
Protagonist Became Bent and is in love with the Villain

As tragedy befalls on Zhan Yu , he soon finds himself transmigrated into a novel world as a character. To his disappointment, he became the villain who obsessively chased after the male protagonist and was in love while scheming to tear apart his relationship with his beloved (but male protagonist was straight). To avoid his death route, Zhan Yu carefully avoided the male and female protagonists at every turn. Instead, he went off on his own to enjoy life. But somewhere along the way, he made a mistake- the male protagonist took notice of him! Zhan Yu's eyes teared up as he was being kissed in Lu Bai's arms. 'No! This wasn't in the plot! What just happened?!!! ' Wasn't the male protagonist straight?!!! To be continued.... To get to know what happened Let's read .... .... NOTICE ------ Hi, How are you? Hope you are well. I read the comments and many said the story * The protagonist became bend what to do* is a novel same to one of bg novel. Yes, I agree it is same . Actually I haven't read that book I just read few chapters some months before it was intresting so I read it as a bl novel prespective so I just thought why not write it as a bl novel prespective type. I am very sorry for the hurt and everything happened I didn't wanted to hurt anybody's feelings. Hope you don't mind and please don't report or anything if you don't like so you can not read the bl type if its such hurt just pls just message I will delete the novel as soon as I can if you don't like the bl novel prespective. Its for an entertainment purposes only and does not attend to hurt anybody's or anyone's feelings or anything. I hope you just enjoy the bl prespective of the novel . .Sorry for the hurt. (⌣_⌣") Hello everyone, This story is for fun and this novel is been edited to bl version, Hope you enjoy it. Pls don't complaint or anything it's for entertainment purposes only. This novel/story is available on wattpad too as I am a writer on wattpad. I got offer for WebNovel, I am new to WebNovel and don't know much functions on this app. Hope you enjoy reading it... Happy Reading... ( ◜‿◝ )♡

Mensai_Esh · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Chapter - 46 It's son or daughter, it's our child

After a moment, he said, "You should just ignore scum like him."

Approaching from two steps behind them was Zhuang Zhu, who suddenly halted as though he had been shot in the heart by an arrow.

"Sister-in-law..." Please don't make it worse, will you?

Zhan Yu turned his head and gave him a lazy, "Yeah?"

The woman standing beside him was surprised by his address. She looked at Zhan Yu and promptly changed her expression. "Sister-in-law! What a coincidence."

"Hah, who are you calling your brother-in-law?" Zhan Yu gave Zhuang Zhu a look. "Don't go around telling people they can call me whatever they want, Zhuang Zhu. I don't like it when strangers do that."

Then, without acknowledging the woman at all, Zhan Yu looked at Zhong Qin and said, "Let's go?"

"Of course. What is there to stay for?" Zhong Qin took Zhan Yu's arm and the two walked away, smiling.

As Zhuang Zhu stared after Zhong Qin's departing figure and prepared to chase after him, he was stopped by the woman beside him. The pungent smell of her perfume overwhelmed his senses.

"Babe, is that man your sister-in-law? Why were his words so tactless? Did you hear what he said to me earlier?! I..."

"Shut up! You get out of my sight!"

"Babe, I..."


Zhong Qin and Zhan Yu were still only a short distance away, so naturally, they heard him.

The latter raised an eyebrow as he observed his expressionless best friend. "Love is a strategic war of pain, huh?"

"Heh, pain? More like jealousy," Zhong Qin replied contemptuously.

"True. Using another woman to try to make you jealous? Only a man like Zhuang Zhu would use such a lousy trick."

Zhong Qin gave an ambiguous reply, to which Zhan Yu responded with a meaningful look. Hehe, I can feel a spark between them!

As Zhan Yu laughed to himself, he couldn't wait to get home and gossip about the day's events to Lu Bai.

When Zhan Yu neared their house, however, he spotted a black car parked near the gates. The car's window was down, revealing Zhuang Zhu with a deeply melancholic expression as he smoked a cigarette.

Zhan Yu drove his car by him and deliberately stopped to ask, "President Zhuang? Are you here to help us guard our gates for free?"

