
Prisoner To The Dark

"Losing my crown and title cannot stop me. Leigh, I must do this. For justice. For Emilia." Princess Elilia twin to Princess Emilia watches her sister die right before her eyes and the cause of her death surges an uncontrollable rage through her body. She makes a silent vow everyday to have revenge. An eye for an eye A life for a life. ...................... No one believes we exist and I do not really care, humans are weak feeble creatures. But one has the courage to venture into my realm. A lady. she should be fun. I grin as she senses my presence. I am sure she tastes as good as she looks. What happens when fate entwines the destines of two hateful souls?

SocialNerd8 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

CHAPTER 5- Heirloom Ceremony

Edward's POV

"Now you have the sister too. Ah, their father is one power hungry man, it's almost pitiful", I bellowed. "But who am I to judge?"

My father grinned in response. I grinned back, taking a puff from the cigar in my hand.

"You should be more careful with this one, father, she seems feisty"

"Aren't the feisty ones always the best?", He asked, a crooked smile in his lips. We chuckled amusedly at his words for a few seconds and when the laughter died down, his expression turned serious.

 "We have an issue though, Jonas reported Damian's jewel stolen"

His words made me pause. 

"Stolen how?", I asked. "Did those creatures come here? That's highly impossible"

"Well, that's the same thing I thought", my father shrugged, replying bluntly. "Rest for the night, we will begin a quiet search for the thief at dawn, your heirloom ceremony is tomorrow."

I nodded in agreement and left to my room, sending for a special maid to come tend to me. In more ways than one.


"Yes, Oh Yes, it is a very great privilege to be a member of this great kingdom. I promise to be the ever charming and humble wife of our most esteemed crowned prince Edward", I turned to him and bowed, "to you prince, a special courtesy and bow". He nods happily smiling.

"A toast", all the guests raised their glasses,

"To the growth and peace of our kingdom".

"To the seven pillars of Demelza!"

"Here here"

"Here here". They all reply and I nod.

"Thank you all please enjoy your night". They all applauded and smiling I began to mingle with the crowd, greeting the guests.

Oh sorry.

I forgot to explain.

This is the last part of our very broad marriage feast, more like process. The heirloom ceremony, also known as the nuptials ceremony. I know it sounds like Something that should be done private.

Eye roll

It is actually for the whole kingdom, The ceremony being divided into three parts.

Firstly, the speech which I just gracefully, of course, completed.

Secondly, the traditional dance of the crowned prince and his wife which literally took the whole week to learn.

Finally, the private one. The part where the prince is expected to consummate the marriage. Well let's see how that goes if....

bloody hell!!


I snap my head up.

"Can't you watch where you are going?!"

"Oh my god, I'm soo sorry"

"Not as graceful as your speech, I presume"

As usual I always meet the asshat.

"I said I am sorry, I didn't watch where I was going, I know! clumsy me, haha" I laughed trying to relieve the tension between me and the very old man whom I poured wine on.

"Hey you!", I called and a servant comes to my side, "Help this gentleman, clean him up please. I mistakenly spilled.."

"No need I'm leaving", the old man says and I sigh.

"Okay, Goodbye, the door is by your right".

He looked baffled. That's his problem. Who ever he is, he doesn't get to talk to me like a rugrat.

"How dare you!"

"Yes, I dare send thee away, I offered my assistance, to help with the unintentional mess I made and YOU refused. What do you want me to do?

Lick your feet?!" I scoffed.

"Well I.....".

"Oh shut up and leave. Or you might not get to see the light of tomorrow".

His eyes widened at my threat and I rolled my eyes and left him.

Stupid dirty ingrate, unhinged whining ass...


And I can feel myself slipping, Before strong hands pulled me up. I looked up to see who had the audacity to touch me like that. Not like I mind, he literally saved my life and probably my dignity but his hands Were like literally on my butt.

Ok! not on them.

But close!

"Are you alright m'lady?".

