
Prisoner To The Dark

"Losing my crown and title cannot stop me. Leigh, I must do this. For justice. For Emilia." Princess Elilia twin to Princess Emilia watches her sister die right before her eyes and the cause of her death surges an uncontrollable rage through her body. She makes a silent vow everyday to have revenge. An eye for an eye A life for a life. ...................... No one believes we exist and I do not really care, humans are weak feeble creatures. But one has the courage to venture into my realm. A lady. she should be fun. I grin as she senses my presence. I am sure she tastes as good as she looks. What happens when fate entwines the destines of two hateful souls?

SocialNerd8 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

CHAPTER 7- Revenge

"I am off to Hillivard's queens grooming party. I invite you my dear, it is one of the best parties held every year in the middle of summer and rain. Take in the sun all day, enjoy the soothing music of the rain all night." 

"Thank you for the kindly invitation your Highness", I replied the queen with a low courtesy and bow, "but I must stay back and do my duty as well as shoulder your lots, to the amount I can."

She looked at me intensely "As queen I am very pleased you are dutifully carrying out your responsibility, 'disgrace your position not', my mantra, that shows that my kingdom is in good hands." She smiles warmly at me and for a moment things felt alright.

"It's sure is Mother." 

The lady maid accompanied mother when the valet and butler picked up her things and off they went.

**********few days later***********

"Forgive me my dear Queen as I interrupt this late at night."

"No problem" I replied Edward adjusting my sleepy eyes as Leigh opened the door to him.

"I shall leave at dawn for a two days journey and three nights stay to Aszakre for a meeting held for all Crown Princes of the Seven Kingdoms. I shall try my best to be back as soon as possible." I replied feigned sadness, "Leaving, you say my lord" I looked up at him with teary eyes and he crouched to my eye level, "I promise to return as soon as possible my lovely wife." He kisses me and I kiss back with as much passion as he gives. 

"I bid you farewell, Marry, please come back in safe health." 

"Your wish my dearest is my command." he leaves the room and I shared a look with Leigh. 


The queen gone, and Edward also, I finally found my chance. 

Time to avenge my sister.

It has been five weeks and I have finally gotten my chance, Leigh and Lana have been the best things I could ask for so far, but alas I fear it is time for me. 

"Are you sure about this?"


"Can't I chance your mind?"

"No way." I replied Leigh as I put the last of my toiletries in the small bag I planned to carry. I turned and saw the shiny small bottle I carried from that hidden room and threw in my bag.

I look at crying Lana.

"You are leaving us."

"I have to do this. Neither my sister's spirit nor mine will be at rest if that man still lives. I have been training with the knight and my sword skill has improved. I know enough to protect myself to a fault. You both will be safe just deny any knowledge of this act of perfidy." 

"Okay." She responds, and I pulled her in for a hug. Leigh joined in. 

We hugged for what felt like the last time, and tears threaten to fall but I held them back with efforts this was not a time to be weak.

"Come now, we mustn't tarry." Leigh says,

"Yes." Lana replies her sister becoming brave.

"We have to dress you in a way that sly king won't be able to resist. We have just two hours to dinner."


"Yes ma'am", Leigh smiles at my response, I only call her ma'am when she's being bossy. 

"Hop in the bath now, I'm coming to cleanse you."

"Okay" and together we began. The sisters a flurry activities.

Time to get justice for Emilia.

•••••• ••••••••••• ••••••••••

No need to announce my arrival okay?"

The Herald nods to my commands and leaves the doorway. I clear my throat slightly, looking into the mirror intalled just before the doors, the make over was a huge one, my blonde hair was dyed black and the makeup I have on makes me look older than I am and the smoky eye effect, along with the blood red lipstick and black lace gown made me feel confident. I pushed open the Royal room doors to meet King Alvis sitted at table with two maids on his body.

I sashayed into the hall my legs and thighs moving out of the gown as I walked. The king's eyes traveled down my body starting from the open back and V-neck gown Lana chose, down to its high slit. With a wave of his hand, Alvis dismissed the Maids who surrounded him, 'home hoes'. I did not know that they existed in this kingdom. My mother always cried whenever my father would chose a night with them, rather than be with her on the night of their anniversary. My hatred increased as bile rose to my throat. 

