
Protagonist Became Bent and is in love with the Villain

As tragedy befalls on Zhan Yu , he soon finds himself transmigrated into a novel world as a character. To his disappointment, he became the villain who obsessively chased after the male protagonist and was in love while scheming to tear apart his relationship with his beloved (but male protagonist was straight). To avoid his death route, Zhan Yu carefully avoided the male and female protagonists at every turn. Instead, he went off on his own to enjoy life. But somewhere along the way, he made a mistake- the male protagonist took notice of him! Zhan Yu's eyes teared up as he was being kissed in Lu Bai's arms. 'No! This wasn't in the plot! What just happened?!!! ' Wasn't the male protagonist straight?!!! To be continued.... To get to know what happened Let's read .... .... NOTICE ------ Hi, How are you? Hope you are well. I read the comments and many said the story * The protagonist became bend what to do* is a novel same to one of bg novel. Yes, I agree it is same . Actually I haven't read that book I just read few chapters some months before it was intresting so I read it as a bl novel prespective so I just thought why not write it as a bl novel prespective type. I am very sorry for the hurt and everything happened I didn't wanted to hurt anybody's feelings. Hope you don't mind and please don't report or anything if you don't like so you can not read the bl type if its such hurt just pls just message I will delete the novel as soon as I can if you don't like the bl novel prespective. Its for an entertainment purposes only and does not attend to hurt anybody's or anyone's feelings or anything. I hope you just enjoy the bl prespective of the novel . .Sorry for the hurt. (⌣_⌣") Hello everyone, This story is for fun and this novel is been edited to bl version, Hope you enjoy it. Pls don't complaint or anything it's for entertainment purposes only. This novel/story is available on wattpad too as I am a writer on wattpad. I got offer for WebNovel, I am new to WebNovel and don't know much functions on this app. Hope you enjoy reading it... Happy Reading... ( ◜‿◝ )♡

Mensai_Esh · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
53 Chs

Chapter - 45 Is Zhong Qin and Zhuang Zhu in love?

"Haha, there's no need to rethink it. Why should I waste my time on it? Zhuang Zhu's interest in me is only temporary anyway. He'll forget about me once another man or woman catches his eye. I don't need to worry about it."

Zhan Yu looked at him and remarked bluntly, "But why do I feel like you're upset?"

Something flickered in Zhong Qin's eyes before he rigidly changed the topic. "Let's not talk about him anymore. Let me interview Mrs. Lu, who has been promoted to a married man, instead. How is life after marriage?"

"Pretty good," Zhan Yu responded with a laugh.

"Tut-tut, how envious."

"Don't envy me. You'll be the same sooner or later, and who knows? Maybe you'll be even happier than me."

"That's true." Zhong Qin smiled, and afterward, the two moved on to other topics.

It was 10PM when they finished chatting, eating, and shopping. They walked out of the shopping mall with several bags in hand. When Zhong Qin asked Zhan Yu where he'd parked his car, Zhan Yu responded, "I encountered a little accident while driving home yesterday, so Lu Bai drove me today. My car isn't here."

"Envious!" Zhong Qin said. "Then how about I drive you back today, Mrs. Lu?"

They lived in opposite directions, so if Zhan Yu took up Zhong Qin's offer, it would be midnight before Zhong Qin himelf got home. "No, that would be too much trouble for you. I'll call Lu Bai to pick me up."

"You're done?"

As soon as Zhan Yu words fell, he heard a low voice coming from behind him. It is a naturally familiar voice. He turned around and said, "Why are you here?"

Lu Bai, who was only two steps away from Zhan Yu, bent down slightly to take the bags from his hands.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time." Lu Bai called Zhan Yu after his meeting, but Zhan Yu didn't answer. He assumed Zhan Yu didn't notice, so he called Zhuang Zhu and asked him where Zhong Qin was.

When they were talking last night, he remembered Zhuang Zhu saying that he would go to Zhong Qin's company entrance every day after work to see him.

As expected, Zhuang Zhu immediately gave an address.

When the two of them met up, they saw the boys strolling through the mall. Instead of disturbing them, they went upstairs and enjoyed a leisurely meal together. Of course, only Lu Bai was completely at leisure. Zhuang Zhu was still recovering from his emotional injury. They only showed up when they saw that the boys were getting ready to leave.

