
Protagonist Became Bent and is in love with the Villain

As tragedy befalls on Zhan Yu , he soon finds himself transmigrated into a novel world as a character. To his disappointment, he became the villain who obsessively chased after the male protagonist and was in love while scheming to tear apart his relationship with his beloved (but male protagonist was straight). To avoid his death route, Zhan Yu carefully avoided the male and female protagonists at every turn. Instead, he went off on his own to enjoy life. But somewhere along the way, he made a mistake- the male protagonist took notice of him! Zhan Yu's eyes teared up as he was being kissed in Lu Bai's arms. 'No! This wasn't in the plot! What just happened?!!! ' Wasn't the male protagonist straight?!!! To be continued.... To get to know what happened Let's read .... .... NOTICE ------ Hi, How are you? Hope you are well. I read the comments and many said the story * The protagonist became bend what to do* is a novel same to one of bg novel. Yes, I agree it is same . Actually I haven't read that book I just read few chapters some months before it was intresting so I read it as a bl novel prespective so I just thought why not write it as a bl novel prespective type. I am very sorry for the hurt and everything happened I didn't wanted to hurt anybody's feelings. Hope you don't mind and please don't report or anything if you don't like so you can not read the bl type if its such hurt just pls just message I will delete the novel as soon as I can if you don't like the bl novel prespective. Its for an entertainment purposes only and does not attend to hurt anybody's or anyone's feelings or anything. I hope you just enjoy the bl prespective of the novel . .Sorry for the hurt. (⌣_⌣") Hello everyone, This story is for fun and this novel is been edited to bl version, Hope you enjoy it. Pls don't complaint or anything it's for entertainment purposes only. This novel/story is available on wattpad too as I am a writer on wattpad. I got offer for WebNovel, I am new to WebNovel and don't know much functions on this app. Hope you enjoy reading it... Happy Reading... ( ◜‿◝ )♡

Mensai_Esh · LGBT+
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53 Chs

Chapter - 47 The Baby

Lu Bai could hardly wait to share the good news of Zhan Yu's pregnancy with the Lu And Zhan family elders.

When both families heard the news,

they were naturally overjoyed.

Old Grandpa Lu even mentioned for them to move back to the Lu family so that the two experienced ones, Weng Yinlin and Sister-in-law Song, could help take care of the baby. At the very least, it would be much more reliable than having the two of them staying outside.

Lu Bai thought about it and agreed. After returning home, he brought some of the necessities and left for the old family home.

Zhan Yu didn't mind either. It was a good thing to have someone more experienced give you advice. When Weng Yinlin saw him, she took his hand with a smile and shared her own bitter experiences while carrying Lu Bai.

Zhan Yu soaked up this

information with gusto whereas Lu Bai felt helpless at the side. Why did his mother make it sound so much like he was tormenting him?

When they saw how immersed the two of them were in their conversation, Lu Bai ignored them and went up to the study to show off to his grandfather.

Zhan Yu finally had some quiet time when night came. When he saw Lu Bai climbing into bed, he was just about to talk to him about their plans when he heard him say, "For work...You should take it easy."

The one thing Zhan Yu could never let go of was his work. Even though he did have to pay extra attention for the sake of his child just for the first few months, he still argued, "Can't you let me continue? Or maybe I can take a vacation and go back after three months."

Lu Bai reminded Zhan Yu, "You want to go on TV with a baby bump?"

From what he could remember, he never saw a show hosted by someone while carrying a baby.

Zhan Yu couldn't help but feel defeated. "I'm preparing for a live performance at the Spring Festival Gala. We've already progressed halfway and this is a

very important program. The director already approved it."

"Even if the show was a success, you'll be about eight or nine months at that time. Are you really sure you'll be able to host it then?"

Zhan Yu went silent. Fine, it's impossible. He gave in. "Then, there's no way around it then. I can only have my colleagues take over."

Zhan Yu embraced him and cradled in his arms. A little unhappy, he said, "I'm making a big sacrifice for your precious little child."

Lu Bai stroked Zhan Yu's hair. Even though he knew how Zhan Yu felt, he still asked deliberately, "So, which is more important? Your work or the baby?"

Zhan Yu's eyes narrowed with amusement. "Well, naturally... It'll have to be your baby!"

Lu Bai looked at Zhan Yu's cheerful eyes with amusement and couldn't help but hold Zhan Yu's face and give him a deep kiss.

After resting at home for a few days, Zhan Yu realized that he had a lot more time now on the weekdays.

