

The perfect life of a beautiful daughter of a Senator, Jessica Gilbert takes a drastic turn after her father dies. She ends up being maltreated and raped by her uncle and cousin, later she discovers who's behind her parent's death, and tries to stand up for them, but ends up dying in the process. Jessica's death gives way to the birth of a vengeful Queen of Atlantia. Lilith the devil's wife takes interest in her and initiates her in her court and takes her up as her most precious Ally because of her Maternal ancestor, king Euphorion. Jessica's transformation to Queen Marina will bring confusion into the household of her enemies. Will she be able to keep her promise to Lilith and avenge her parents, or will she fall in love all over again with Kelvin Christopher, the son of Bishop Christopher whom she was sent to kill as her first assignment, Will bishop Chris allow the love to happen between them, Will uncle Jude and Helen repent and escape vengeance?

Favour_Aderemi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 9-Jewel

Another month down and I haven't found a way to protect my child. Theresa has been around me ever since I left Bishop Christopher's home. I don't know how to keep baby Sarah from harm's way, I could have killed the bishop when I had the chance but I didn't and sincerely I don't regret not killing him, I could have regretted it if I later knew he was Kelvin's dad, but why does an innocent child have to suffer for my failure, I need to go back and meet Lilith, why is she blackmailing me into doing what I shouldn't do, I need an explanation and we need to talk, I will lay my life instead she should leave my baby out of this.

I need to see Lilith for a fair negotiation, Theresa followed me and we drove to the place where my helicopter was and we flew to an island where we can find her. If I hadn't come because of my child I would have been mesmerized by the beauty of the place. I was led to a room, it was quite different from the last one where I heard from Lilith, I was looking very upset. The entire room was filled with mirrors, reflection of myself surrounded me, Theresa was taken out and I just stood still trying to speak with the invisible one.

"Why?why? why did you chose my daughter to die for my failure! why can't I die instead and pay with my life, I can't kill Bishop Christopher, he's too strong and I've tried everything I could" I explained, there was a silence of about 5minutes but then I heard the sweetest voice I've never heard in my life. "You had the chance! You could have just killed him I was watching through the mirror in his room, I know everything, except if there's no mirror or reflection in a house " She said and my heart skipped a beat, she's watching my child too!

"Please! What can I do to make my child live and not die?" I said in defeat. She then spoke and said "I need the heirloom from your family, the jewel given to you by your mother and I need your will and obedience at all time, I want you to be my ally and do anything I want." I was baffled, if I wasn't her ally I would have died even before entering here, now I will do anything for my baby so I promised to give her the heirloom, and my unchanging loyalty.

There's no emotion in her voice, I knew she bears no feelings at all, I mean what would I expect from the mother of demons. "I asked her why the heir loom but then ray of lights came out of the mirrors, it was like I was in a room of projectors, then the location where I was changed, I was on a beach I mean it felt so real except for the fact that I was still In the room of glasses and if I moved forward I would be stopped by glass, it was all a 4dimensional projection that makes you feel like you are in an entirely different world.

I kept my mind together and watched, a man walk out of the ocean and that's was how I saw the life long history of my ancestors up from The King of the seven seas and his wife Down to me. So now I knew the story behind the heir loom, but then why does she want it, it's not like she can go to the kingdom, oh yes! she wants me to be her puppet, and be her messenger so that I can control the seas for her, and give her my birthright, my inheritance. The fate of Atlantia depends on my decision now, I will either lose the kingdom or my child. She was seeing through my soul and told me what I was thinking but then I quickly behaved and told her I would but wait the lives of millions of people just because of my child. Was it worth it? I'm not sure yet.

I asked Lilith why me, she could have ruled there herself if I gave her the treasure but then she made a shocking revelation to me, First of all, only a descendant of the king could come in and out of there, secondly she's the wife of the Devil, and the devil is only interested in the affairs of men, but Lilith has seen the entire world and knows nothing of what's under the sea, she wants me to be her eyes and ears so that if she wants to start her rebellion against her husband she will have a perfect place to hide! A place where Lucifer's eyes and hears can not reach and she can't reach there without my consent. That's the way I saw everything she told me if I was correct.