Zhong Qin was just about to tease the Lu couple when he suddenly noticed Zhuang Zhu standing behind Lu Bai. Zhuang Zhu was wearing a black short-sleeved shirt, and his eyes were shining as he looked at him. Zhong Qin thought it was a terrible feeling, so he hurriedly said to Zhan Yu, "Zhan Yu, since you have someone to take you home, I'll be leaving first."

"Alright." Zhan Yu understood.

However, unfortunately for Zhong Qin, Zhuang Zhu immediately went after him. Zhan Yu couldn't help but call his name, "Zhuang Zhu!"

The man looked back and shouted in a hurry, "Sister-in-law, I'll invite you to dinner next time!"

Zhan Yu: "…" Why are you inviting me to dinner for no reason?

"We should let them figure this out on their own. Let's not interfere anymore."

Zhan Yu understood that, but… "I'm just a little worried."

"If love was completely smooth-sailing, then you should be worried."

"Mhm, what Mr. Lu said makes sense." Zhan Yu smiled as he looked at him.

Lu Bai didn't say any more.


In September, when school began again for students, Dean Zhao called Lu Bai and invited him to give an inspirational speech to the new students. He immediately declined.

As a result, Dean Zhao called Zhan Yu the next day, hoping he could help persuade Lu Bai. Though Lu Bai had graduated a few years ago, he was still an undefeated legend in the school.

Zhan Yu suddenly remembered the matter of the design drawing. "Dean, don't tell me if it was Mo Shiyuan who gave you this time?"

Dean Zhao brushed it off with a laugh and didn't respond.

When Zhan Yu brought it up to Lu Bai that night, he felt a little complicated. "They sure know how to use their resources! Since they couldn't convince you directly, they called me instead. Is my face that easy to use?"

Lu Bai held Zhan Yu in his arms and pressed a smile against his forehead. "Is it? How about you try and see?" he incited.

Zhan Yu's happy eyes filled with triumph. "Fortunately, we're not in the ancient times. If you were a king in the ancient times, you would be a king who was misled by a beauty!"

"Oh? So, beauty, are you going to seduce me?"

"I can consider it."

Zhan Yu laughed and turned his body, pressing himself on Lu Bai. Then, just as Lu Bai had done before, Zhan Yu leaned down and engaged their lips and tongues in a passionate dance…

At the end of September, Lu Bai returned to the school as promised. Countless students swarmed the lecture hall. He was wearing a black suit. It had been carefully chosen by Zhan Yu as a way of apology.

His outfit, paired with his noble and dignified temperament, was enough to win over all of the females in the lecture hall. Their screams filled the hall in droves, then he began his speech.

It wasn't in his personality to encourage them to always work hard and put int heir best effort. Instead, he just lifted a few of his own experiences and warned them about the cruelty of society. If one does not become strong, then they will no choice but to let themselves be trampled on by others. There would be no use complaining. They would simply be reaping what they sowed.

His whole speech could be summed up in one sentence by one of the girls in the audience: poisonous chicken soup.

That girl asked, "Senior Lu, this chicken soup is so poisonous. Can you not be so cruel? Give us a better recipe instead!"

He chuckled. "Society will never consider your feelings because to it, you are a nobody."

The girl's face turned red. Really… so poisonous!

In an act of defiance, she asked him, "Senior Lu, I heard that you're married? You speak so bluntly, how does your partner tolerate it?"

"Usually, I indulge him."

"Wow…!" The students were in an uproar. This is a blatant display of love!

"Senior Lu, how did you can your wife get together? Can you share some tips on how to chase someone?"

Lu Bai looked at the boy who'd asked the question and was momentarily stupefied. He felt a little embarrassed but thought about it and good-naturedly responded, "Two conditions. You have to be shameless enough, and you have to be patient enough."

"Wow!" The boy continued, "Then, Mr. Lu, did you chase after your wife first?"

Lu Bai answered honestly, "Yes. To be honest, he was the one who persuaded me to give a speech here today. He wanted me to come, so I came. My wife said that because we didn't spend much time together in college, he has always wished that one day, I would stand on the stage while he sat with the audience, laughing and listening to me talk."