The moment he heard Zhan Yu's voice, Zhuang Zhu withdrew his melancholic expression and replaced it with his usual cynical smile. "Sister-in-law. If you need me to, I would be more than happy to do it. Just say the word."

Zhan Yu didn't feel like beating around the bush with him. "If you have something to say, just say it."

"Sister-in-law... please show mercy and lend me some help."

"Help with what?" Zhan Yu asked though he knew exactly what he was talking about.

"You know what, sister-in-law. I'm chasing Zhong Qin..."

"But I don't know. Didn't I just see you together with another woman? You seem to be pretty close with her, or am I wrong?"

"I was wrong. But it wasn't my idea! Sister-in-law..."

"I'm not going to help you. If you have the ability, chase him on your own!"

"Then could you try not to make the situation worse than it already is?" He didn't want to have to overcome her as an obstacle.

"Okay, I won't." Zhan Yu laughed. "Your past reputation is terrible, and you're still pretty bad now. I don't trust you with Zhong Qin." Then, Zhan Yu added, "Don't talk to me again until you've corrected your ways."

"Sister-in-law, that's not..."

"Alright, President Zhuang. My husband is away today, so I won't invite you in for tea. Please have a safe trip back, goodbye."

Zhuang Zhu stared after Zhan Yu with a stomach of words he couldn't let out. As he started up his car engine, he couldn't help but curse, "Why the hell is it so hard to chase a single man?"

If things continued like this, he would have no choice but to listen to the advice of his notorious buddies: Force what shouldn't be forced, and just cook the rice! Hmph!

Lu Bai happened to call right after Zhan Yu finished cleaning up the house. When he asked Zhan Yu about his day, Zhan Yu excitedly recounted everything to him.

"I think there's a spark between them, but the road ahead is rough. Zhuang Zhu sucks at chasing boys. If he continues like this, the road will only get longer and longer."

Lu Bai skimmed over the documents in his hand as he talked.

"Oh? Mrs. Lu, are you saying that you're good at chasing people then?"

"Haha, I don't need to chase anyone. Don't I have you?"

Lu Bai liked that.

"You should stop meddling too," Lu Bai added good-naturedly.

"I didn't," Zhan Yu refuted. "I just got into the heat of the moment and said a few extra words, that's all."


"It's late now, President Lu. You need to sleep early! I promise to wait patiently for your return."

"You missed me?"

"Mhm, I missed you." After saying that, Zhan Yu realized how much he had been influenced by Lu Bai.

One day, long after Lu Bai left for his business trip, Zhan Yu finally experienced the impact of Lu Bai's absence. When Zhan Yu came home from work that day, he suddenly felt that something was missing.

After making dinner, Zhan Yu realized he had subconsciously ladled out an extra bowl of soup and had even cooked an extra serving of dishes. When he came out of his daze, he helplessly shook his head. Habits were really scary sometimes.

Lu Bai was swathed with work and couldn't call Zhan Yu until later in the night, at half past eleven her time. He was just getting ready to retire for the day. As Zhan Yu listened to the exhaustion in Lu Bai's voice, Zhan Yu couldn't help but feel concerned.

"How's work? Busy?"

Whenever Lu Bai talked to Zhan Yu about work, Lu Bai always gave the same response: "It's okay."

Zhan Yu decided against asking again and instead changed the topic. "When are you coming back?"

"Hmm..." Lu Bai mused.

Zhan Yu smiled as he told him, "Tonight, I accidentally prepared an extra serving for dinner. After I finished eating everything on my own, I was stuffed."

Lu Bai turned around and drew the long curtains behind him. As he stared out at the sun rising behind the glass, he said softly said, "If you miss me, I can go back immediately."

"Don't. Work is important. I'll wait for you at home."

"Mhm. Sleep early then."


It was hard to sleep alone, but Zhan Yu had to bear with it. However, when Zhan Yu got home from work the next day, he was surprised to see the lights on inside their house. For a moment, he froze, his fingers still wrapped tightly around the doorknob. The thought that there might be a burglar inside came to him. With his heart pounding, he tried to stop the trembling of his hands to dig out his phone and call the police.

