body didn't seemed agitated anymore, she gave of the feeling tranquillity when she wasn't in so much pain. At some point they all found themselves staring at the girl in astoundment and looked at her as if she was a spectacle.

" I'll take her downstairs, you two join me when you've found a reason to stop looking at the floor. " Taehyung piped, walking toward the girl, picking her up bridal style and teleporting to the living room.

After Taehyung left Jungkook and Jimin snapped out of their trance looking each other dead in the eye.

" Did you smell that? "

" Yeah... " Jungkook answered simply to the simple question, that also held so much meaning behind it.

" So? You still don't believe me? " Jimin asked seriously to Jungkook, while Jungkook already was up walking to the door the door.

Before leaving Jungkook looked behind him and scolded at Jimin before saying...

" This better not be a fucking joke, because of it is, I'm not going to hesitate to kill that filthy human. " Jungkook presented Jimin before disappearing.