The students couldn't stand it. Not only was his business successful, but even his marriage was so sweet! It was really infuriating!

"But unfortunately, he is busy with work and couldn't come together. Now, I will end this here."

The students were clearly reluctant to give up on such a good opportunity, but unfortunately, Assistant Wang had already escorted his boss out. The restless students were soon pacified by the teachers.

Once Lu Bai left, he was about to call Zhan Yu when he heard a clear female voice from behind him, "A'Bai!"

He frowned and turned around. Chu Hua, dressed in a white shirt and black dress pants, was walking towards him.

Before Lu Bai could speak, she tucked her hair behind her ear and said with a small smile, "What a coincidence. I didn't expect you to come today."

"Mhm." Lu Bai looked away from her and asked mildly, "Do you need something?"

She paused before squeezing out another small smile, "No."

"I have something to do, so I'll be leaving first." He had no intention of chatting with her.

Chu Hua took a step forward, then changed her mind. She stepped back again and silently watched his departing back before giving a light laugh and leaving in the opposite direction.

When Assistant Wang saw her leave, he let out a relieved sigh. Beside him, Lu Bai naturally noticed his exaggerated move. "What do you mean by that sigh?" he asked.

The assistant immediately straightened his back and replied stiffly, "Nothing, President Lu."

Lu Bai gave him a meaningful look as Assistant Wang resisted the urge to wipe his forehead. He was just afraid his boss might be influenced by others and want to commit infidelity! Fortunately, their interaction was cold.

Naturally, Lu Bai did not take his encounter with Chu Hua to heart. However, little did he know that for the next few days after his visit, the college forums were filled with posts about him.

They all talked about his talent and achievements and his valiant background. Of course, others were more interested in his private life.

Several people dug into his love history, and some even managed to find pictures of Lu Bai and Zhan Yu from their magnificent wedding. They lamented the man's success in life.

Of course, there were also people who brought up Chh Hua, saying that Zhan Yu stole Lu Bai by force. They called Zhan Yu a homewrecker who took advantage of Chu Hua's absence from going abroad.

Everyone sighed.

Naturally, the parties involved did not know that they had become a topic of gossip. Zhong Qin's cousin, who happened to be a freshman in the same college, saw Lu Bai that day, called him to gush about his looks and elegance, responded with some perfunctory comments.

Unexpectedly, two days later, she received another call from her cousin. She asked. "Cousin. That best friend of yours, did he interfere with Lu Bai and Chu Hua's relationships to become Mrs. Lu?"

When Zhong Qin heard this, his face immediately darkened. "Where did you hear that? That's nonsense, don't talk irresponsibly."

Having been so suddenly and harshly reprimanded by his older cousin, the girl was momentarily stunned. "Someone in the school forums said that, so I just…"

"Are you that free? Don't pay attention to that gossip and focus on studying!"

After he hung up the phone, Zhong Qin decided to call Zhan Yu and tell him about what had just happened.

It was National Day, so Zhan Yu and Lu Bai were visiting the old Lu manor.

"It's okay, it's just a thing of the past. It doesn't matter anymore," Zhan Yu responded after hearing what Zhong Qin said.

"Mhm, I know. I just wanted to make sure you were aware."

"Don't worry, I know what to do." Right as the call ended, Lu Bai came out of the shower. Noticing Zhan Yu somewhat stern expression, he asked, "What happened?"

"Nothing." Zhan Yu saw that Lu Bai's bathrobe was mostly open. Laughing, Zhan Yu wrapped his arms around Lu Bai's waist and said, "Just now, my mother called to ask about a child."


"She asked what our thoughts are on it."

The two had been married for nearly half a year already, yet there was still no news of pregnancy.

Lu Bai thought about it for a while before responding, "I haven't enjoyed enough of our two-people world yet. I'm not ready for a little devil to come and take you away from me."

"Is that the only reason?" Zhan Yu looked up at his face with a smile.

"What else could it be?"

Zhan Yu stopped and carefully observed his expression before hesitantly voicing his thoughts, "Are you still worried about what Shi Shi told me?"