Just as he pulled out his phone and unlocked it, however, he heard a voice from the staircase.

"You're back."

A deep, magnetic male voice...

Zhan Yu whipped his head in the direction of that voice and saw Lu Bai standing right below the staircase. His hair had grown a little longer. Albeit messy, it gave him a sort of rogue, uninhibited appeal.

Zhan Yu's gaze stopped on his face, and his eyes flickered with a vague emotion. Then, without even changing his shoes first, Zhan Yu ran to Lu Bai and threw himself into his embrace.

"How are you back already?"

"Didn't a pitiful kitten call me last night and told me that he missed me very much?"

Like him, Lu Bai had just gotten back not too long ago. The beige overcoat was still cold from the temperature outside, but instead of feeling chilled, Zhan Yu felt a surge of warmth in his heart. "That pitiful kitten wasn't me."

"Oh? Are you sure?"

"Mhm." Zhan Yu nodded, then looked up and smiled broadly. "I only said that I missed you, not that I missed you very much."

Lu Bai met Zhan Yu's bright gaze and couldn't help but lower his head to kiss Zhan Yu. Zhan Yu's thick, black eyelashes quivered a little, as did Zhan Yu's body. Lu Bai's eyes darkened as he held Zhan Yu tighter and closer, as though trying to mesh their two bodies together.

Zhan Yu closed his eyes and reciprocated Lu Bai's passionate kiss while instigating more with his hands. Once Zhan Yu finished unbuttoning his coat, Zhan Yu began to unbutton his shirt.

A chuckle rumbled from Lu Bai's throat, which elicited Zhan Yu to give his lips a spiteful bite.

"You're not allowed to laugh!"

"Haha!" Lu Bai picked Zhan Yu up and said, "So you can set a fire, but I can't resist? Mrs. Lu, I'd like to protest this!"

"Your protest is ineffective!"

"We won't know until I try!"

As soon as Lu Bai's voice fell, Zhan Yu was pressed down on the sofa.

When they were finished and Zhan Yu was so tired that he couldn't even lift a finger, he realized that the words "Your protest is ineffective!" were made especially for Zhan Yu!

No matter how Zhan Yu hit Lu Bai, bit him, grabbed him, or kissed him to get him to slow down, be more gentle, or finish quicker, Lu Bai ignored Zhan Yu's every plead. Instead, Lu Bai intentionally did the complete opposite, tossing Zhan Yu so much that he became breathless. Afterward, he cleaned him up in the bathroom and made some dishes for dinner.

However, Zhan Yu only ate a few bites before stopping. The refreshed look on Lu Bai's face was replaced by a slight frown. "You're not going to eat more?"

Zhan Yu tossed him a look. "I'm tired, so I can't stomach any more. It's all your fault!"

Lu Bai, who had eaten his wife dry before feeding his food, felt at a loss. Helplessly, he handed Zhan Yu a bowl of soup and said, "Then drink more soup."

Seeing that Lu Bai had put effort into making the food, Zhan Yu received the bowl and slowly began to drink.

When they were lying in bed, Zhan Yu fought against his heavy eyelids to ask Lu Bai, "Did you come back early because you finished the work, or did you just find time to come back for a visit?"

"I have to go back tomorrow morning," Lu Bai responded.

"Oh. Okay, I see." Zhan Yu hugged him and didn't say anything else.

Lu Bai waited a few minutes, but Zhan Yu didn't speak again. Looking down, Lu Bai realized that Zhan Yu had fallen asleep. He lowered his head and pressed a smile against Zhan Yu's lips before saying, "Goodnight, my wife."


When Zhan Yu woke up the next morning, Lu Bai was already gone.

If it weren't for the soreness he felt in his entire body, constantly reminding him of their madness on the sofa last night, he would've thought Lu Bai 's brief visit was just a dream. Fortunately, the separation didn't last long. In the middle of December, Lu Bai's business trip finally ended. However, it was just in time for her New Year's preparation and dress rehearsal. He had no choice but to work several days of overtime, and in the end, they couldn't even celebrate a day as significant as New Year's Eve together.

