
Prisoner To The Dark

"Losing my crown and title cannot stop me. Leigh, I must do this. For justice. For Emilia." Princess Elilia twin to Princess Emilia watches her sister die right before her eyes and the cause of her death surges an uncontrollable rage through her body. She makes a silent vow everyday to have revenge. An eye for an eye A life for a life. ...................... No one believes we exist and I do not really care, humans are weak feeble creatures. But one has the courage to venture into my realm. A lady. she should be fun. I grin as she senses my presence. I am sure she tastes as good as she looks. What happens when fate entwines the destines of two hateful souls?

SocialNerd8 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

CHAPTER 6- Gift Of Maidens

"Hey darling, wake up."

"Let me sleep in, don't wake me up lest you die"

"So you are going to KILL me?"

And coming in the haze, the voice, I recognised the voice.

"Lana!" I screamed.

"Yes brat, it is me." and I jump on her with happiness overflowing in me. "I can't believe this, you are here."

"She is not alone alright!"


"Yes it's.." I hug her and she swallows her words,

"Oh my god!

How? How are you guys in here? I mean I can't even make myself believe I am not dreaming."

We all hug ourselves and sit on the floor, unable to hold in the tears that streaks down our faces. Gaining little control over my emotions, I asked again.

"How in Hades name are you guys here?"

"Wow, when you told me you love your handmaids, I did not know you meant this much." A man exhaled. A voice I know pretty well.

"Edward!" I said standing and the girls joined me at the back, he looks me up and down and I look at the floor. Warmth spreading around my cheeks, I am still in my nightdress. A net see through gown.


I'm like other girls too, he almost had me last night and I don't think he's evil. Just his father.

"Hmm, a great site indeed." I blush "And also, as part of our tradition, the prince is to gift the princess a compulsory present after completing all wedding Rites and ceremonies and of course, consummating it". I look up to him and he winks at me. "I thought of no greater gift than the gift of your handmaidens as mother told me it was your request."

"Thank you so much, I mean it" and for the first time I give him a real smile. Maybe he is not as bad as I thought. But his father... I internally shake my head.

"You are welcome, I will let you be." He says and leaves the room, everywhere is quiet for a while before we go back to Jumping on each other. Lana departs after a while of jumping around wildly and starts to clear the room and prepare for the day.

"So?" Lana asked with wiggling eyebrows.


"Have you?"

"Have I?"

"Oh, you know, has he done, the you know what and how was it?"

"Shut up!"

"No, I wanted to know and I will not shut up. you are blushing."

"He didn't, but we did kiss, he didn't see my you know where."

"Heavens, why?! Did he find you undesirable?"

"No! I was desirable" I reply her, "I just didn't want it, no need to get attached."

Leigh comes in and gives me 'the look' before going out again.

"Okay, okay, not comfortable. I get it, later I'll teach you how to do things and stuffs okay?"

"Yes, Lana." I replied her and they left the bathroom. I wash my body quickly, they know I hate the idea of your maids bathing you.

Like seriously?

What happened to your hands?

I come out the bath and was immediately hauled by the sisters.

Leigh picked my towels and clothes with a smile I so much missed, "Come, come, 

I have missed dressing you up." They both go round me, getting to work and 20 minutes later.

"God, I look so stunning." I say admiring their work on me..

"We know." she says

"Of course, we are adorable and you the best princess in the world." Lana adds.

"Aww, thank you, once again. I missed you ladies so much but I have to be down for breakfast with the Queen. I will be back and then I'll tell you all about my adventures, okay?"

"Yes, yes, go before someone is sent to call you, we will be quick as possible to tidy this mess of a room." We giggle before I put on my shoes and leave the room.

The day suddenly looks soo bright. I haven't felt this much joy since I have been here. 

"Princess Elilia Vernagarkh is approaching the great parlour." The herald announces.

"Good morning everyone.", I greet with a bow before heading for the dining table, Edward pulls the chair for me.

"My! Don't you look happy and radiant, this morning." the Queen comments, "and might I say your new chambermaids do know what they are doing."

"Thank you, your Majesty and I will extend your compliment to my ladies-at-hand, it sure will make then happy to know their work pleases the queen." She nods and I smile, before digging rather graciously into my food. Humming a sweet tune.


"I'm back!"

I open the door to my room in announcement, finding only a sparkling room to my welcome.




"We are here." and tracing their voices...

"Is this the princes room?!"

"Yes it is, now come out."

Your rooms are connected?"

"As you can see."

"It's so shiny.".

"I noticed. Now out!" I dragged them back to my room and locked the doors.

"I found this while cleaning" I turned to Lana and she raised a bottle and I recognise it, instantly. The glittering bottle in the house full of bones.

"Give me that!" I snatched the bottle from her, "and do not open." I dropped it into my getaway bag.

"Now let's talk." I say with a smile.

Suddenly Lana's face changes seriously, and I know what she's about to say.

"You are still hooked on revenge aren't you?" I understand what she's talking about.

"Yes yes."

"I am sure that's why you wouldn't let Edward touch you, is'nt it?" This time Leigh spoke.

"Yes yes."

"Good heavens, can't you see that your stupid idea is going to get you killed and probably also us."

"It won't, the plan is simple. kill him and get out"

"And what about us?"

"You can become Edward's servants and it would be nice for you two. Actually have a change of environment and Lana..."

"This isn't going to work, you just have to stop it, please."

"My sister died!!" I blurt out, my eyes turning misty they don't understand....this is my peace. To see king Alvis dead.

"Quiet down! Someone might hear you." Lana says

"Okay, okay calm down. Lana don't get her upset." Her sister chides .

"I just hope you know what you are doing." Leigh says and drags her sister from the room with the excuse of going to have their breakfast. I do not know what I'm doing but still I reply. "I do. I do."

"And lastly please, don't get killed and please come back." Lana says coming back up. I turn to look at her tear filled eyes. I want to promise. I'll come back 

But I know it would be a lie.

"I won't get you killed."

"Not me you!" She says sounding exhausted.

"I won't get killed." She nods and leaves.

"Will I get caught?"