Zhan Yu let go and stood up. As he looked at Lu Bai's face, he said solemnly, "If more time passes and I am still unable to give you a child, I'll feel very bad. If you're not ready to have a little bun in our lives yet, we can wait a little later. However, I do wish we could have a child by the end of next year. The child would look like you. That would be so cute.

Lu Bai bent over and picked Zhan Yu up. He sighed a little and whispered in his ear, "Why do you want the child to look like me? I want them to look like you."

Because in the end, if I am unable to make you stay, at least I will have a child who looks like you, Lu Bai thought.

"I want to have a girl who looks like you."

Zhan Yu laughed. "But I want to have a boy."

"Then we can have a boy first, then try for a girl who looks like you."

Zhan Yu nodded. "Okay."

Lu Bai lowered his head and kissed Zhan Yu. Zhan Yu looked up and wrapped his arms around Lu Bai's neck, pulling him down for a kiss. Provoked by Zhan Yu's initiative, Lu Bai pressed Zhan Yu against a dresser, and after two rounds of tossing, he laid Zhan Yu on the bed and continued with another difficult position.

Zhan Yu couldn't keep up with him. He panted and begged him to let him rest, but it only excited him even more. Finally, only after he was thoroughly exhausted was Lu Bai satisfied. After that, he lied in bed gasping.

Lu Bai wasn't done yet. He used a towel to clean Zhan Yu up before hugging him, his large hands gliding mischievously across Zhan Yu's bare skin. Zhan Yu felt weak all over and harshly slapped away his hands.

Then, Zhan Yu suddenly remembered that while they were tossing earlier, didn't he accidentally lose control and make too much noise?

He'd forgotten that they were still in the old Lu manor. "Earlier, did my voice…"

"What?" Lu Bai stared at Zhan Yu's pale, flushed cheeks and couldn't help but kiss Zhan Yu again.

"Don't , Stop messing around!" Zhan Yu panicked. "How good is the soundproofing in your room?"

"Not very good," Lu Bai replied intentionally.

"Crap! It's going to be so awkward tomorrow."

Lu Bai disagreed, "Don't they want grandchildren? They should be happy to hear it."

"I… still…"

The rims of Zhan Yu's eyes began to redden, so Lu Bai decided to stop messing with Zhan Yu and chuckled as he told... "I'm kidding. The soundproofing in my room is one of the best. Even if you cry your throat out, no one will hear you, so next time, you can be as loud as you want."

Zhan Yu: "…" Can't you be more serious?

After staying at Lu manor, Zhan Yu and Lu Bai then went and stayed with the Zhan family for two days.

Recently, Bai Ning picked up an interest in plants and loved to spend time in the garden. Zhan Yu stood beside her, helping her trim and water the flowers every so often. When Bai Ning saw how well Zhan Yu was cooperating, she laughed and remarked, "Mhm, not bad."

Smiling back, Zhan Yu replied, "Grandpa also enjoys this kind of pastime when he's bored. Whenever I go to the Lu manor, he would ask me to help him."

"After growing old, these sudden interests just keep coming to me."

"I'm sure it's because your mentality is good." Zhan Yu had always thought that people who liked to take care of plants were people with excellent mentality.

However, Bai Ning looked at the flowers and sighed again. The October wind in Shengjin City carried with it a slight chilliness. When a breeze brushed against his face, Zhan Yu felt not only its refreshing coolness but also the implicit emotion from Bai Ning's sigh.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

Bai Ning hesitated before asking, "Is there still no… news?"

"Mom!" Zhan Yu said helplessly. "It hasn't even been a year since Lu Bai and I got married! And I... Can't you be more patient?"

"I can wait, but can the Lu family?"

"You and grandpa have been pretty good about it, you've both only asked twice."

"We don't want to pressure you."

"Then don't, mom. The matter of a child… we should just let it happen naturally. Plus, Lu Bai also said that he doesn't want to have a child so early on in our marriage."

"You've discussed it with him already?"

After seeing Zhan Yu nodded in response, Bai Ning said, "That's good then."

The corners of Zhan Yu's lips curved upwards. "Mom, you don't need to worry about me. Lu Bai and I are very close. If you want to worry about someone, you should worry about my brother!"

"Your brother… hah, just thinking about him makes me mad!"

"Oh?" That piqued Zhan Yu's interest. "Mom, tell me about it!"

