
Open the Chest, 50,000 Yuan Reward

Translator: Noodletown Translations Editor: Noodletown Translations


"Congratulations on the victory, Host. You've received a regular chest. Open for a monetary prize between 10,000 to 50,000 yuan."

"Completed side mission: "Turn on the stream, finish a game, and secure the chicken dinner…."

"Receive a random Demon King Talent."

"Drawing a random Demon King Talent…"


"Congratulations, Host. You've received the Demon King Talent [Hunter's Radar]."

"[Hunter's Radar]: When the System publishes a kill mission in a game, the Host will be able to see from the prey's point of view for a short amount of time. When the Host is within 300 meters of the prey, they will be marked to allow the Host to target them directly."


When Lin Ye won the game by killing 21 players, a string of notifications sounded in his head.

However, even though Lin Ye was excited, he cautiously made the System mute the mic. He didn't want the viewers to notice anything out of the ordinary.

"Demon King Talent, Hunter's Radar…" Lin Ye skimmed the information given by the System and got a rough understanding of the talent before shifting his attention to the newly received regular chest.

Lin Ye concentrated, and a wooden chest soon appeared in his mind.

The wood on the chest looked rough, and it wasn't embellished with any decorations. It looked ordinary, which was very fitting of its name.

"Would you like to open the regular chest?"

"Yes." Lin Ye nodded.

The next moment, the wooden chest disappeared from his mind. He couldn't find any trace of its existence.

"You have opened the regular chest and received 50,000 yuan." 

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Next to his keyboard, Lin Ye's Huawei smartphone suddenly vibrated.

He swiped up and saw that it was a text message from the Construction Bank.

"[Huaxia Construction Bank] Your account ending in 4178 has received and completed a transfer of 50,000 yuan. Your total balance is 50,000 yuan."

He really could receive money from opening chests!

Furthermore, Lin Ye had good luck this round. Not only did he land on a 98K, he also received the maximum possible prize of 50,000 yuan when opening the chest.

As Lin Ye looked at the 50,000 yuan in his bank account, his tense mood as of late immediately evaporated.

Everything can be salvaged.

If he could make tens of thousands of yuan from just a regular chest, Lin Ye could make hundreds of thousands in a day if he was lucky and maintained his high win rate.

This feeling could only be described in one word.


Lin Ye was excited with a proud and elated feeling. After feeling depressed for months, his previously confident mindset had finally returned at this moment.

In this world, there were always more solutions than problems. He just had to clench his teeth and power through it...

Life and death were insignificant, he would confront whatever was in his way!

After confirming the deposit in the bank, Lin Ye put down his smartphone and switched back to live stream mode. He was prepared to begin the next game as soon as possible.

However, in the short time that he was gone, the bullet comments had become incredibly lively in the chat.

"LOL~LOL~ That 98K was really cool, I'm goddamn convinced."

"Every bullet was a headshot, and you got the chicken dinner with 21 kills. Lin Ye, you are too flipping cool!"

"You were flexing too hard with that 98K shot; my pants dropped from just watching that. Streamer, why are you such a showoff?"

"Damn, I remember you said that the game was over the instant you picked up the 98K. I thought you were being pretentious, but you really are awesome."

"Goddamn, those trick shots with the sniper rifle! You're almost on the same level as Sniper King Baixiao."

"Smug Streamer, spit it out. You haven't streamed any movies for two weeks. Were you secretly bootcamping?"

Lin Ye's 21-kill victory sent the viewers into a frenzy, as they couldn't pull themselves away from the incomparable ecstasy of perfectly accurate headshots. After watching the game, they could barely hold back their excitement and wanted nothing more than to turn on their PCs and battle at Erangel.

Lin Ye, having just returned, looked at the bullet comments on the stream and said in a pretentious tone, "That was just my average performance. I was only using 20 percent of my power in that 21-kill game."

You only used 20 percent of your power to win with 21 kills?

Even his hardcore fans couldn't take Lin Ye's shameless pretentiousness.

"Pff, I've never seen someone with thicker skin than you!"

"That's right, where did the humble, movie-streaming Lin Ye go?"

"Streamer, I can only give you a zero score for your feigned arrogance. You're a tryhard."

"Shameless Streamer, I am unfollowing."

"If 20 percent of your power could get you a 21-kill victory, would that mean you can get 85 kills if you used your full power?"

"Man, did your gym teacher teach you math?"

"Idol, Idol, you really are smug now!"

Lin Ye glanced at the bullet comments and said in an indifferent tone, "Soon, you'll understand that I'm already being very humble today."

As he spoke, Lin Ye clicked to queue into another game.

The map was still Erangel in solo mode.

With the Demon King System, Lin Ye could receive a regular chest from every single round for a chance at a monetary reward. It was extremely alluring to him, allowing him to be more energetic while streaming.

"Can I also get 50,000 yuan from the next chest?"

Lin Ye's heart was filled with anticipation. He could get money from winning a game, and the satisfying sense of anticipation made him addicted to the game, unable to stop.

However, while Lin Ye was waiting for a match, a few skeptical bullet comments popped up on his screen.

"Streamer, please be honest. It's okay if you're bad at the game, but please don't cheat to increase your popularity."

"Yeah, think about that streamer Little Bear. She's bad at the game, yet so many people watch her. Gaming skills aren't the most important thing for becoming popular."

"Smug Streamer, please don't cheat to get clout. Think about those streamers who got banned for cheating. They're precautionary tales."

"Please, Streamer, just stream movies for us. I don't want your stream to get banned."

"Yeah, I can give you a rocket. Please just stop cheating."

[TL Note: A rocket is a 500-yuan donation.]

At that moment, a lot of his hardcore fans were typing to try to convince him to stop cheating in this game.

Surprisingly, each of the viewers' doubtful words was kinder than the last. Clearly, the people who followed him were chill and understanding. They didn't speak to him in a condescending or mocking tone; they just didn't want Lin Ye to go down the wrong path for clout. 

The viewers' kindness moved Lin Ye. Smiling, he said, "I didn't cheat, and I would never cheat. Please don't worry; I'm a certified sniper god."

With the Demon King Talent [Sniper Rifle Mastery], Lin Ye's confidence was through the roof, so when he said that, he didn't feel a single tinge of shame.


Too strong.

Sorry, but I'm just too strong!!