After waking up every morning, Zhan Yu would go for a walk with Grandpa Lu. Then, after breakfast, he would water the flowers with him and trim the plants before going off to read a book or playing the piano.

In the afternoon, Zhan Yu would either take a nap or play some chess with Grandpa Lu. Sometimes, he would also go shopping with Weng Yinlin

However, when it came to shopping, Lu Bai would protect him very carefully by his side, afraid that he may fall or bump into anyone.

After Weng Yinlin went shopping with Zhan Yu a few times and being driven by Lu Bai for all of those times, she couldn't help but laugh and say to Zhan Yu, "Being the son-in-law carries more weight after all. I remember how I couldn't even get him to agree to come out with me to buy a gift in the


Zhan Yu looked at Lu Bai and smiled, saying, "It's not me who carries the weight, mom. I think it's your grandchild."

Weng Yinlin turned to look at Lu Bai and when she saw that he wouldn't even spare a glance at them, she laughed.

The rest of Zhan Yu's days at home could be described as very free and comfortable experience. It was only natural that he would get a little impatient after sitting around for so many days.

One evening, Zhan Yu looked through Weibo and saw several popular videos related to dancing. He was really immersed in it, as she was watching, he didn't forget to complain to Lu Bai. "I can't even dance right now. Thinking about it, the days before getting pregnant were nicer after all."

Lu Bai who was currently flipping through his book raised his eyes to look at Zhan Yu and asked him back, "Why? Don't you feel happy right now?"

"Haha, I'm just kidding. Life is good. Besides having nothing to do, everything else is better than I expected."

"If you feel bored, why don't I take you back to the Zhan family home for a few days?"

Zhan Yu was overjoyed. "Okay!"

Lu Bai looked at Zhan Yu and smiled before shaking his head helplessly. "I'm really being nicer and nicer to you."

"Would you treat me badly though?"

Lu Bai put down his book and came closer for a kiss. "Hm, I wouldn't dare."

Zhan Yu smiled warmly. There truly wasn't a better time than now.

After staying in the Zhan family home for a few days, Zhan Yu never expected that Lu Bai would rush straight over there after work every day. Without a single word of complaint, he stayed with him in the Zhan family home for a few days.

One afternoon, when Bai Ning was making homemade dumplings with Zhan Yu, she expressed with satisfaction, "That Ah Bai kid is a fine man. Just look at you, you haven't been pregnant for long and your bump hasn't even shown up, but he would look at you as if he'd rather just pick you up anytime you walked up or down the stairs."


Zhan Yu felt too embarrassed to tell her that when he was at the Lu family home and when the others weren't around, Lu Bai did, in fact, carry him up the stairs several times.

"I know he's good to me, mom."

"A man like that is hard to find. When the baby is born, you'll have to put even more effort into living a good life together."

"Don't worry mom, we'll be fine."

"Alright, I'll let my mind to rest."

After Zhan Qiancheng found out that Zhan Yu was pregnant, he prepared many gifts for the nephew he hadn't met yet and even began preparing a baby room at the Zhan family home.

When Zhan Yu saw him directing the movers who were carrying the crib, he teased, "Are you preparing for sister-in-law or brother-in-law in advance, brother?"

Zhan Qiancheng glared at Zhan Yu and refused to answer.

"Alright, I won't mention it anymore, okay?"

Zhan Qiancheng said, "It's best to live a virtuous life, especially when it comes to you. Lu Bai is already questionable, what's going to happen to my nephew if you're like this as well?"

Zhan Yu was speechless. Subconsciously, he argued back for Lu Bai, "What part about him is questionable?"

Zhan Qiancheng waved his hand to shoo him away. The movers were bringing things in and out of the house and Zhan Yu wasn't even worried that they'd bump into him accidentally.

So, he shooed Zhan Yu off and said, "Go back to your room to rest, otherwise go downstairs to the living room. What is a pregnant woman

like you blocking the way for!"

Ever since finding out he was pregnant, Zhan Yu really found himself with less rights to speak. "Don't talk badly about him, brother."

When Zhan Qiancheng saw Zhan Yu sticking out his elbow, he snorted, "He's bad enough without me having to say anything. You don't understand how things are like in the business world, so stop asking. Go away."

Zhan Yu felt a little sad. Was he really so unwelcome? Wasn't he even allowed to stick around to see the future room of his child? In the end, he couldn't do anything other than return to his room obediently.

After returning back to his room, Zhan Yu had nothing to do so he could only send out some messages to pester Lu Bai.

When Lu Bai's subordinates saw their boss suddenly getting the rare message during their meeting, they were all stunned.

