
A Chance Encounter with Little Bear

Translator: Noodletown Translations Editor: Noodletown Translations

After Lin Ye got a 21-kill victory, the popularity of his stream was visibly increasing.

5000… 6000… 8000… 

10000… 13000… 16000...

As time progressed, the popularity of Lin Ye's stream changed continuously. It seemed to be picking up heat and traction.

After the stream started, the popularity points quickly passed 10,000. This was quite rare in Lin Ye's casual streaming career.

After all, with his usual speed, he would barely reach 10,000 popularity points by the third movie.

This would have taken three or four hours.

Lin Ye glanced at the stream's popularity points and didn't take it too seriously. He didn't care about such trivial things, so he wouldn't let it get to his head.

When he started streaming, he just wanted to have somebody to chat with when he felt lonely.

At that moment, the game's display changed and Lin Ye entered a game once again.

- Erangel, solo mode - 

Normally, Lin Ye almost always played PUBG alone, as he wasn't used to the presence of teammates. So when he was choosing the game mode, he would always subconsciously choose solo mode or solo in squad mode with random players that PUBG matched him with.

Of course, with the incentive of receiving a chest each time he secured the chicken dinner, Lin Ye would naturally choose the solo mode, as that made winning easier.

After all, Lin Ye really needed money for his daily needs.

The spawn area of this game was at Quarry to the lower-left corner of the map. Almost a hundred players were gathered there, waiting for the plane's departure.

As soon as Lin Ye loaded into the game, he saw a girl in a white suit, a short dress, and a ponytail charging towards him.

Then, he heard a wave of fervorous electronic music blasting from the public voice chat.

"Gucci Gucci Prada Prada~ Gucci Gucci Prada Prada~ Gucci Gucci Prada Prada~"

It was a wave of really catchy electronic music sounds. It either made people want to dance or want to shoot the girl's ponytailed head off.

Lin Ye was at a loss for words as he looked at that ponytail girl running away. He stood there for a while, unable to put a sentence together.

"What kind of dumb*ss is that!?" Lin Ye looked hopeless as he couldn't imagine what kind of a weirdo would be able to come up with such a strange idea.

However, something more shocking followed.

When the "Gucci Gucci Prada Prada" ponytail girl ran away, he saw that there were actually 20 to 30 players chasing her. About 80 to 90 percent of those people were men in the classic Harley Quinn outfit.

Black, white, yellow...

Tall, short, buff, and buffer...

These ugly and buff men all had cute ponytails, booty shorts on their thick waists, and hairy legs wrapped in fishnets. These demonic "Harley Quinn" males stampeded past Lin Ye, chasing after that girl in the ponytail.

"This…" Lin Ye's lips twitched. He wanted to roast them, but he didn't know where to start.

There were too many things to roast!

However, before Lin Ye could even construct a sentence, a wave of curses sounded throughout Quarry.

"Goddamn, what is this monstrosity? My eyes are going blind."

"Harley Quinn, give my Harley back! My goddess Harley!!!"

"God damn it, a black male Harley Quinn just winked at me. Barf, I'm going to throw up yesterday's lunch."

"My god, where did these nutjobs come from?"

For a moment, the buff Harley Quinns made Quarry erupt into chaos.

However, before the players finished roasting them, all the buff Harley Quinns disappeared from everyone's screen. The next moment, the game display changed as the plane took off. 

"We're finally free…"

Many players celebrated internally.




The sound of the engine ripped through the sky.

Lin Ye opened his map and saw that the plane followed an obscure route, flying from the island's western shore to Lipovka. It cut across the entire island, almost dividing the map in half horizontally.

The major resource locations along this route were Gatka, Rozhok, School, and surrounding building complexes. Locations like Sosnovka, Novorepnoye, and Yasnaya Polyana were impossible to reach by parachute alone, as they were located far from the center of the map.

When the plane departed, it didn't leave the players many choices in terms of drop locations.

When most of the players were being indecisive as to where to jump, a wave of chaotic chatter suddenly sounded from within the cabin.

