

The perfect life of a beautiful daughter of a Senator, Jessica Gilbert takes a drastic turn after her father dies. She ends up being maltreated and raped by her uncle and cousin, later she discovers who's behind her parent's death, and tries to stand up for them, but ends up dying in the process. Jessica's death gives way to the birth of a vengeful Queen of Atlantia. Lilith the devil's wife takes interest in her and initiates her in her court and takes her up as her most precious Ally because of her Maternal ancestor, king Euphorion. Jessica's transformation to Queen Marina will bring confusion into the household of her enemies. Will she be able to keep her promise to Lilith and avenge her parents, or will she fall in love all over again with Kelvin Christopher, the son of Bishop Christopher whom she was sent to kill as her first assignment, Will bishop Chris allow the love to happen between them, Will uncle Jude and Helen repent and escape vengeance?

Favour_Aderemi · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 10-My Baby..

My baby's time is now less than 20 days, I carried her in my arms with sad eyes, she was smiling beautifully at me and I couldn't help but hide her face and cry. If she were to be exactly like uncle Jude it would have been easier to let go but she's just not him she's more like me, that made me so sad because I can't lose her. I started talking to her about everything but she just looked at me and made a bubble out of her mouth, I thought she was going to say something as she stared at me seriously like she understood what I was saying, looks like I'm going crazy..

I began to read about the seas and it's ways, anything I could find online, I even visited shamans, there's no point digging into Lilith, but I could try saving my child, Then I came across a note written by a mystic professor. "A person with more than human history can chose to kill the human part of himself and be more active supernaturally. Like a demon marrying a human or Vampire marrying a human, such a hybrid child could chose the stronger gene and kill one side of himself and if such happens he would be unstoppable".

My eyes shone excitedly, I knew Lilith was craft and may not cover her own side of the deal, I texted the man privately and booked an appointment and he should meet me at my location. I destroyed all mirrors at home and even kept phones glasswares somewhere.. All I knew was that if my great great great times 20 grandfather was from the sea and could travel from his underwater kingdom to earthly word for weeks without dying in the water then he was beyond human and some of his genes passed down to me was in my daughter.

Also the scene of my daughter glowing wasn't just sign of departure. He checked my daughter and was amazed at how active she was, he happened to be a child psychologist as well, he communed with her quite well and it was amazing how he understood all her goo goo Gaga language and how they laughed together. Then the man looked at me and frowned, "You are a descendant of Euphorion! king of Atlantia!" he said more like a confirmation and I stared at him. "Ye...yes! I just got to know recently, and I really need to save her life in days".

"Yeah yeah she told me, how you were burbling and crying and sulking over Lilith's threat, she thinks you are such a cry baby!" He said smirking and I gasped, she understood me! I even told her about kelvin, I looked away blushing, so kids understand everything and just pretend not to know? "What else did she say?" I asked nervous and the young professor just smiled "she's quite a gossip you know, she said you are such a romantic cry baby and a sweet mom, and she understands everything you are going through that's why she bothered the nanny instead. She loves you"

I blushed as I stared at my sleeping child, "You know not all children are as smart as she is, she's got Euphorion blood in her. I know you are curious at how I know your greatest father for short." I nodded curiously. Even though he was young and looked like a nerd high school boy but I felt intimidated by his Aura. "I've lost count of the years I spent on earth, about probably 1027 years old. I'm a good friend of Euphorion and I made so many inventions for him, I was actually a scientist, but I change identities the moment I knew I was immortal, he was a good man, and wanted to help humanity, and he fell in love with my sister your great mother. Well I don't know if you know the story but he made me promise to look after his descendants and when the right time comes I will know the chosen one, I've been following since but I lost touch when your mother was Missing."

I was shocked my mouth wide open, how did he grow through so much civilisation without dying, so many birth and death certificates! no wonder why his languages were so mysterious, he was a professor, child psychologist and scientist, what else could he be? "I've worked on a experiment and you don't have to dive into the ocean to get to Atlantia, I created a portal where you can move in and out of Atlantia, it's actually like a short cut, Euphorion planted the other piece of the key in his chambers, and gave my sister the other key, so you could come in and out of the sealed away kingdom as you wish, I haven't been able to experiment it more than once when your great father died." he said as she took the baby in his arms.