Zhan Yu returned back to the old Lu family residence after staying with the Zhans for some time. The plan to go out for a walk every morning was back on the agenda again.

Only, it wasn't just Grandpa Lu with h on the walk this time, there was Lu Bai too. Moreover, he who had come over to jog with them was only doing it by name as he would barely run one lap before slowing down to walk slowly next to Zhan Yu.

Naturally, Zhan Yu was happy about this. Through their walk, he kept holding Lu Bai's hands, swinging them back and forth while chatting idly with him.

Lu Bai didn't mind it either and would go along with Zhan Yu each time.

However, pitiful Grandpa Lu could only walk silently by himself as he watched the couple.

Ah, how he had forgotten his grandpa as soon as he's married.

At about four months into the pregnancy, Zhan Yu began feeling the effects of morning sickness. Even though it wasn't bad enough that she would vomit whatever he ate, he would still throw up quite a few times each day.

Lu Bai saw it happen a few times and couldn't help but worry. He called a doctor to ask but found out that this was normal, his face darkened as he felt helpless.

The only way Aunt Song could help out was by working hard on preparing Zhan Yu dishes so that they were both nutritious and appetizing.

Even though Zhan Yu ate quite a lot, he vomited quite a lot as well. In just half a month, the baby fat he took much effort to gain was all lost again.

When Lu Bai saw how much Zhan Yu suffered, he expressed his feelings to Zhan Yu one night when they were holding each other in bed, saying, "After this baby is born, let's not have any more."

Zhan Yu was quite drowsy at this time. When he heard his words, he sobered up instantly and opened his eyes to ask, "Why?"

Lu Bai's face was dark. "Let's just not, you're a man and it's risky."

Zhan Yu looked at him and asked, "But didn't we already agree?"

One boy and one girl, they'll both have matching names.

"I don't want it to burden you," Lu Bai spoke with pity. "When I see you throw up like that, it...breaks my heart."

"I'll be fine. It'll be over after a while."

"Is it really fine?"

Zhan Yu comforted him in turn, "This is just how it's like to have a baby. Everything will be better once it's over."

Lu Bai held Zhan Yu tight and didn't speak, however that furrow in his brows never smoothed out.

At about seven months, Zhan Yu's morning sickness was over, and her face had also regained its luster. Only, his stomach now looked like an inflated balloon that grew bigger each day.

When Zhong Qin and Gu Tong found time to visit Zhan Yu, they felt extremely nervous to see him struggling to walk up and down the stairs with his big belly that was supported by his slender legs. On the other hand, Zhan Yu felt free and easy.

When the baby was about eight or nine months in, Zhan Yu felt it was harder and harder to fall asleep. Sometimes his feet would get cramped and he could only bear the pain with gritted teeth.

But Lu Bai would be able to wake up immediately each time to help him massage his legs without his needing to ever ask.

Through the dim lights of the bedside table, Zhan Yu watched Lu Bai's profile as Lu Bai worked and felt Zhan Yu heart well up with emotions.

"Lu Bai..."


"Do you regret meeting me?"


Zhan Yu was staring at Lu Bai, seemingly waiting for his answer seriously.

Lu Bai laughed. "I guess it's true when they say that a man tends to overthink things when he's pregnant."

"So? Do you regret it?" Zhan Yu seemed insistent.

Lu Bai stared straight at Zhan Yu with his deep eyes and he came close. Dropping a light peck on his lips, he spoke softly, "I love you."

In a few days, the child will be born.

Zhan Yu was wearing a grey fringed shawl as he watched the droplets of rainwater flow constantly down the glass window.

Drip after drip, the droplets slithered down quickly.

Meanwhile, the sky was still dark.

This rain had already been going on for more than a week.

When Lu Bai came in with a glass of water, he was greeted with the scene of Zhan Yu daydreaming by the glass window. He raised his head and followed his gaze.

The heavy rain had been pouring for so many days, but it didn't seem to show any signs of stopping. The clouds in the sky were thick and dark. If this went on, then some places would inevitably flood.

Lu Bai saw Zhan Yu frowning from afar and knew that he was worrying over things. So, he walked over and handed her the glass, saying, "Aren't you tired standing up for so long? Why don't you go lay down?"

Zhan Yu accepted the cup of water and took a sip. The temperature of the water was just right. He raised her head and looked at him then leaned into Lu Bai's arms, saying, "I don't know why, but I can't help feeling uneasy."

"You're just overthinking things, it'll be fine."