"Brothers, brothers. The Bear Defenders must protect Little Bear so that she can get her chicken dinner!"

"That's right, Noob Bear hasn't had a chicken dinner in two weeks. I can't watch this anymore."

"School, let's land at School with Little Bear. We'll control Rozhok, School, and the building complexes nearby. We can't allow our goddess to become a death crate on landing."

"That's right, all of the Harley Quinns are our fellow brothers. We have about 23 people, so don't shoot the wrong people when we land."

"Chicken dinner, we have to protect Little Bear to get her chicken dinner. We absolutely can't let her play with a stallion like Sniper King Baixiao.!"


Hearing that, Lin Ye raised his eyebrow and questioned, "Bear Defenders… Little Bear?"

He didn't know this name well, but Lin Ye was no stranger.

Little Bear was the No.1 female PUBG streamer on Douyu. She was a beautiful A-level streamer who had exploded in popularity. She maintained at least three million popularity points every stream.

However, as the No.1 female PUBG streamer, she surprisingly did not achieve that through the technical route. She was a streamer focusing on pure entertainment.


It wasn't just normal entertainment.

Little Bear's stream focused on humor. Although she had more than 1000 hours in the game, her skill level was barely entry-level. As for the specifics, one could infer from her nickname as Noob Bear.

Anyways, she was bad enough to make the devil cry.

Perhaps someone would wonder, how could an insanely bad streamer become so popular on Douyu?

It was simple, just one word.



She wasn't just pretty.

Have you heard of Su Daji of Shang in ancient China or Helen of Troy in ancient Greece?

That's right, Little Bear was on that level of beauty. Her charm could bring a nation to ruins. Born with a seductive foxy face, her every frown and every smile stole the viewers' hearts away.

She had a small pinched waist, long slender legs, a 32D chest, and a drop-dead gorgeous body. Her beauty was off the charts, and she looked like a bewitching fox sitting in front of the camera.

Little Bear's looks were unrivaled in the streaming community, let alone the Douyu platform. Even in the entertainment industry, only a few could match her.

Simply watching such a beauty streaming games was good enough; she didn't have to be good.

In reality, many entertainment companies had tried to recruit her. However, Little Bear rejected all of them, as it seemed like she didn't want to get into the world of money and fame at all.

Little Bear was very popular on Douyu, and Lin Ye had heard many things about her even though he never followed any female streamers. Other players on the plane must know about her as well.

As for the Bear Defenders, they were famous for their simping abilities. Even though they weren't strong in this game, they had an extremely showy gaming style and were known for it within the PUBG community.

So, when the Bear Defenders appeared, other regular players sensibly left the plane early. They chose to look for vehicles to relocate, or hide in the wilderness and wait it out.

There was nothing they could do against more than 20 Bear Defenders at School. Who would be able to take them on?




On a panel next to the plane, the yellow dot indicating the number of players in the cabin decreased at a high speed.

"Smug Streamer, you haven't jumped yet. You're not trying to fight at School, are you?"

"I know you're still smug from winning the last game, but you really can't land at School this round."

"Run away, it's not cowardly to run away from a group of people."

"Just wait it out; they're the Bear Defenders. The Goddess's simps are terrifying…"

A lot of viewers in the stream were trying to convince Lin Ye to back off so that he wouldn't get killed at School due to his impulsiveness. After all, they were waiting to see Lin Ye's 98K's performance, so they didn't want to see him become a death crate on landing.

However, Lin Ye simply glanced at the chat without any intention to back off. Instead, he said in a confident tone, "I don't know about other people, but I am going to be the school bully this round!"

At that moment, the plane was nearing Rozhok and approached School at a high speed.

Looking at the plane's position, Lin Ye did not hesitate before pressing the F key to eject himself from the plane and dive towards the roof of a school building.

This round, he could become a death crate on landing.

However, as for running away without a fight...

They must be dreaming!

Let them come… 

Fight! Fight! Fight!

Life and death were insignificant; he would confront whatever was in his way!