"I have no idea how to kill the human side of a baby but I think you should wait till the said date, she isn't even bothered by her death she only wants you to be fine, I don't know how you managed to kill the human side of you but seriously I must say you went through a lot", he said and cut him off halfway "wait you mean to tell me I'm not really much human now!¿" "well you are still human judging from your emotions and body parts but you are now completely or let me say half completely like your great father Jessica!" he said smiling and I frowned "How!" I asked and held my hand and said "you must have died"

I was shocked, "ofcourse I died legally, I made a death certificate of Jessica and even a fake burial!" I said confused and he raised his eyebrow at me. "No not that, you must have come across a near death experience, I mean death experience in your element and the other side of you preserved your body, and made you live and now the stronger part is working, it's like having a second life" He said and I gasped, yes "I was locked in a pool for like 3 days, now I understand, that was why I couldn't breathe underwater! oh my gosh, you mean I really died, no wonder why I felt at peace, but then everything stopped and I felt like slipping out and went back in and that was it I could see even right through darkness." The professor smiled and said that was it. "Remove your contact lens" he said and I obeyed.

My eyes wasn't like before, it was having changing colours depending on my emotions, I was amazed, "Those evil spirits you saw weren't evil spirits, they were the ghosts of the people that died there.They were only angry and scorned soul of wronged people who died by drowning" Wow so if I wasn't Euphorion daughter I would have been part of those spirits by now! "We could try it for Sarah, if she dies there's possiblity she loses her entire memories and forgets you and starts afresh but it's risky she may truly die if she's out of her element. But if she later switches, I bet Lilith wouldn't want to harm such a important possible ally, and you could take her to Atlantia to rule in your absence, but you won't let her know you are her mother or she will die trying to force the memories back! that's just my theory and I don't know if that works."

It seemed like a tough decision but I nodded, that's good, I can sacrifice my feelings to let my child live and that's fair enough for me and long as she's alive I'm okay, afterall she's not used to the human world, so if she dies first then it means everything that belongs to Jude will die from her body, her human paternal genes will be off! wow! I just hope it works. I was sad but relieved that she would be alive even if she is not my child anymore except biologically. "You can call me Jason" The professor said and left. Lilith couldn't hear our conversation since there's no mirror.

If Sarah died, the human part of her will show itself to her and then I'll hide her away instantly, so that when she's awake she wouldn't sense foul play. I rushed to her bed and carried her happily, that was enough for me! I thanked Jason and he left. He was my family too. He's quite richer even than I am but distributes it to different locations, under different identities inorder not to attract attention, and internet never forgets. I was overjoyed and I told Theresa everything, she was overjoyed and congratulated me. I just have to spend time with my child now with the little time I had left, and I could watch her grow from a distance.

Sarah woke up crying and I breastfed her and pretended like uncle Jason told me nothing, I can't imagine not being able to grow when I reach a certain age not to talk of dying. I spent most of my days close to uncle Jason and Sarah, and he put me through most things. I had to go to Lilith three days to my daughter's death. She wanted to see proof that I was loyal to her. I used some of my powers to block my mind from being read by her, I learnt to detect and control my powers with the help of uncle Jason, and if he wasn't my uncle I would have dated him.

I took an helicopter alone and left to the island and met with invisible Lilith, this time I was crushed to the ground by her beauty, the moment I saw how perfect she was I began to cry, how could a woman be this beauty, I could swear of she went out to the human world, chaos will happen, accidents commotions will happen when no one can focus on their daily business, her beauty hypnotised me and I knew there's no match for her. I mean God truly sat picked mud and moulded her into a perfect woman, except for her insides that were rotten her outsides were beyond perfect and I even felt jealous. But why would I be envious of the devil's wife.

I told her I thought about everything and I am willing to prove my loyalty, I will kill my daughter myself and she will watch from a mirror and watch her soul depart herself. She smirked and was impressed by the change and I told her not to touch her life, "I will give her a painless and easy death,that's a request, let me do it myself, it would hurt seeing my child die by your hands and I don't want to hold bad feelings against you, that's not good for a new alliance." I said and she raised her hands " I promise not to interfere. I'm glad! yes Lucifer, I will be with you in a jiffy. Now go!" she said hurriedly at me.