On New Year's Eve, every celebrating family turned their TV on to watch the countdown and usher in the new year.

When one host talked about the essential tradition of New Year's wishes, he asked the three other hosts what their New Year's wishes were. Zhan Yu replied with a smile, "I hope that my loved ones, as well as the people who love me, will remain healthy and happy in the new year. I also hope that the wishes of 'him' and I will come true."

It was obvious who he was referring to when said 'him'.

The elders of the Lu family were watching the broadcast together with Lu Bai . They all turned their heads to look at him.

Lu Bai gave a slight smile and responded while typing on his phone, "Didn't you say you wanted to have a grandchild to hug? All of our wishes can come true together."

The three elders immediately knew what Lu Bai was talking about. The couple was ready to have a child?

Grandpa Lu resisted the urge to smile and reined in his excitement. "That's more like it!"

Lu Bai chuckled.

Mhm, they should have a child. That way, Zhan Yu would have someone to accompany him when he [Lu Bai] was away on a business trip. And if they had a child, Zhan Yu wouldn't choose to do work over spending time with his family again.

Having a child would be good.

Thus, when Zhan Yu was sitting in Lu Bai's car after work, ready to go home, he found that Lu Bai's eyes were especially bright.

Was it because of the holiday?

Lu Bai stared at Zhan Yu for a few moments before suddenly saying, "Happy New Year, Mrs. Lu!"

"You too, Mr. Lu!" Zhan Yu responded before leaning over to give Lu Bai a kiss. Lu Bai's smile grew bigger.

Since Zhan Yu had "neglected" Lu Bai for so many days, Lu Bai was worried about how Zhan Yu would make it up to him. Seeing his indifference, Zhan Yu silently chastised himself for overthinking.

Once they reached the entrance of their house, Lu Bai turned off the engine. Right after Zhan Yu removed his seatbelt, Zhan Yu heard Lu Bai murmur to himself, "I wish my wish would come true too."

"What?" For a moment, Zhan Yu didn't realize that Lu Bai was referring to what he had said on the show.

"Let's have a child."


What a random topic.

Zhan Yu didn't know how to respond.

"So, let's start with what we have to do first in order to have a child..."

"Hey! Lu Bai, we're inside a car!"

Lu Bai had already pulled Zhan Yu into his arms. "Don't worry, no one will come out at this one. They won't be able to see either."


However, all of Zhan Yu's protests were swallowed by Lu Bai's lips. Even worse was that Lu Bai made Zhan Yu take the lead! After moving a few times on his own, Zhan Yu was too tired to move any more.

In the end, Lu Bai had to take back the lead. After pushing the seats down flat, he let loose the wanton beast inside him.

When they got out of the car, Lu Bai had to carry Zhan Yu in.

Zhan Yu felt... very ashamed.

As for Lu Bai , who was determined to make a child, it was as though a switch had been flipped. All he thought about in a day was pressing Zhan Yu under Lu Bai and giving Zhan Yu a thorough loving.

Therefore, one month later when Zhan Yu's auntie came, he breathed a sigh of relief-he could finally sleep peacefully.

On the other hand, Lu Bai stared at Zhan Yu with some frustration.

Zhan Yu didn't get pregnant!

For the next two months, Lu Bai exerted more and more effort until Zhan Yu felt overwhelmed. However, his auntie continued to report on time every month.

When Zhan Yu finally realized Lu Bai's intentions, Zhan Yu began to actively cooperate with Lu Bai. One day, Zhan Yu nestled in Lu Bai's arms and softly said, "About the child... We should just let fate run its course, you know?"

Lu Bai didn't respond.

"The child will come. I believe it," Zhan Yu added.

Lu Bai took Zhan Yu's hand and kissed it. "Mhm."

However, despite all that had been said, the months of loving had caused a certain addiction, and a few improper ideas to sprout in Lu Bai's mind.

