
Ps; I wish...

A girl with genius mind, Ivelyn was being taken away from her parents’ house forcefully one day when she have make a plan for her summer holiday. Later on, she end up in the adopted family house that multiple times better. At first she promised herself to make the ‘brother’s’ life a living hell. She planned to make him regret take her away from her hometown. Making the older a walking zombie is her first step of revenge. Make him have headache each and every chance she get. But, only after a few her attempts to make her revenge happen, her brother transfer her to a school. In his defence, he want to make her forget about those silly joke on him and at the same time she can get busy herself with something without making troubles under his care. At least, not during working hours. On the premise she went to the school, Ivelyn put a few... No. No. No. Correction. Better say it a lot of conditions to follow if he want her to stop her revenge. Her life since then were more exciting than she thought and she make a lot of things behind her brother’s back. * * * A rising male idol, Noah, want to live his life before he need to replace his family’s legacy. There is a huge burden were put on his shoulder since he was young as he is the only child in his generation. He want to experience a freedom life before being old sitting behind the desk thinking about his responsibility for those around him. So, he make a deal with his old man to let him do his things until the time come. When being a student and an idol at the same time, Noah need to balance his days between studying and working. Noah need to complete his study with flying colours and have enough attendance to graduate from school. But, due to his busy schedule, he keep miss his class. In order to complete his study, he stay in the same grade for another year. But, when his father heard the news, it make him enrage and decide to intercept. He transfer his son to another school with strict rules to set him straight and be responsible with his own life before others. * * * At first, Ivelyn have a lot of misunderstanding about the boy that keep bothering her. But on Noah side’s, he can’t believe that he will meet his dream girl a lot more everyday. One after another coincidence encounter, the both of them shocked when they found out what were prepared for them both. They learn about each other with their real backgrounds. They both become clueless.

Nicky_ns · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 25

Those smirk shown that she have no plan to cooperate and give him easy time. She did gave him warning that with her arrival in the country, there will no longer peaceful life for him. Those glance make Isaac's heart stirred and he can see trouble approaching him in the near future.

However, as soon as Ivelyn open her mouth, her answers make Isaac release the breath he had been holding in without realising it. Her answer make his heart warm and glad she choose to spare his life.

"Umm... he treat me just fine. I don't think he need to face another hard time after trying so hard to find me. But, I will let you know if he ever find fault and annoyed me." In the blink of eyes, Ivy turn from a sweet girl into a different character.

Unknown to him, there are vast of future where she can start her overdue revenge. She will gladly wait for those time when he let his guards down to formulate her revenge. With that chance she will make him begged her for forgiveness.

All he had on hi thought during that time might be a wish that he had never come to Country S for her. And that he should just handle those enemies through all means even including the underhanded one.

"Good. Good. We will surely give him a good lesson then." Said the grandma cheerfully. They had a good time talking until there is one maid announced that their lunch are ready to be served and they get inside the dining room.

During the whole meal, they eat quietly and the chatter only happen once in a while. However, Ivy's bowl was always filled with dishes the being put by everyone at the table except the old man. He had yet to speak a word to Ivy or any other family members. He just sent a glance around the table once in a while.

Isaac can see that Ivy was bewildered that her bowl was full with food before she can even lift her chopsticks or spoon. She did not even need to stretch her hand to pick food as her bowl was fill with it. She only need to munch the food in the bowl to her heart content. She must have a hard time to finished her food.

Her heart felt so warm as their attention never left her and she does not even lift much of her hand to pick any dishes whether those dishes are close or far away her. She was treated like a precious gemstone that is rare in the world, in her case it is in the family. She does not need to move a finger to get what she want there.

Due to eating too much chocolates in the car, Ivy ended up can't finished the food in her bowl. It can be safely said that she only ate a quarter of the bowl with mountain of dished that she can't refused. She hate to waste those food in her bowl that she felt like her OCD about to trigger her. She pout her mouth as she felt quite upsetting with herself.

They finished the meal and Ivy was sent to the room that is design for her. Once reach the room, she can see that they put a lot of effort to the rom. She can see the furniture was design specially for the room and not the one that available at the furniture shop.

When the elders decided to let Ivy take some rest, they walk to the door together with Isaac and Ivy trails behind them. The elders bid their goodbye leaving Isaac and Ivy at the door. Ivy slammed the door at Isaac face once she turn around and it almost touch his nose that would leave a dark blue bruise or even broke them. Right before he get to twist the knob, there is a clicked sound coming from the door. The door is locked. Isaac clicking his tongue as he had yet to thanked her for saving him just now.

"Ivy, let me in. I want to talk to you now. We need to continue the talk we had in the car. Is it a deal? Can we make up now. Hey... do you hear me?" putting his ear on the door, Isaac want to hear whether there is any moving noise inside. As he failed to hear anything, he left only after saying, "Fine. You take a rest first and we will continue this evening. You have to give me a clear answer. Promise?" although he did not hear the reply, Isaac leave for his room.

Ivelyn who had enough for the day, lean her body on the door and slide down on the floor. She felt her whole body and mind can be describe that she had a burnout. It was too much for her to deal with everything on her own and she had yet send the report on her current situation.

Sighing heavily, she get on feet and stalk towards the bed where she had left her bag on. She need to take her phone and get online right away instead of waste time sending an email to them before it is too late. She did not dare to take any chance from being find out just because she failed to send report.

No more than half an hour later, there is a knock on her door. As far as she remember, they told her to take a rest. So, who is it that still knocking on her door. They were supposed to let her be and maybe sleep all she want. If that one at the door is Isaac, she would surely cause a scene for him and make him explain himself to the elders.

Although she grumbled in her heart, she still get to the door. She had never expected that she would greet by a maid. She greet her proper with full of respect. She even called her with a name she would never thought will be use in her life and the name sounds so awkward to her ears.

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