Zhan Yu smiled and pretended to relax. "I think it's probably just the rain. It's been so many days but it still won't stop. Just thinking about it gives me a headache."

"It'll be over in a few days. You should go tosleep, I'll wake you up in the evening. Didn't you sleep for just a few hours last night?"

Zhan Yu pondered over it and agreed. "Alright. Will you join me?"

"Sure." Lu Bai laid down with Zhan Yu for some time, only after seeing him fall asleep did he get back up again.

Beside Assistant Wang's number, he had someone else's number set to mute whenever they called. Lu Bai's eyes trailed down for a moment, and he returned the call.

"Lu Bai, trying to get a hold of you is tough work!"

Lu Bai believed that he wouldn't be calling him if there wasn't anything. Without beating around the bush, he asked straightforwardly, "What is it?


"It's that Shi Shi you personally brought in yourself. She's kinda kooky and won't stop talking about wanting to see your wife."

Shi Shi? Quite naturally, Lu Bai recalled a few things.

Seeing that he wasn't going to answer, the man went on, "I'm just mentioning it. Whether you see her or not is your choice. I don't even know what she's been up to these days, but she keeps saying that everything is going to end. Do you believe her, Lu Bai?"

Lu Bai raised his lips into a disdainful arc. "I don't."

Even if he never believed it, Lu Bai still went to prison the next day.

When the dishevelled Shi Shi saw Lu Bai, her eyes lit up. With eyes wide, she said, pleased, "I knew it was you!"

Lu Bai looked at her with a blank expression and did not plan to speak.

Shi Shi began laughing even more. "Lu Bai, you're the one I actually wanted to see, not that dog, Zhan Yu. I've had to see that abominable face for more than a decade, and I've been praying that he'll die with a broken corpse since ages ago."

"What did he do wrong for you to hate him so much?"

When Shi Shi saw that Lu Bai was finally willing to answer her, she felt even happier. "I hate him! Of course, I would! Even if he's my half-brother, why is he the

only one that appears in my dad's eyes? No matter how well I do, how hard I work, he would never even glance at me! Zhan Yu will always be the only son in his heart. Even if he was never willing to speak with and accept him, he still treats him so well! Zhan Yu...What did he do to deserve that?!"

"Zhan Yu...What did he do to deserve that?! If not for him and his mother, my mother wouldn't have thought of committing suicide by overdosing on

sleeping pills! Lu Bai, I should've been able to enjoy the love of my parents and have a happy family, but she ruined all of that."

Lu Bai sneered contemptuously.

"What's so funny, Lu Bai?!"

"You're only making selfish excuses for your own misdeeds. You couldn't find a way to vent your pitiful life so you pushed all your anger towards him because you thought he was an easy target. You say he took away everything from you, but shouldn't everything you mentioned have been his in the first place?"

Lu Bai reminded her, "You and your mother are the ones who destroyed a happy family. I think hell would be a much more suitable place

for someone like you." After saying that, he stood up.

After having her wound pried open, she howled, "No! No! My mother and my father are the ones who were truly in love! Zhan Yu's mother is the one who broke them apart!"

Lu Bai didn't feel like discussing this ridiculous issue with her. Whether what she said was true or false, she herself knew. When Shi Shi saw him turning around to leave, she quickly yelled, "Lu Bai! Zhan Yu won't be alive for long! As long as your children are alive, he'll never be able to live long. Lu Bai, if you kill your child, then Zhan Yu will be able to survive!"

With a snort, Lu Bai left without even turning back to look at her.

Who on earth would believe nonsense like that?

Only, after he returned home, he could clearly sense that Zhan Yu was getting more and more uneasy.

Occasionally, whenever Zhan Yu took any naps or slept, he would be woken up halfway from a nightmare. After waking up, he would gasp heavily in a daze.

Lu Bai would find Zhan Yu with the same sweaty and tense appearance every time. Grabbing a tissue, he helped wipe the sweat off his face and spoke in a gentle voice, "Nightmares again?"

Zhan Yu nodded. "I dreamt about the past."

Zhan Yu seems to be reliving all those experiences in the past in his dreams all over again.

All the disappointment and heartbreak was so real that she could hardly differentiate them from reality.

"Lu Bai..."

"Don't worry, it's just a dream."

"If I'm not by your side anymore one day, then you and our child..."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Zhan Yu put on a smile and changed the topic. "We haven't named the baby yet! For a boy and a girl, we'll give both of them names. What do you think?"

But in fact, the elders have already long begun thinking up names for them early on, but they couldn't find anything that satisfied them.