One Saturday, Lu Bai was working overtime while Zhan Yu was resting. He called Zhan Yu while he was in the office and said he wanted to eat Zhan Yu's homemade food. Zhan Yu cooked and even diligently delivered it to him.

But Zhan Yu had underestimated Lu Bai's shamelessness. Lu Bai wanted to eat Zhan Yu as a food? More like he wanted to eat him!

Zhan Yu, who was soon pressed against Lu Bai's office desk, had to bite his own lips in order to prevent the improper sounds threatening to spill from Zhan Yu's lips. Thus, Lu Bai decided to work harder and reach for a yard after taking an inch...

Eventually, Zhan Yu couldn't help but toss away Lu Bai's suit jacket and try to tear open his shirt. However, Zhan Yu's strength wasn't enough.

Lu Bai chuckled and kindly unbuttoned his shirt for Zhan Yu.

Without hesitation, Zhan Yu opened his mouth and bit Lu Bai on the shoulder.

"Ha... how fierce," Lu Bai breathed out before resuming his movements with equal fierceness.

Zhan Yu gave a muffled harrumph and silently cursed Lu Bai numerous times, "Despicable wolf in sheep's clothing! A hooligan dressed like a gentleman!"

Ever since Zhan Yu experienced first-hand of how impressive Lu Bai's "fighting capacity" was, Zhan Yu became extra cautious around Lu Bai.

For example, Zhan Yu refused to deliver food to the company again. No matter how Lu Bai coaxed him with sweet words, Zhan Yu warned himself to not be swayed.

God knew how guilty Assistant Wang's meaningful stare had made Zhan Yu feel.

When Zhan Yu walked out of Lu Bai's office that day. Zhan Yu's face had turned

completely red. However, though he could avoid it in the daytime, he was helpless at night. When late May came around, Zhan Yu found that his stamina could no longer keep up with Lu Bai.

Therefore, Zhan Yu could only hug Lu Bai's arm and plead in a childish spoiled manner, telling Lu Bai that Zhan Yu was very busy with work during the day and wanted to rest at night.

Lu Bai considered it for a while before agreeing. However, there was one condition: "Then in the future, you have to compensate me."

When was "the future"? Zhan Yu didn't know.

One should live in the present, so Zhan Yu hurriedly nodded. "Okay, I'll always listen to you in the future."

After that, Zhan Yu was able to get a few rare days of full rest. It wasn't until early June that he suddenly noticed Lu Bai's interest in those activities had declined. When they were both in the mood, Lu Bai would kiss him or start to touch him, but he never took it any further than that.

Even if the two of them were heavily panting and bothered, he would still somehow manage to control himself and drag his body into the bathroom for a cold shower. Eventually, Lu Bai's restraint caused Zhan Yu to feel concerned.

One day after Zhan Yu finished conducting an interview and was waiting below a staircase for his colleagues, Zhan Yu happened to bump into Chu Hua.

So enemies really do meet on a narrow road.

Chu Hua was wearing a plain off-shoulder dress. Though her complexion was a little haggard, it was easy to see that she was in high spirits. Beside her stood a short-haired woman wearing black dress pants and a blue off-shoulder blouse.

When Chu Hua saw Zhan Yu from a distance, she stood dazed for a moment before walking over.

"What a coincidence, Mr. Zhan," she greeted her with a smile.

Zhan Yu didn't want to get involved with Chu Hua, so he only smiled faintly and didn't say much.

Chu Hua paid Zhan Yu's attitude no heed and turned her head to say a few words in English to the woman beside her.

Zhan Yu understood, "Do you know who he is? He's Lu Bai's wife, your nominal manly boss."

The woman looked surprised, then she smiled at Zhan Yu and said in Chinese, "So you're Mr. Zhan. I've heard a lot about you from A'Bai."


Suddenly, Zhan Yu smiled. "Miss Chu, and this unknown miss, I'm sure you're aware that 'miss' is used to refer to an unmarried woman. As the two of you know, I am married to Lu Bai. Please call me 'Mrs. Lu' from now on, otherwise my husband might get upset."

