
Ps; I wish...

A girl with genius mind, Ivelyn was being taken away from her parents’ house forcefully one day when she have make a plan for her summer holiday. Later on, she end up in the adopted family house that multiple times better. At first she promised herself to make the ‘brother’s’ life a living hell. She planned to make him regret take her away from her hometown. Making the older a walking zombie is her first step of revenge. Make him have headache each and every chance she get. But, only after a few her attempts to make her revenge happen, her brother transfer her to a school. In his defence, he want to make her forget about those silly joke on him and at the same time she can get busy herself with something without making troubles under his care. At least, not during working hours. On the premise she went to the school, Ivelyn put a few... No. No. No. Correction. Better say it a lot of conditions to follow if he want her to stop her revenge. Her life since then were more exciting than she thought and she make a lot of things behind her brother’s back. * * * A rising male idol, Noah, want to live his life before he need to replace his family’s legacy. There is a huge burden were put on his shoulder since he was young as he is the only child in his generation. He want to experience a freedom life before being old sitting behind the desk thinking about his responsibility for those around him. So, he make a deal with his old man to let him do his things until the time come. When being a student and an idol at the same time, Noah need to balance his days between studying and working. Noah need to complete his study with flying colours and have enough attendance to graduate from school. But, due to his busy schedule, he keep miss his class. In order to complete his study, he stay in the same grade for another year. But, when his father heard the news, it make him enrage and decide to intercept. He transfer his son to another school with strict rules to set him straight and be responsible with his own life before others. * * * At first, Ivelyn have a lot of misunderstanding about the boy that keep bothering her. But on Noah side’s, he can’t believe that he will meet his dream girl a lot more everyday. One after another coincidence encounter, the both of them shocked when they found out what were prepared for them both. They learn about each other with their real backgrounds. They both become clueless.

Nicky_ns · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 23

As the two of them walk to the other end of the hallway, they were greet with a warm welcome. The kind of welcome being meant here is no kidding. They did not have any greeting exchange, instead they were hugging each other as soon as the other within their reach.

Ivelyn who had not realise the unexpected welcome and change of atmosphere was startled. She suddenly was pulled by a hand into a tight hug. The first one who pulled her none other than the woman who must have know her and had been waiting for this day to come. The mother.

She was the one who starts the tears drama. And then, from the side the grandmother come approach them and join the hug, followed by Isaac's father that embraced all the three of them too.

I meant... of course excluding the grumpy old man. It was like a common occurrence for the family to hug each other except him. So, he can do all he want as long as he does not cross her border.

They hugged her even before she were introduced by Isaac to all of them. It was so lovely and heart wrenching from the maids sight. Their hugs were like a tight group hug to welcome a long lost family member with intention to never let her go again.

She almost lost her breath with the cuddling. And the sudden cuddle by the woman makes Ivy felt awkward. She was being treat as if they know her for a long time. Well...in fact it is has been a long time since they met her. Her heart felt warm with the love she received.

The thing is that she does not even know they name and how to call any of them. That what makes it even more awkward as she would always taught herself to make judgement and assumption all the time, so she was waiting for them to introduce themselves to her. She had a hard time to change that one very habit these whole time.

Only after that Ivy was bombarded by multiple questions as soon as they pulled away from her. There were so many questions that being throw at her at once makes her dizzy and lost her focus on who should reply first. They did not even give her enough time to get oxygen back to her brain.

"Mom. Mom. I know that you are excited. Can you at least let her take a breath for a while. She look breathless. As for you two, please wipe the tears and snot , or whatever you had on your face. You guys looked ugly right now." Isaac comments make him received two pairs of sharp squinting eyes of the grandmother and mother.

The blow from his mouth, did not receive well from both the grandmother and mother. They punched his chest and arm to release their anger on him. He always find the most sensitive subject to teased the only two women in his life.

"Ouch. Ouch. Mom... Grandma... that hurts a lot. You can't forget me and love me any less than before once you guys have another one. I know she look pleasing to the eyes, but don't teach her to bully me along with you guys. Okay?"

Thanks to Isaac interruption, she did not need to answers them right at that moment. And his teased make all there laugh. He always find the right time to enlighten the atmosphere. That help from him make Ivy grateful towards him. But not enough to say that she owe him her life. Just grateful. Okay? She still hold grudge and hatred to him.

The mother wiped her tears with the help from her husband that coax her to stop crying. He held her face with care and delicately wipe the streaks of tears on her face. Their affectionate shows how much love they had for each other and it can't be doubted by the other watching eyes.

With Isaac help, the whole family usher Ivy inside the house. They walk inside the house with Ivy walk hand in hand with Isaac's mother. She looks so happy when she saw Ivy walked out of the car. And now her excitement cannot be hold in anymore.

Ivy can see how much she must have waited for this day to come. The smile never left her face and her eyes never leave Ivy's face throughout the time until they get inside the house and take a seat at the formal living room.

It was a huge living room that can easily turn into a ballroom and suitable to for one to held party. With those grand stairs just behind the sofa arrangement it will surely attract Ivy's attention.

If she want to compare her house with this mansion, it will surely unfair. The whole living room can turn it at least three bedroom with individually bathroom each in her house. However, Ivy does not really envied the size of the room. She would felt bored and lonely if she had it anyway and at the same time, she want to avoid the trouble with her cat for sure.

Unknown to her, the thought she just had and hope to avoid will come looking for her. It is one of the nightmare she need to get used to soon.

And at the corner, she can see there is a bar full with drinks she would surely stay away from. She was taught to stay away from that sinful drinks. Those drinks were two face drinks where it might numb ones by getting drunk, it was all until they will take all the good parts away and left them with trouble.

From deteriorating health, drunk driving that cause injury and death towards oneself and other people, and so on. It will cause one to regret from making a wrong decision.

Then, at one the other side of the bar, Ivy can see that there is a sliding door with an beautiful scenery. From where she is sitting, she can see there quite a few bunches of flowers. She saw one that attracting to her eyes.

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