
Ps; I wish...

A girl with genius mind, Ivelyn was being taken away from her parents’ house forcefully one day when she have make a plan for her summer holiday. Later on, she end up in the adopted family house that multiple times better. At first she promised herself to make the ‘brother’s’ life a living hell. She planned to make him regret take her away from her hometown. Making the older a walking zombie is her first step of revenge. Make him have headache each and every chance she get. But, only after a few her attempts to make her revenge happen, her brother transfer her to a school. In his defence, he want to make her forget about those silly joke on him and at the same time she can get busy herself with something without making troubles under his care. At least, not during working hours. On the premise she went to the school, Ivelyn put a few... No. No. No. Correction. Better say it a lot of conditions to follow if he want her to stop her revenge. Her life since then were more exciting than she thought and she make a lot of things behind her brother’s back. * * * A rising male idol, Noah, want to live his life before he need to replace his family’s legacy. There is a huge burden were put on his shoulder since he was young as he is the only child in his generation. He want to experience a freedom life before being old sitting behind the desk thinking about his responsibility for those around him. So, he make a deal with his old man to let him do his things until the time come. When being a student and an idol at the same time, Noah need to balance his days between studying and working. Noah need to complete his study with flying colours and have enough attendance to graduate from school. But, due to his busy schedule, he keep miss his class. In order to complete his study, he stay in the same grade for another year. But, when his father heard the news, it make him enrage and decide to intercept. He transfer his son to another school with strict rules to set him straight and be responsible with his own life before others. * * * At first, Ivelyn have a lot of misunderstanding about the boy that keep bothering her. But on Noah side’s, he can’t believe that he will meet his dream girl a lot more everyday. One after another coincidence encounter, the both of them shocked when they found out what were prepared for them both. They learn about each other with their real backgrounds. They both become clueless.

Nicky_ns · Teen
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28 Chs

Chapter 22

Before Isaac can hear Ivelyn's answer, he was interrupted by the driver. He announced to his young master politely that they arrived at their destination as soon as he drive the car into a huge gate with two security on both sides. No longer than two minutes, the car went into a driveway with a fountain in the middle.

Isaac was disappointed as their siblings talk was cut short when it just about to get heated. There are a lot of things they need to take into consideration to make the deal that will benefit both party.

From the first time they met, Isaac can understand a little about Ivy. She had a strong personality with that prefer her thought being taken consideration by other. It does not stop at that, she appreciate herself a lot more than normal people did. If it does not work accordingly on her way, instead of stop and give up, she will make it work somehow.

That is what make Isaac most worried about. Just like her parents said before, more than warn, she had the character where she believe give and take. Once you give something that is good, she will take it and turn the good things around. However, if you give her a hard time, she, too, will make it hard for you. It can went on and on for a long period.

All in all, he can simplify it into 'never mess with Ivy'. Just like her nickname, it is scream dangerous.

The memories that just pass no more than three days ago can give him so much shuddered. If only he take the warning seriously, he would never have to undergo the torture she pull for the next few days perhaps weeks or even months.

He will regret and blame himself by using that stupid move on her. He had mess with the wrong person. He woke up a dragon when she hibernate quietly. Wrong move makes him suffer for who knows how long.

Seeing that Ivelyn close her mouth back and stare outside the window, Isaac exhale the air he unknowingly hold in. It was as if he want to hear the reply he had been expecting. All his effort to bring up the subject went in vain. If only they had about another five to ten minutes at most, he can understand what is there had been going around Ivy's head and get the answer he wants.

It will be really helpful if he can get to know the way of Ivy's thought when she is in a situation like they currently facing. He can hardly guess what is in her mind with those expressionless face.

Ivelyn who was shocked to her core since before she get out of the car, still can't believe how big the house is. It had never crossed her mind that she will one day walk into one of such big house like those in the drama she watch before she went to sleep.

Stepping down from the car that had pulled into a stop, both of the siblings were welcome by two row of five maids. It was so cliché for wealthy family to have that much of maids. However, it does make sense to have that much as there is no one want to handle the big house... No. No. Correction... that big mansion all alone. They can surely commit suicide if they were instruct to do it alone.

If only it is in her dream, she would run all over the house. Playing hide and seek with her cat will be cause so much fun as she would never found him. She will be a sore loser by then since she would never found his hideout.

Just like that one time when she forget to close the back door, she had search for that male cat from the basement to his favourite hiding spot, and then his cat every corner of the house. Her face was a complete mess with dried tears looking for her cat since she had been looking for it throughout the afternoon until before midnight. Who would have known that cat went up the tree at the backyard and don't know how to get down.

At the end of the walkway just at the grand front door, there are four people standing with exciting face with their arrival except one. That person is the old man with stick in his left hand. She presumably Isaac's grandpa and next to him is his wife, the son who is Isaac's dad and next to him is his wife.

The grandpa look was dark and grim. His stare was sharp that might cause one have a heart attack or perhaps pee in their pants. She did not know what she had done that make that single person look at her with that face.

Did he dislike the way I dressed? I think I look just fine in this. This is Isaac's arrangement. He is the one who brought the clothes before she clean herself at the penthouse he owned. She don't have much choice as the clothes she wear at that time is all smelly.

Maybe he did not look at her but Isaac. Hopefully. Please it be the man next to her. She did nothing wrong. At least as far as she can remember.

From her point of view, she felt like he would lift the stick and swing it at her. And her imagination run wild as his facial expression still did not change after received a blow from his wife elbowed as she talk in low voice to him. Usually people will react to pain but it seems like not for him. That old man must be a tough guy.

To calm her heartbeats and stop thinking nonsense, Ivy clench her hand into a fist, tightly. She did not move her sight away from the old man's stare. She need to fight it internally although it is not a staring battle and make sure she would never back down just from a stare. That is how she was taught.

Always be brave and confident. Never show weakness to anyone. Backing away is for losers. And so on. She always listen well to those who had the same life principles as her.

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