The short-haired woman slightly raised an eyebrow while Chu Hua maintained her smile.

"Zhan Yu. You may not know, but she is a genius designer scouted by Lu Bai from abroad. When he left the country a few years ago, one of the reasons was to bring her back to China."

Zhan Yu's eyes flashed, and he didn't speak.

Chu Hua went on. "Coincidentally, she and I graduated from the same college. We were even close friends."

"Wow, birds of a feather really do flock together. You both like Lu Bai too, so as fellow sufferers, I'm sure you can comfort each other well," Zhan Yu laughed.

After saying that, Zhan Yu couldn't be bothered to see their reactions. "Please make yourselves at home here, I won't be staying to accompany you,"

Zhan Yu tossed over his shoulder before leaving. As he strode away on his shoes, with his chin held high, he suddenly felt dizzy. His abdomen was also uncomfortable.

Zhan Yu bore with the pain until he got into her car, then he leaned back and closed his eyes for a while. When he felt a bit better, he opened his eyes.

Forgetting what Chu Hua had told him, Zhan Yu thought of a more important matter.

Wasn't his auntie half a month late already?

Zhan Yu reached for his forehead, speechless at himself. Had he been so busy lately that he even forgot about his stomach pains? Maybe the fatigue from his overtime during the New Year was finally catching up to him. Therefore, after he got home, he immediately went to sleep without even changing his clothes.

When Lu Bai returned, he noticed that the lights were off, but Zhan Yu's shoes and bags were there. He paused for a few seconds before heading directly to the bedroom.

Flicking on the light, he saw a little lump in the middle of their large bed. However, when he walked over and checked Zhan Yu's forehead, there was no fever.

Zhan Yu had woken up the moment Lu Bai turned on the light. Zhan Yu stretched out his hand to shield his eyes but didn't say anything.

Lu Bai immediately noticed Zhan Yu's unusual behavior. He drew him into his arms and asked, "Did something happen during work today?"

Zhan Yu rubbed his face against Lu Bai's chest in a lazy manner. "No. Work went smoothly, I just feel a little tired."

Lu Bai's eyes brightened slightly as he said, "Then you should have a good rest, I'll make dinner tonight."

"Well, obviously! If you're not going to cook it, then who will?" Zhan Yu didn't know why, but he suddenly remembered what Chu Hua had said.

Was it really because of his outstanding talent that he was brought back personally by Lu Bai?

"Lu Bai?"

"Hm?" Lu Bai looked down at Zhan Yu's unhappy face.

Zhan Yu paused. "Never mind, I don't have much of an appetite today. You should make less food for dinner."

Lu Bai fell silent for a moment before answering, "Then you should continue sleeping, I'll call you when I'm done."


Lu Bai went downstairs and decided to make a call.

"Excuse me, Doctor Su. Could you answer a question for me? If my wife's stomach pain is not there anymore its a good thing right? My wife used to have stomach pains but now its no more he's sleeping longer, feeling more fatigued, and having unusual mood swings, could he be pregnant? I know that my wife even though a man he could get pregpregnantause I have read his medical records. But I'm worried."

Lu Bai listened patiently to the doctor's long reply before saying, "Then, do you have time tomorrow? I would like to bring my wife to the hospital for a checkup... Yes, okay. I'll see you tomorrow."

When he hung up the phone, Lu Bai couldn't help the smile that took over his face. He had noticed the delay in her menstrual period half a month ago and

began to restrain himself then.

She was sleeping much more than usual recently, even when she had no reason to be. He didn't want to put pressure on Zhan Yu, so he didn't remind him about the stomach pains he knew it was good that Zhan Yu's stomach doesn't pain anymore but...

However, Zhan Yu's behavior today confirmed his speculation even further- their child had finally arrived. Hmm, he had to start researching how to take care of a pregnant man.

After making a simple dinner, Lu Bai went upstairs and found Zhan Yu sitting on their bed, holding his lower abdomen with a pained expression on his face. Zhan Yu's eyebrows were tightly furrowed. Seeing this, he hurried to Zhan Yu's side. "What's wrong?"