"What is there to say? He's turned down every girl and boy I've introduced him to, no matter what her or his personality or appearance is like! When I asked him what type of girl or boy he wants, do you know how he responded? 'One that catches my eye,' he said! There are so many girls for him to pick from, yet none of them caught his eye? It really infuriates me!"

"That's it?" Zhan Yu smiled. "Mom, hasn't Brother always been like that? There's nothing to be mad about. How about I go talk to him tonight? What do you say? Maybe he's rejecting all those girls or boys because he already has someone in his heart."

Bai Ning had never considered that possibility. "He told you that?"

"No, it's just my guess."

"If he already has someone in his heart, then that's fine. I'm just afraid he… " Zhan Yu paused. "Never mind, maybe I'm thinking too much. Alright, make sure to thoroughly question him tonight!"


For the rest of the afternoon, Zhan Yu pondered over how to complete the great task she had been assigned. Lu Bai accompanied Zhan Yu in Zhan Yu's room, staving off boredom by looking through Zhan Yu's stuff. He opened a photo album and looked at a picture of Zhan Yu from middle school.

"How ugly!" Lu Bau teased.

Zhan Yu was sitting on the bed as he brainstormed. When he heard Lu Bai, Zhan Yu snatched the album from his hands and feigned anger. "Don't look then!"

He didn't try to take it back. Instead, he lowered his head and whispered lowly, "He's not you anyway." Then, he turned his attention to a notebook.

Zhan Yu put a hand against his chest and thought that his heart felt a little tight. Lu Bai sat down in a chair, his long legs stretched out before him as he lazily flipped through the pages.

The characters in the notebook were so ugly that he couldn't help saying, "Fortunately, your penmanship isn't this ugly."

"You…" Zhan Yu was unwilling to give in. Indeed, his calligraphy could be called "beautiful" at best. Lu Bai was bold yet exquisite, and imbued with his individual aura of pride.

"Yes, President Lu,  This lowly one cannot be compared to you, so could you spare this lowly one of your attacks?" Zhan Yu fawned.

Lu Bai gave Zhan Yu a deep look and Zhan Yu stared back, confused.

"I thought I could learn more about you if I looked through the things in this room, but I guess not." Lu Bai stood up and approached Zhan Yu. "Tell me about yourself?"

For a moment, Zhan Yu was stunned. Then, he asked, "What do you want to know?"

This was the first time Lu Bai was bringing up the subject so bluntly. In the beginning, when he found out that he wasn't the original Zhan Yu, he never asked about it directly. Even the members of the Zhan family knew that he was a different person, but they had all silently accepted it and didn't question his origins.

Zhan Yu didn't understand. "Why are you asking this today? Were you not curious before?"

"I was," he admitted. "I had people investigate, but no results came out of it. Later, I thought that maybe the phenomenons of time and space crossing actually exist, however absurd they sound."

Zhan Yu lifted the corners of his lips. "I guess so. Well, I don't think there's much to say. I wasn't raised in a happy family. You could say I grew up watching and listening to my parents argue, and sometimes, my father would even hit my mother. Mother stayed with him for my sake, but in the end, she was unable to bear it. They divorced after I took my college entrance exam."

As Lu Bai listened, his expression changed a little. He sat down beside Zhan Yu and took him into his arms.

Zhan Yu struggled to recall those familiar yet forgotten memories. "The financial situation of my family wasn't the best. My father liked to eat, drink, and fool around outside. Sometimes, it would get so bad that not even the life and death of my mother and I mattered to him. Due to this, I genuinely cherished my opportunity to attend school. I studied hard, and when I got into college, I balanced several part-time jobs to make a living."

As Zhan Yu said this, he laughed. "If you met me in that world, I doubt you would have paid any attention to me. I had no background, no ability, and no money."

"You have so little confidence in yourself?"

"No, I just understand your arrogance too well."

Lu Bai: …

Lu Bai decided to change the topic. "So when you were there, did you get into any relationships?"

Zhan Yu mulled over it before responding in a serious manner. "I was actually chased by quite a few people. In my second year of high school, there was a handsome classmate who liked me for several years. He finally confessed to me after our college entrance exams, but I had just received the news of my parents' divorce. Naturally, I wasn't in the mood to respond. He tried to contact me for several months afterwards, but I ignored him and he eventually stopped."


