
Ps; I wish...

A girl with genius mind, Ivelyn was being taken away from her parents’ house forcefully one day when she have make a plan for her summer holiday. Later on, she end up in the adopted family house that multiple times better. At first she promised herself to make the ‘brother’s’ life a living hell. She planned to make him regret take her away from her hometown. Making the older a walking zombie is her first step of revenge. Make him have headache each and every chance she get. But, only after a few her attempts to make her revenge happen, her brother transfer her to a school. In his defence, he want to make her forget about those silly joke on him and at the same time she can get busy herself with something without making troubles under his care. At least, not during working hours. On the premise she went to the school, Ivelyn put a few... No. No. No. Correction. Better say it a lot of conditions to follow if he want her to stop her revenge. Her life since then were more exciting than she thought and she make a lot of things behind her brother’s back. * * * A rising male idol, Noah, want to live his life before he need to replace his family’s legacy. There is a huge burden were put on his shoulder since he was young as he is the only child in his generation. He want to experience a freedom life before being old sitting behind the desk thinking about his responsibility for those around him. So, he make a deal with his old man to let him do his things until the time come. When being a student and an idol at the same time, Noah need to balance his days between studying and working. Noah need to complete his study with flying colours and have enough attendance to graduate from school. But, due to his busy schedule, he keep miss his class. In order to complete his study, he stay in the same grade for another year. But, when his father heard the news, it make him enrage and decide to intercept. He transfer his son to another school with strict rules to set him straight and be responsible with his own life before others. * * * At first, Ivelyn have a lot of misunderstanding about the boy that keep bothering her. But on Noah side’s, he can’t believe that he will meet his dream girl a lot more everyday. One after another coincidence encounter, the both of them shocked when they found out what were prepared for them both. They learn about each other with their real backgrounds. They both become clueless.

Nicky_ns · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 24

There are a whole bushes of purple flower with a bell shape. She knows that purple flower very well. It was none other than the flowers that she used in her research a few months ago. The presence of the flowers cause her to have smile on her face.

The thought that she can continue with her research make her felt like she giddy and want to jump up and down all day long. It had been a while since the last time she stop the project on that. The research had been delayed since she can't get her hands on the species due to its special circumstances to stay alive.

However, she is still new at the country. Where should she go to conduct her experiments in the future. She need a place for herself. Does she need to ring that guy for help? He will surely gloat to the other if she did. Still, she need to at least give him a head up... perhaps all of them need to know her current situation.

Right, why had not she remember to do that? She need to send all of them some signal before they take actions. Please tell her, it will be not too late for her to do so. She need to do it as soon as she get sometimes or somewhere all by herself.

When she get back from her daze, the mother still had her eyes on herself. She did not expect for that woman to inspect her every corner of her face. If she had a pimple on her face, she need to dig the ground for her to hide her face since she would look hideous.

And she dare to get her mind travels so far away when there are a lot of people looking in her way. Unbelievable. That was a reckless act, Ivy. You need to change your habit to never let your thought wander around all the time.

"Ivelyn, how are you doing? Is the journey tired you? Tell me... is Isaac treat you right all this time?" Asked the mother that pulled her to sit in the middle between her and her husband in the three seated couch.

Although she want to give the answer, she don't know how to address any of them. They had yet to introduce themselves her. She don't want to disappoint any of them if she wrongly called them.

"Mom, please where is the manner you taught me? You did not even introduce yourself or anyone here yet. She must have no idea what to call you." Isaac tried to get his mother attention away from talking about him. With a hopeful eyes he wish for it to happen.

"Oh... that's right. Bummer me. Ivelyn dear, you can call me Mommy Wang, this one is my husband, Daddy Wang. That one is Grandpa and next to him is Grandma Wang. You can suit yourself with that nickname to differentiate us with your other grands. Isn't easy that way?" said the woman merrily.

She seems like a woman with many mouth. She can come up with various topic to talk about all the time. While the rest seems like they would love to have someone like her to chattering instead of talking. Oh... of course it does not including Isaac. He seems like a social butterfly that can make friends anywhere he walks around. So leave him out of the group.

"Yes, yes it does. And you can call me Ivy. No need to call Ivelyn as I hardly will turn around if you call me that." Answer Ivy in a low voice and a small smile plastered on her already sweet face for everyone. Her look was mesmerising and will surely be attract by those recruit agents to be apart in the entertainment world. They will follow her everywhere just to get her to sign up with them. However, since their family will arrange a few security around her, Ivy will hopefully can get away from them and be safe.

"Oh... but it is a beautiful name. But sure. Ivy it is. And God... you look so lovely with those smile. I like your dimples when you smile. Isn't beautiful, mom? I hope to see it often. If only you are small. I will make sure to bring you everywhere in my pocket." Said the woman again. Her eyes was pleased by the moment she saw Ivy's smile.

"So... how was the journey? It must have been quite tiresome, right? No worries, we already had a room ready for you to take rest later after we had our lunch. I am glad that they agree to let me redesign the room for you. I hope you will like it, Ivelyn... I mean Ivy. Sorry. I will get use to it soon."

"Anyway, Isaac must have bothering and annoyed you all this time, isn't? You can tell me on him if he did. I will give him a beat... No. No. What I meant is I will beat into a pulp. He always act all self righteous when he sit with us, while he actually love to tease his grands and me."

Seeing that the mother start the right topic to fill the in the grand room, Ivelyn turn to Isaac with the corner of her mouth lift slightly and one of her eyebrow lift high. She want to make sure the man tremble in fear if she decided to be honest with his behaviour. It was a threats look and she is challenging him to stop her.

Isaac that seat just right across her clenching his teeth and had pleading eyes to Ivy. He seems like he was hot in his seat. Flustered was evident on his face. He must have never thought that his mother hell bent want to talk about the subject he fear the most.

He drug his sister.

Who in their right mind would do so, right?

If the story reach either his parents or the grandparents, he might as well dig his own grave and buried himself in. He must have lost his mind when he decided to play dirty. And right now, the method he used is being a leverage for him to stay alive or otherwise.

Can he have a way out of the trouble?

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