"A lovely evening to you, Alvis" I greeted bowing low. He grunted a response and kept looking at the cleavage, really my gown was just bunch of laces held by a belt. I felt exposed yet I knew it was needed. breathing slowly I decided to act my part.

The maids began serving the food and I started eating gently, making sure to be seductive in every I do.

"How about we enjoy the rest of dinner in your study? My lord, it would be more pleasurable in a private sector don't you think?, after all it is just us, we have the castle to ourselves." I said laying emphasis on 'ourselves'. I let my words sink before I touch his thighs while sipping wine. A spark lit up in his eyes and I know I've gotten him. 

"Yes yes let's go" he said and I stood up as slowly as possible and I'd made sure to open my legs a little bit, not to slutty but not decent either. I made sure he noticed that behind this belt of laces, there was no undergarments.

I had already sent food to the study so as he sat. I made sure to pour his Wine and mine as slowly as possible, giving him looks from my smoky eyes. 

"You have been a little naughty dear.

"I know", I said and released a high-pitch giggle and scooting closer I dropped his hands on my laps. Alvis squeezed and began to caress my thighs and while he was about to go higher, I stopped him and spinning myself around, I straddled him, he laughed and let us through a door which led to his room anddropped me like a sack on his bed. 

"I knew you were like your sister" he cuts my lace and grabs my breast, "Luscious body, makes me hard every time" he says and sheds of his clothing. I close my eyes withholding the tears that formed as a result of the painful breast groping, I opened my eyes just in time to stop him from grabbing my neck.

"Don't" I said 

"Why?" he asked 

"No marks on my skin Edward will notice." 

"Oh he doesn't care"he replied me, "he knows."

So the son does know the crimes of his father. 

"Beautiful creamy thing" he murmurs, he leans to kiss my thighs, Open up your honey pot...." His words stopped and the shock on his face is a memory I will cherish forever. I turned him over and this time sitted on him, I stab him repeatedly, each time for all the pain my sister suffered.

For each time he chated on his wife.

For each time he forced a maid to do his will. For every time he touched me,

I stabbed him till his last breath. I quickly stood up and ran to my room, locking his doors from the Inside.

Shedding off 📴 the Lace, I put on the black pants and cloak along with the boots which lana had prepared for me, wearing my escape bag, I leave for the hidden Chambers to locate the docks where I had tied a getaway boat. I was to sail faraway. 

while walking through the hidden doors the castle alarms blares and the war trumpets are blown, they've found his body. I quicken my pace and coming out one door a bit carelessly, I am spotted by a quard, 

"an intruder! Stop him."

Oh hell no

I begin to run for the nearest secret passage, dodging the arrows being fired. I locate the next secret chamber and dive for it, but not before taking an arrow to my arm.

Of all things holy.

I lock the door and begin to quickly treat myself as the blood gushing out became too much. With a muffled cry I break out the arrow plunged in my arm and the open the wound and the kept heading for my boat.

On Reaching, I hid as guards were already there, waiting to capture this intruder. I slowly enter the river trying as much as possible to to ignore the spring of the water on the open flesh. I swam quietly, to the other side, bringing my head up occasionally. I swam

Finally making it to the other side of the border. The forest, which the river separated, I rest on a tree to catch my breath.

Opening my bag, I carry out the small bottle, looking closely at it I read the letter inscribed so liittle on it. 'Drink and be drank not' not think of the meaning of this words I gulped down the liquid, Fetched water with the bottle and kept it back in my bag. Feeling a little rested, I continue my journey through the woods. Walking as silent as possible. 

The noise of crickets and howling owls are heard for a while before the first becomes deadly silent. 


I hear the unmistakable sound of snapping twigs and the hairs on my neck rise.

Danger, someone's hear. I have this feeling someone's watching me. A sixth sense. I hear noise from the tress, I look up and see nothing. I turn and let out a scream before feeling a sharp pain on my neck. A pair of grey eyes and a smirk the last thing I see as I black out.


This is the end of Part One of PRISONER TO THE DARK. Time to embark on the real journey. 

Time to meet the real characters

Any idea who grey eyes is?

Comments are appreciated. 


Social Nerd8