"In college, there were also a few seniors who liked me. However, I was too busy to think about dating. My mind was just stuffed with thoughts about money."

Lu Bau remarked, "Fortunately, you were too busy. Otherwise, after comparing them to me, you would have realized how poor your vision was back then."

"Hey! Lu Bai!"

Lu Bai clasped Zhan Yu's left hand and rubbed the ring on Zhan Yu's finger. "Don't worry, the bad things have passed."

Zhan Yu nodded. "Mhm, I know. It's just… I still think about my mother a lot. I wonder how she's doing now? Her health isn't good, so she can't work on her own. How is she living right now?"

And what about his original self? Did he die? Was he cremated? His mother must have been very sad.

Lu Bai didn't know how to comfort Zhan Yu, so he said, "Don't worry. I'm sure she's just as strong as you."

"Mhm, I think so too."

During dinner, Zhan Yu saw Zhan Qiancheng. Afterwards, when he went back to his study to make a call, Zhan Yu took advantage of the opportunity to follow him in.

He spent nearly 20 minutes talking on the phone before hanging up. Upon seeing his brother reading a book while patiently waiting for him, he was easily able to guess the reason for his visit.

"Mom and dad sent you here to spy?"

Zhan Yu laughed. "So, Brother. What do you think?"

He responded with one generous word: "Fate."

"But if you don't even pay attention to the opposite sex, how will you know if you've met your fated person?"

"Fate will find a way. If I don't take the initiative, then she will."

"So… you like girls or boys who take the initiative?"

Zhan Qiancheng took a stack of papers from the desk and smacked Zhan Yu's on the head with it. "You should focus on your own happy life. Don't worry about my marriage matters!"

"How can I not? Brother, could it be that you already have someone on your mind, but she or he doesn't like you so you didn't want to tell us?"

"I think you've been together with Lu Bai for too long. You're so idle that the hole in your brain has grown bigger."


"Shut up. Just let things play out on their own, and you should tell mom to stop worrying too."

"Then you should find a girlfriend or boyfriend to soothe her worries!"

"If you keep talking, I'll call Lu Bai to take you back."

Zhan Yu shot him a contemptuous glare. Hmph, you deserve to be single!

After Lu Bai finished showering, he saw Zhan Yu return. Zhan Yu was clearly in a sulky mood. "You went to look for trouble?" he asked.

"I was sent by my mom."

"Mom is just worrying too much. I actually feel very sorry for Zhan Qiancheng. He's just like me in the past."

"Tut-tut, as if that's true."

"Isn't it?" He couldn't understand why the older generation was so obsessed with forcing marriages on the younger generation. The Zhan  family was like that, the Lu family was like that, and the Mo family was too.

"Heh. So, President Lu, you should thank me for taking you in from the sea of miserable blind dates! Otherwise, you might really be like my brother right now!"

"Mhm, I am very grateful," Lu Bai  agreed.


Lu Bai picked Zhan Yu up and threw him on the soft bed. He had Zhan Yu pinned under his body before Zhan Yu could even react. "Still, I prefer to express my gratitude with actions rather than words."

"Hey… mmhpf…"

The days passed smoothly. Once the national holiday ended, Zhan Yu and Lu Bai returned to their busy work lives. The company was starting a new project, so Lu Bai was scheduled for a business trip in early November. He told Zhan Yu about the trip while they were lying together in bed. Zhan Yu was very sleepy by then and only asked a single question: "When will you be back?"

"I'm not sure. Half a month at least, and one full month at most."

"Oh," Zhan Yu acknowledged faintly as his eyelashes quivered, and his eyelids closed shut. A moment later, he fell asleep.

Lu Bai, who was just about to ask if Zhan Yu wanted to go with him, stared at Zhan Yu's sleeping face with a helpless yet indulging expression. He pulled Zhan Yu closer and scolded in a low voice, "You heartless little thing!" Then, he closed his eyes and joined Zhan Yu in slumber.


When Zhan Yu woke up the next morning, he thought for a long moment before remembering, "Did you say something to me last night?"

Lu Bai looked at Zhan Yu and quirked an eyebrow. "Mrs. Lu, your husband is going on a business trip. What do you think?"