Looking up, I Stared into the brightest green eyes I had ever seen, with gloden iris.

The intensity!

I get hypnotised for some seconds, it's like I am trapped and he sees right through me.

I feel butterflies in my tummy as I stare into his eyes once more.

"Um hi". I say and before I know it I am blushing like hell.

Foolish Elilia

"Its good to know you are well m'lady..."

His voice!

For the love of Hades..

So mesmerising..

"Um your highness?"

"Oh I'm good, thank you". I replied, red faced embarrassing myself. He smirks clearly knowing the effect he has on me. I straightened my back and nod before leaving him. I don't want to leave the wrong impression.

Ass hole had to be beautiful!


Every man is either an asshat or an asshole.


He is fully male and I just called him beautiful.

Sue me.

Eye roll.

Shit. I don't know his name. Stupid me.


I scold myself.

You do not have time for this you are here for only one purpose. Kill and get out.

I nod to myself, and keep up my smile till it was time for the dance.

And my did I gracefully do my part.

No slipping, no stumbling.

I mingled till the crowd started thinning and minutes later, Edward was by my side.

"Hmm, you sure do look lovely and enticing my dear." I smiled, it's time apparently, and swallowing the lump on my throat as he trails his hand down my open back.

"Mind if we complete this in the room?". I nod and he leads me to his quaters.

He carried me in his arms up the stairs and even if it is not supposed to happen, I do take my time to enjoy it, trying to stop the blush that forms on my cheek as we pass people and green eyes who winked at me from the rails.

Seems impossible and slowly reality dawns on me and I am left saddened.

You are just here as a tool for Justice.

He killed your sister.

His father wants you as his slut.

You were never meant for a normal life.

You are going to be a fugitive and an ephemeral person, a rebel to the whole kingdoms of Demelza.

Before more could come to mind, we reached Edwards quaters, John's abode.

Going in he sets me down Softly on the bed and my blush comes back in Full Force.

"You look really beautiful tonight, my darling."

"Well," I say, a little short breathed, "That's all thanks to my maids, they do know how to....." And yes. he kisses me. A passionate kiss, one that brings pleasure chills through my limbs, I closed my eyes and slowly melted into the feeling of ecstasy. His hands trailed under my clothes as he kissed down to my neck and breasts, I opened my eyes sluggishly when I felt his hands on my knickers.


"Yes, my love."

"I can't do this."

"You can, and you want to" he said, punctuating every word with a peck on the lips, before he kissed me again.

I let out a moan and try to clear my head, I know that I am really attracted because of the heat between my legs and the wetness that is as real as anything. But I have to stop.

"I am not ready, please." I begged.

Edward kissed my neck and starts to suck on a particular sweet spot, I suppress a moan, I am finished and strange heat began to form at the bottom of my belly.

"You want me." A sure statement.

"I do."

"Then why do you stop me?"

"I am not just ready."

He groans before standing and I close my eyes, trying to gain my lost control. And say, I almost fell for this. I look up at Edward to see him taking off his clothes and my body tenses.

He is surely not going to force me?

"Calm down, I simply want to change." he says, "I respect your wishes."

"Thank you so much." My body relaxes again. I watched him change and even if I'm not supposed to, I gawk at his body, not to muscular, but toned, in a nice way. My eyes trail down and I see his erection which he probably is trying to hide by wearing thick trousers under his robe.

"You can sleep here tonight, I am just going to joust to relieve the um.... tension."

Jousting at this time of the night?. Doubt he is gonna do that but I nod and he leaves.

I sigh loudly, and sink further into the bed. I have to change, as much as my outfit looks beautiful, it makes my body as hot as fuck.

Maybe it was because of his hand on you...

No! No!

Nah! Nah!


I'm not thinking about this. I scold myself. Getting up already feeling knackered, I use the connecting door to get into my room. Changing into my nightdress, I hit the bed and blacked out before I knew it.