Wait!wasn't that the devil I mean the fucking devil, same devil the world is fighting against, I'm on the same island with the devil, wait how come this island is not located on the map or even google only a part of this world could locate it.

The D-Day is here, Uncle Jason brought the portal projector and other materials along and kept them in a secret room at the basement of my house. Where there was no reflection of the mirror. My heart broke as I saw baby Sarah playing unbothered that today might be the day she dies. Uncle Jason gave me a candy and I chewed it and he told me there's no way a normal human could talk to a baby or animal and understand their language, but he made some secret experiments and he chewed a candy before he came to my house the other day.

I looked at Baby Sarah, and shed tears, she looked me with a sad face, "Mummy don't cry, I know it's today I'm leaving, it's not your fault, I will not forget you I promise even if I die today, I will always be with you." I wept even harder, Thank you! that's so much of a relief, she looked at me with shocked eyes "Mom do you understand me?" she asked and I nodded, she hugged me and started talking bla bla BLA and Theresa was baffled at how a baby could be so talkative, "There's so much I want to tell you mom, but promise me even if I die, you will still be my mom I mean no one can baby a baby like you do! even when I get to Atlantia, you are still my mother promise? I know I will forget you but we can start all over and live together there forever, no need to go back to this world right!"

I wish I could but I just nodded, she stared at me blankly and said it's time. I sent off all the workers on leave and fired her nanny, and paid her off really good, except for my personal assistant, Theresa, uncle Jason that were here, I would come up with a lie that she's with her dad when the workers come back. They're on leave. I took her and went to the pool, a mirror facing the pool and no reflection in it, only Theresa was around me and uncle Jason was underground in the basement opening the portal. I knew this was risky and my child had 50/50 chances of waking up again.

I carried my child and told her to forgive, I wept sincerely and it felt like the dream I had of drowning her. I took her and dipped her in the water, she stretched and cried and splashed until she went quiet, I wept and shut my eyes hard, Lilith was watching, my child's face was white, I placed her out of the water and shook her but she wouldn't budge, Baby Sarah was truly dead, I hugged her in so much pain and wept, I wrapped her in a white cloth and placed her under the pool for more than an hour for Lilith to confirm she was dead and the mirror crashed it self meaning she already trusted me.

No mother will kill her child for someone else so she felt I was truly loyal and no need to watch again. It was getting dark already. Theresa was comforting me as I watched Baby Sarah under water. she can't leave the pool until it was time so I took a tub and carried her in it and with water to the basement. It was time for my baby to come back alive and look in my eyes with colourful eyes but she didn't wake up, I waited impatiently, for more than 20hours but she didn't wake up, I tried shaking her with the necklace but she didn't wake up, I screamed and grabbed uncle Jason by the collar and started jumping!

The portal was open and we ought to take off but she didn't wake up, uncle Jason told me to be strong and she's probably waiting for me to take her to the other side before waking. I held the necklace around my neck and said open! and a flash of light pierced my eyes, I walked into the portal and when I got to the other side the portal closed behind me and I found myself in a Throne room Beside a Throne. A wicked looking woman was seated on it and the people in the court room were shocked and scared, they trembled at the sight of my baby in my arms, and fell on their faces. wait it was the necklace they were looking it.

The oldest one among them walked to me and said I was Euphorion descendant and an heiress, looking into my eyes, he saw I've kiled the human side of me and he smiled, I was fit to rule, no human traces was in me, looking through my eyes I was clearly not an imposter. Then he touched my child and said she's dead, I didn't believe but he looked at me and told me I should place the necklace around her neck, she's too young for what she went through and needed to draw strength and energy. I placed it on her neck but someone snatched it, the wicked queen who led the revolution for her selfish gains and killed my greatest grand father. She's immortal like Jason except that she fed on criminals souls to help her stay young and beautiful and even took innocent people that fell in her traps

I didn't know her enough but I had to fight for my baby and placed my child in the old man's arms carefully, the people were tired of her rule and wanted to get under a saviour as soon as possible and I fought her even though she was faster, we were in water but the water felt lighter and it was easier to move around and fight. I took the jewel from her and snapped her neck and she died, she somehow looked like Beatrice.