Lu Bai held Zhan Yu softly and nodded. "Alright. We'll give a name for both the boy and the girl. If the first one is a boy, we'll keep the other name for next time."

"Yeah. That'll be nice."

"You should name the baby."

"Alright." After agreeing, Zhan Yu slowly closed his eyes again and nestled into his arms.

Perhaps those dreams were telling Zhan Yu that it's time to go back...

But in the end, Lu Bai still managed to comfort Zhan Yu.

Since the heavy rain went on for two entire weeks, the news reported that floods raged through many places and houses were collapsing because of it. It was a huge disaster.

Every time Zhan Yu saw the news, he would feel more and more uneasy.

The moment he first felt his labor pains was during an afternoon of heavy rain.

Around 3 o'clock that day, Zhan Yu laid down and rested for less than a few minutes before something felt wrong. At first it was only a faint throb of pain, but the throbbing came more frequently and the pain intensified.

"Zhan Yu..."

As soon as Lu Bai who had been staying at home with Zhan Yu during his near-labor days heard that something was off, he quickly came over. "Xiao Yu.."

Zhan Yu held his stomach and said through gritted teeth, "I think...it's about to come out..."

When he heard that, Lu Bai's face changed instantly. He carried Zhan Yu up and quickly called Weng Yinlin to rush to the hospital with him.

It was raining too heavily, so Lu Bai thought he would tell Old Grandpa Chen to just wait at home for the good news, however he would have never expected that Lu An, and the two elders of the Zhan family would rush over as well as soon as they arrived at the hospital.

"How is it? What's his condition?" Old Grandpa Lu quickly asked While he was rushing there, Lu Bai felt like his heart was stuck at his throat.

Never in his lifetime had he ever experienced such panic. He was worried that an accident would happen and that he wouldn't be able to protect the single most important person in his life. He took a deep breath and tried his best to calm himself down. Everything would be fine, he told himself, both of them will be perfectly fine.

When Weng Yinglin heard Old Grandpa Lu's question, she quickly responded, "The doctor says he's in labor and the baby is in the right position. Everything will be fine."

"Yeah. That's a very blessed child, everything will definitely be fine," Lu An chimed in.

Only those at the scene knew how long the wait was and how grinding it felt to wait.

Even until night fell, the rain still didn't stop.

Lu Bai stood at the door to the delivery room and looked at the closed door that was silent. Only, everyone else there could clearly tell that his expression grew worse and worse with each passing minute.

Bai Ning knew that he was worried and though she herself was extremely worried, she still tried to comfort him. "That's how it's like for a man to give birth. This is Zhan Yu's first birth, so it's normal for it to take longer. Everything will be fine."

"I know, mom," Lu Bai answered haggardly but his eyes never left the door.

God knows how much time had passed but the tightly shut doors were finally open. The doctor walked out and smiled.

"Congratulations! It's a fat little boy."

"Doctor! How is my wife?" Lu Bai asked hurriedly.

"He's fine. He just finished giving birth and only managed to take one look before passing out."

Without speaking another word, Lu Bai rushed into the room. The dense smell of blood came gushing into his nose and he could hear the sound of a child crying loudly. He froze for a moment.

Weng Yinlin and Bai Ning followed him in. As soon as they saw the little baby in the nurse's hands, they all observed him with pleased smiles, saying, "They look so alike."

Lu Bai had only taken a quick glance at the baby before rushing over to the bed.

Zhan Yu's face was completely ghastly pale as he laid on the bed while sweat drenched his hair. His hands were still tightly clenched around the bedsheets and his brows were furrowed but he was deep asleep.

Lu Bai felt his heart ache as he reached out to open up Zhan Yu's clenched hands. He lowered his hand to land a soft kiss at his palm. "It must've been hard on you, Darling."

However Lu Bai would have no idea that Zhan Yu would end up sleeping for a long time without waking up.

Miraculously, the distracting and disastrous rain gradually stopped when dawn came. Light poured down from the sky, glowing dazzlingly through the dense clouds.

"Darling ! Baby! Wake up!"

"Zhan Yu, Xiao Yu...Wake up..."

"Please, wake up! Xiao Yu..."

"Please...Zhan Yu!"

What are those overlapping voices?

Who do they belong to?

Lu Bai?

Besides his voice, Zhan Yu seemed to be able to hear someone else he knew...

"Doctor, please take a look. Is my son waking up soon? Doctor, he can wake up, right? I just saw him eyelashes and fingers move...Doctor..."

"That voice..."

To be continued...