
A 21-Kill Victory

Translator: Noodletown Translations Editor: Noodletown Translations


The gun ignited.

A single 7.62mm bullet shot out from the barrel. The next moment, the sprinting player's head exploded as a mist of blood appeared.

"Linye headshotted aiyinmaliya808 with Kar98K."

The player got headshotted from 100 meters away.

From afar, the explosion of blood in the field of vision was the most beautiful sight to a sniper.

As soon as Lin Ye assassinated that player, he put away his gun and sprinted in the direction of the jeep. 

At the same time, the bullet comments that popped up on his live stream were becoming frenzied.

"Wow! That 98K shot was kinda cool."

"LOL~ You just headshotted a moving target. Is this the same Smug Streamer that I know?"

"Whoever said that he is on the same level as that noob Little Bear, come out here and I'll teach you a lesson!"

"Don't be surprised; maybe it was just good luck?"

"Regardless of luck, that 98K headshot was so satisfying!"

Compared to the silence in the chat from when he got five kills, Lin Ye's 98K headshot ignited his audience's enthusiasm. Many lurkers couldn't help but start sending bullet comments as well.

After all, in PUBG, the title for the most popular gun belonged to the bolt-action rifle, the Kar98K.

Many people repeated the phrase 'Landed on a 98K' when they played the game.

So, that was why Lin Ye's 98K headshot resonated with the viewers in the chat and gave many people a sense of satisfaction.

He put away his gun and got in the car.

Lin Ye stepped down on the gas pedal, and the jeep soared towards the safe zone.




Lin Ye was arrogant; he would never get scared or admit defeat, so his gaming style was analogous to a berserker. He ran down and battled whoever he saw, and with the boost of the Demon King System, he was like a tiger with wings, bursting in murderous desire.

Lin Ye's jeep headed towards wherever the gunshots were the loudest on the map. If God or Buddha tried to stop him, he would shoot them down, as any moving creature in his sight was prey to his 98K.

In this game, he didn't want to simply win a regular chest; he wanted to win it in a high profile and high kill count fashion.

He sped down the twisting road.

Half a minute later, School and the outline of building complexes were becoming clear in Lin Ye's field of view.

Ta! Ta! Ta!

Ta! Ta! Ta!

Ta! Ta! Ta!

Gunshots rang out from 400 meters away.

He drifted and braked.

When the car speed was lowered to 30km/h, Lin Ye swiftly jumped from the vehicle. In front of him, the roaring jeep was still ceaselessly spinning around due to its inertia.

He raised his gun and switched on the scope.

Lin Ye's 8x scope moved to the top of a building complex beside School, and he immediately found the player with a level 1 helmet who was crazily firing with his hand-held rifle.

Green helmet.

One bullet was all it took to kill this player.

Four hundred meters.

He aimed with the crosshairs.

While holding his breath, he pulled the trigger.


A clear gunshot sounded.

Three-fourths of a second later, blood splattered from the green-helmeted player's head.

"Linye headshotted guchuaiyizhi202 with Kar98K."

The bullet shot forward and flew through the player's head.

At that moment, Lin Ye's jeep was still spinning in front of him. He ejected the shell, put away his gun, and timed his vehicle's spins to climb onto the driver's seat at the right angle. Then, he stepped on the gas pedal smoothly and sped away.




Lin Ye sped up and followed the trajectory of his bullet, racing towards School.

He stopped, lifted his gun, and killed a player with one shot.

He put away his gun, climbed back into the car, and sped away.

Lin Ye's actions were extremely fancy and dazzling, leaving the viewers wanting more.

The spinning drifts, the long-distance assassinations, and the rampaging jeep.

The sounds of the engine seemed to charge into the viewers' hearts. They felt excited, even flabbergasted, as they were unable to utter a word.

"I… Damn! Smug Streamer is too cool today!"

"Those moves. They look like they came straight outta a movie; they were so fancy."

"That wasn't just fancy; it was a beautiful and elegant display."


In an instant, the chat blew up with sounds of admiration as bullets comments floated on the stream screen. The viewers were clearly shocked by Lin Ye's incredibly gorgeous long-distance killshots. 

Were they watching a live stream or a weekly top-10 highlight?

Lin Ye glanced at the bullet comments and wasn't in a rush to reply. He was still fully concentrated in the game, swearing to himself that he would win with a high kill count and open a chest.

One jeep and one 98K, Lin Ye and his gun rampaged towards the center of the safe zone.




One shot after another.

Players were being headshotted nonstop, from School to Rozhok, then to the Georgopol Hills. Lin Ye slaughtered whoever was in his way like they were crops for harvesting.

There was nothing on the map that could compete with his 98K.

Nine kills!

Ten kills!

Twelve kills!

Fifteen kills!

Seventeen kills!

As time progressed, Lin Ye's kill count rapidly rose and it soon neared twenty kills.

The blue zone closed in.

The new safe zone formed around the wheat field outside Gatka. The field was open and had nothing blocking one's vision, so it was perfect for Lin Ye's 98K to display its power.

At that moment, only seven people remained on the map.

After a round of insane slaughter, Lin Ye occupied a two-story building on the edge of Gatka. It was the only high ground in the safe zone, which gave him the absolute vision advantage.

The objective for others was to crawl on the ground and try to survive.

There were six players lying down in the wheat field, trying to blend into the ground.

However, in the field of vision of Lin Ye's 8x scope, the figures of these players were all exposed with nowhere for them to hide.




He pulled the bolt and ejected the shells.

Sparks ceaselessly danced around the barrel of the 98K. One after another, 7.62mm bullets were fired off, and in an instant, blood splattered in the wheat field.

"Linye headshotted qiaobenyoucai8555 with Kar98K."

"Linye headshotted daqiaoweijiu6263 with Kar98K."

"Linye headshotted zaoyinvluyi9632 with Kar98K."

Five bullets, three headshots.

Other than two players with level 3 helmets taking an extra bullet, the rest all died from a single shot to their heads from Lin Ye.

Eighteen kills!

Nineteen kills!

Twenty kills!

Now, Lin Ye's total kill count rose up to 20, which was quite shocking. This was a number most ordinary players would never have the chance of reaching in their lifetimes.

The endless sounds of a 98K firing struck fear into the remaining three players. They knew that they had been spotted by a sniper on the high ground. Naturally, they stopped trying to convince themselves into staying put in the field, and they all stood up to sprint towards Gatka.

After all, Gatka was the only location in the safe zone with cover. They must take over the two-story building in order to have a chance at surviving and getting the chicken dinner.




In the wheat field, the three people attempting a suicide sprint soon discovered each other.

As a result, they had to stop rushing forward and start shooting at each other in a craze. Only the winner of this round would have a chance at becoming the victor in the safe zone.

However, Lin Ye would never give these people a chance to even reach his building. He loaded his 98K and shot out a bullet at the last surviving player.


The gun sounded, and the man went down.

"Linye headshotted shiyuanlinai666 with Kar98K."

Twenty-one kills!

With the last player cleaned up on the map, Lin Ye quickly ended this round.

Winner winner chicken dinner!

In this round, Lin Ye's 98K showed its power and headshotted more than a dozen players in a row. This graceful performance even made the players who got headshotted doubt their lives.

This 98K...

Holy crap this is just too overpowered!

After winning, Lin Ye's computer screen dimmed. However, his mood was more excited than ever.

One game, 21 kills!

More importantly...

A chest was coming his way!