I didn't ask any questions anymore I knew something important has reached me, I felt so powerful at possession of this knowledge and then I knew the powers of the devil even has limits. I left for home now that I have an hint on how to save my child I need to use it wisely, I told Theresa nothing because anything said on land doesn't escape Lilith's ears. I got home and saw Baby Sarah crawling towards me she was racing at me seriously and laughing, my joy knew no bounds as she called me Mama! twice I carried her and lifted her up in the air.

Then brought her close to my chest in a warm hug! She started pressing her head at my breast and I knew what she wanted instantly, so I sent the maids off and brought out my nipple close to her mouth and breast fed her.

Theresa knew the ways of demons and she knew if we talked about whatever i heard from Lilith, the devil will pick interest, Lilith will also think I sabotaged her, and all other demons will try to read my mind so she trusted my decision of not talking and started talking about the affairs of the cult. I told her we were going to an event the next day. I will get my heirloom tomorrow.

The next day, I woke up as early as possible, the event was going to start at 10am and I got dressed, Baby Sarah noticed my movement around the room and just knelt in her cot staring at me as I was going up and down, She pooped in her diapers and I called the nanny to get her cleaned up, but she refused to stay with her after dressing up. It was like I understood the sign that she was giving me, she didn't want to stay at home today, so I decided we will be going in a big way. Myself, Theresa, my personal assistant, nanny Cruson and my baby will be going there, I took my body guards too and there we went in the limousine.

We waited in the limousine having fun and talking, I wasn't going to enter until everyone was in and settled the best way of getting attention. I would be the only one to enter with Theresa beside me and a body guard. Baby Sarah might start up a tantrum and divert attentions. When it was exactly 10:45 I walked in and like I predicted everyone was on seat and they all looked up to admire my beauty and elegance. An old man was even staring at me like I was a piece of chocolate he wanted to devour.

I Sat in a comfortable chair and the jewel was brought forward, right before my eyes. People gasped, they were amazed by it's beauty, the lights on it made it look more exquisite. I shed a tear and cleaned it as fast as I could so that I wouldn't ruin my make up, then I saw Helen come on stage! I haven't forgotten my revenge, but I just had to deal with the most important things first. My blood boiled as I stared at her and I could just kill her right there with my powers at the snap of my fingers but that will be too easy! She presented models wearing different jewelries on neck.

I had no interest in them, my eyes were on the Jewel, my mother's jewel. Then it was time for the jewel price count. A proud looking woman stood and adjusted her top, "Five million naira!" she said proudly, but I couldn't help but chuckle, that was a ridiculous price for my Jewel. Another man stood 20 million, the woman who said 5 million stood angrily and left. Another lady stood "45 million" Everyone kept saying the prices they could pay and I could see fireworks in Helens eyes! I bet she was wishing the necklace could be duplicates to a thousand pieces but it's not copy able, the materials used where not found anywhere and the diamonds were too high!

I wonder why she put it up for sale when she could just keep it. I kept staring at her every move and I wished I could pounce on her, dig my long fingers into her rib cage and detach her heart from her body! Everyone had said their prices up to 500 million and then a man said 850 million proudly like no one would beat him to it, I smiled and kept watching. Helen's legs failed her that she held on to a table nearby, but a man walked inside looking charming, it was kelvin Christopher, "900 million" he said confidently and the other man had no choice but to sit.

Helen almost shed tears as she looked around, "any other bidder?" she stammered, she didn't know the jewel could be worth so much. Then my time came and I said "3 billion" Even kelvin Christopher was shocked that a young lady like me was willing to pay such an amount for a jewel but then he said "5billion" People opened their mouths wide and I felt a challenge and it hurt my ego. "25 Billion" I said and then it felt like a challenge to Kelvin too and he faced me, eye to eye from a distance! things were getting tense... "45 Billion" he said and raised his eyebrow for a challenge and I smirked.

