
profit over people

Kevin is a traveler travelling to different places when someday, he found an area with no inhabitants. This is the story of how Kevin creates a country full of suffering and pain for its citizen.

justin_Limnardy · Sci-fi
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80 Chs

Home run

The air force had started to entered the North Korean border and started bombing the country. Since the air force doesn't used any radar to detect the plane entering the country, the North Korean air force was the first one to be bombed. The North Korean air force were overpowered to the point that they doesn't had any military planes left to defend the country. The dictator was really happy that the plan had worked out but then he had a really great plan. Instead of just bombing the country why not try to invade the country as well since it was the dictator dreams to expand his country more. Also, the dictator knew that overthrowing the current North Korean leader would gave him more power in the country. This battle would be the battle of the two great leader fighting for power and land. And the loser would be killed.

The dictator paid more mercenaries and also combined them with some of his own soldier to invade North Korea. Other countries were very concerned that this would be leading to nuclear war and tried to stopped the dictator to invade North Korea. But the dictator uses special military operation as a disguise for the invasion of North Korea. The dictator also said that the special military operation was a way to train his military for when they needed to be deploy for a war. The dictator knew that with this reasoning the world wouldn't be able to went against the dictator. The NATO doesn't knew what to do in this situation since they doesn't like the North Korean dictator too as he also was the danger of the world.

The confusion between the two horrible dictator and which side to choose made some of the country in NATO to question the next move they would did. If they started to supply weapons to North Korea it meant that they would be supporting an enemy. If they supplied weapon to the dictator, more of human atrocities would happened and who knew whether he would be using the nuclear weapon or not.