"When are you leaving?" Zhan Yu asked after some contemplation.

"This afternoon."


"That's it?" Evidently, Lu Bai who  had been expecting more. As he narrowed his eyes, a dangerous aura surrounded his body. Smiling, Zhan Yu walked over to Lu Bai and sat down on his lap. Zhan Yu leaned in and planted a kiss on Lu Bai's lips. "Mhm. Have a safe journey, and come back soon."

Lu Bai raised his head slightly. He reached for Zhan Yu's waist and pulled Zhan Yu in, seizing his lips. He bit and sucked on them until his mood improved a little, and only then did he finally let Zhan Yu go. Instead of being mad, however, Zhan Yu was cheerfully smiling.

Ever since they got married, they had not been apart from each other for such a long duration of time. Lu Bai felt an inexplicable feeling of gloominess, but when the afternoon arrived, he had no choice but to board the plane. Nonetheless, he made sure to call Zhan Yu right before and after the flight.

"Mhm, good boy," was Zhan Yu laughing response. An indescribable expression appeared on Lu Bai's face, then he shook his head and smiled slightly.

If their child ended up being a mischievous one, then it would be obvious which parent they took after.

Assistant Wang, who was accompanying him and had been caught in a "storm" the entire day, silently rejoiced when he saw his boss's expression lighten up. As expected, the lady boss was always the best at calming down the boss.

The long duration of Lu Bai's business trip allowed Zhan Yu to regain the freedom and carefreeness he had lost after marriage. He planned his time very thoroughly: visit the Lu family for a few days, accompany his own parents for a few days, then invite Zhong Qin out to have fun for the last few days.

The two friends met up to have dinner after work. Then, they went to watch the latest detective movie starring Zhong Qin's favorite male actor. He was pale with a small, handsome face; in other words, he was a pretty boy.

When the movie ended, Zhong Qin was still gushing over the actor's looks and acting skills.

"How come I couldn't see it?" Zhan Yu asked ruthlessly. Zhong Qin refused to talk to Zhan Yu for three seconds. Zhan Yu didn't care; if you want to break off our relations, then do it!

He turned around to search for a garbage can and happened to see Zhuang Zhu frowning in their direction from a short distance away.

Quickly, his gaze skipped from Zhuang Zhu to the scantily dressed and heavily dolled-up woman standing beside him.

Zhan Yu's gaze darkened slightly. However, before he could express his disapproval, he received a provocative look from the woman. The woman deliberately moved closer to Zhuang Zhu, causing Zhan Yu to frown. When the man looked at him for help, he ignored him.


"What are you harrumphing about?" Zhong Qin asked in confusion.

"Nothing." Zhan Yu was just about to pull his friend away, but he was already looking in Zhuang Zhu's direction.

Zhan Yu tugged on his hand. "Let's go."

"Mhm," Zhong Qin agreed with what seemed like a half self-mocking, and half disdainful smile.

After leaving the movie theater, Zhan Yu looked up at the night sky. The vast sky was squeezed into four dark corners by the towering building above them. The stars and the bright moon were nowhere in sight.

As Zhong Qin's remained silent, Zhan Yu blurted, "Why don't we go back and beat them up to help you vent? Zhuang Zhu, and that woman too. If anything happens, I'll get Lu Bai to clean it up."

"Pfft," Zhong Qin laughed. "You really seem like a tyrant now."

"Aren't I doing it for my best friend?"

Sighing, Zhong Qin declined. "Forget it! It has nothing to do with me."

Zhan Yu didn't believe him. "Really?"

"Hmph, no taste."

Zhan Yu couldn't tell if that was directed at the man, or the woman.

To be continued...


Hi everyone, I am going to announced a big good news. Actually I have just recently finished watching "Ancient Love Poetry" drama and I loved it. So I searched weather it was a novel adaptation and weather the novel is available , I got to know that novel version is available. It was a good drama and I wish if it was a bl drama it would be so cool so I  wondered if I convert the "Ancient Love Poetry" drama's novel in BL version. It's available on Wattpad or maybe on hold because currently I am busy a little bit but I am waiting for suggestions ...

Hope you all tell me what do you think about it... I am waiting...