I knew that was his limit and he couldn't pay more than that for a necklace or it will start to affect his finances, I was shocked at why he would pay such a price for my heirloom. "100 Billion" I stated emotionlessly with a straight face. My goodness, the look on his face was priceless. He had no choice but to seat and everyone in the room felt so intimidated! Helen was already crying and she stood to face me! I knew the price was too much, but it was just 0.001% of my wealth I just gave out. It's definitely worth taking my necklace back. I got to the stage and signed a verified cheque that instant and Took my Jewel and left, there's nothing I'm doing in there anymore and the meeting was over.

Theresa looked at me with a confident and proud smile, she was happy about how I smashed Helen's face in dog poop. While I entered my personal elevator, Helen and Kelvin rushed towards me before I pressed the take off button. "My cheques don't bounce so is there a problem?" I asked Helen, but she just smiled nervously.

"I didn't get your name or Mobile number, ma'am! It's an honour to be before you right now" she said timidly. "Why would you need my number, anyways here's my card! And my name? You wouldn't want to know my name, would you?" I asked and she nodded shivering like a chicken with an excited face. I wanted to scream at her I'm JESSICA GILBERT! but I just stated Queen! and she rushed off like a mouse kissing my card. I noticed kelvin was staring at me as well, and he must have noticed the hatred in my eyes and voice.

When I looked at him my face softened and he cleared his throat, "Please... Queen.. can I urrm get down in the elevator with you?" He asked just like he asked me to be his girlfriend. I was so happy but I hid my feelings and said sure. We were going down when he stared at me and cleared his throat again and I had to look up from my Phone. "My name is kelvin Christopher, the CEO of Diamond Group of Companies." he said and stretched his hand for a hand shake. I shakes him briefly, I wanted to draw him in and hug him, but I quickly removed my hand before I lost control and faced my phone, "Nice meeting you Kelvin."

"If I may ask? why are you so interested in this jewelry and willing to pay such price are you in anyway connected to the previous owner" he asked and I looked into his beautiful black eyes, I changed my eye colour to blue, so he wouldn't know if I was the one. "Personal reasons!" I stated briefly, and asked him the same question and he said the necklace meant alot to Jessica his dead lover, he looked down with so much guilt and regrets. "this is the least I could do for her"

I was about tearing up and he looked suprised but apologized for making me feel bad. "Don't worry at least the necklace is with someone who knows it's value, that's quite a relief" I nodded, I wish I could tell him how much I missed him, We exchanged cards and I could feel my stomach dancing in excitement but then my joy was cut short when I saw a pregnant white lady "Boo bear, why aren't you taking my calls!! Your child has been crying for Daddy" I felt like falling, I looked at kelvin for an explanation, he signalled the lady to behave herself but she just kept blabbing.

I quickly left and raced to a nearby toilet and she'd so much tears and ruined my make up, I quickly composed myself and went to the cat, Theresa and the rest were waiting for me, she saw my face and shook her head, she recognized kelvin and shook her head, she saw him with a pregnant lady and knew there was trouble. I entered the car and we moved. The driver took us home and I just slept off out of crying in the car. The workers has never seen me this sad so they felt really bad and started thinking of ways to make me feel better.

Baby Sarah was on the bed with me and she kept mumbling her baby language "bluabla goo goo Gaga" she then slapped my face softly several times for me to wake up, I saw she's scattered my bag and taken out the jewel. she held it and kept playing, I opened my eyes and saw the fat baby looking searchingly at the jewel. I wanted to know what she was going to do next so I kept staring at her but then the jewel shone a very bright blue light and Sarah's eyes opened wide her eyes were glowing blue lights too, her fingers and toes were glowing too. I sat up in shock and took the jewel from her.