
profit over people

Kevin is a traveler travelling to different places when someday, he found an area with no inhabitants. This is the story of how Kevin creates a country full of suffering and pain for its citizen.

justin_Limnardy · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
80 Chs

The revenge

The streets full of blood, lots of children in the country loses their parents due to war, some losing their will to live too. The dictator on the other hand, was still worried as the civil war wasn't over yet. The dictator was thinking of ways to invade North Korea since the dictator thought that they were the one who wanted to start this war. The dictator doesn't want North Korea to survive while his country would be going down in existence. He thought of dropping lots of bombs in the agriculture areas so that their food sector would be affected.

The dictator was discussing with his air force asking them whether it was possible to drop bombs in North Korea and the air force advice using nuclear weapon since it would be wiping out the whole North Korea population. The dictator said that it was impossible to erase the whole North Korea population while his air force said that they had developed a nuclear bomb capable of it. So to ensure this plan by the air force worked, the dictator instruct the whole air force to be dropping half of all the bombs they had across the peninsula making sure that a single person wouldn't be missed.

The execution of the plan would be in midnight since during that time the whole country might be sleeping. The dictator also ordered them to made sure that his country flag and any signs of them coming from his country would be totally erased so that if they were to be captured in the North Korean soils, they wouldn't be exposing the dictator crazy ideas of destroying North Korea. In the end, if the whole plans worked out, North Korea would be wiped off the world and the dictator would be able to defeat the mercenaries in the civil war.