"My stomach hurts. It's coming in bursts, but sometimes it doesn't feel too bad. I think my stomach pains are coming soon."

Lu Bai didn't think so. He quickly grabbed a thin coat and put it on Zhan Yu before picking him up.

"It's summer!" Zhan Yu protested. Who knew how many people would laugh at them if Zhan Yu went out with a coat on?

Lu Bai didn't care, but his expression was slightly stern. "I'm taking you to the hospital."

"It's not that serious, I'll be fine after a while."

Lu Bai stopped walking, looked at Zhan Yu, and said solemnly, "No, we're going. I can't let anything happen to you and our child."


Now that Lu Bai mentioned it, Zhan Yu finally realized:

Zhan Yu was pregnant?

After carefully counting the days and taking into consideration the subtle changes that happened to his body recently, it all made sense. Zhan Yu just couldn't believe that he was finally pregnant. The news came too suddenly. He was in a daze the entire drive to the hospital.

Meanwhile, for the first time in his life, Lu Bai was nervous about driving. He hated that he couldn't just rush to the hospital already, but he was worried that doing so would bring Zhan Yu more discomfort.

When they finally arrived, Lu Bai asked Zhan Yu, "How are you feeling now?"

Zhan Yu shook his head. Lu Bai's gaze sunk, then he reached out and carried Zhan Yu out of the car.

Inside the hospital, the doctor was already expecting them. It felt like time had stopped as they waited for the pregnancy results. Seeing his wife turn pale, Lu Bai again drew Zhan Yu into his arms and comforted him. "It'll be okay."

Zhan Yu nodded.

When the results came out, Dr. Su called them in with a smile. "Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Lu. Mrs. Lu is already six months along, but since this is your first child, you should be extra careful. Mr. Lu, you need to pay attention to his mood. Mrs. Lu, the abdominal pain you felt today was most likely caused by excessive emotional stimulation because you are one of the men who could get pregnant men and women have different pregnant healthcare so Mrs. Lu you should take more care. You should be more careful next time and try not to be affected too much by your emotions, lest they harm the baby."

Zhan Yu was stunned and subconsciously looked at Lu Bai. Lu Bai held Zhan Yu's hand and reassured him as he asked the doctor about other precautions. From start to finish, Lu Bai seemed perfectly calm, making Zhan Yu think that Lu Bai was unhappy about the pregnancy.

On their way home, Lu Bai drove slowly and steadily. Zhan Yu stroked his belly and thought it was a delicate feeling. A new life was inside?

Lu Bai turned to Zhan Yu, his expression still mild.

Zhan Yu met Lu Bai's gaze and asked, "You're not happy?"

"What happened to you today?" Lu Bai responded with another question.

Zhan Yu furrowed his brows and thought for a moment before saying, "Chu Hua said you went abroad and personally brought a woman back to the company."


Zhan Yu wanted to get a bag or a stick and hit Lu Bai with it. "How am I supposed to know who she is?!"

"Don't listen to Chu Hua's nonsense. When did I bring a woman back with me to the company?"

Zhan Yu huffed as he reminded Lu Bai, "A short-haired woman with big eyes and white skin! She's in the planning department!"

Lu Bai had to think for a while before remembering. "That's the designer Mao Shiyuan found. We happened to be on the same flight," Lu Bai admitted. "I don't even know her name."

"So you're saying you don't know what sort of intentions she has towards you either?" Zhan Yu look suspiciously at Lu Bai.

"Many people have intentions towards me," Lu Bai said helplessly, reaching out to pinch Zhan Yu's cheek.

"Mrs. Lu, how come I've never seen you get so jealous until now?"

Zhan Yu knew he was being unreasonable but couldn't help sulking.

Quickly, Zhan Yu came up with the reason: "I bet it's your son kicking up trouble!"

Lu Bai lifted an eyebrow and lit a candle for his unborn child. "My Daughter is so pitiful."

"Didn't I say that it's a son?"

"Yes, yes. Whether it's a son or a daughter, it's our child, it doesn't matter."

To be continued...