
Prisoner To The Dark

"Losing my crown and title cannot stop me. Leigh, I must do this. For justice. For Emilia." Princess Elilia twin to Princess Emilia watches her sister die right before her eyes and the cause of her death surges an uncontrollable rage through her body. She makes a silent vow everyday to have revenge. An eye for an eye A life for a life. ...................... No one believes we exist and I do not really care, humans are weak feeble creatures. But one has the courage to venture into my realm. A lady. she should be fun. I grin as she senses my presence. I am sure she tastes as good as she looks. What happens when fate entwines the destines of two hateful souls?

SocialNerd8 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

CHAPTER 4- Wedding Feast Begins

To this very moment. I had been preparing myself for this day...the day I would marry my sister's widowed husband. 

I found it oddly funny. 

The stereotypical perfect life of a princess.

I knew right from the moment she appeared by my window, different cuts and bruises on her body, I was not going to marry a man of my choosing.

Right from when I saw a sword go through her heart, the pain in her eyes, I dedicated my life to her. Let revenge be mine to serve. 

My father saw both of us as tools to gain more power. If that wasn't the case, why would he marry both his daughters to a single kingdom? 

My blood boiled and tears threatened to fall from my eyes but I took a deep, calming breath. It wasn't the time to be angry.

"I'm done, Princess", I stared at Lana's face. It looked just as sorrowful as I felt. She didn't want me to leave. I sighed with a nod, leaving was an obligation and not my choice. I studied myself in the mirror, going over my appearance. Lana, Leigh, Anine and several other maids spent hours making me look beautiful. I would be lying if I said I didn't appreciate it.

I was dressed in a white and golden laced gown, my hair was curled and styled to fall in soft, beautiful waves above my shoulders and dare I say it, Anine tremendously outdid herself.

The gown was gorgeous with off shoulder sleeves and a neckline that revealed just the right amount of cleavage. The jewelry that I wore were the only things I found hard to appreciate properly. The huge golden crown on my head was too heavy and the diamond necklace around my neck didn't exactly make the weight better.

I was lead to pose in the opera house where my portrait was to be taken, as it was my favorite place in the castle. And believe me, after staying in the same position for more than two hours, there was no trace of a smile on my face.

"Don't you like your dress, my lady?", Leigh asked, probably trying to make small talk to ease the tension and knots forming at the pit of my stomach. "You look gorgeous, like a porcelain doll."

Lana and Leigh, a set of twins, born at the same time I and my late sister were. We were friends, right from childhood. Only, we were princesses and they had to serve us. But friends we remained, nonetheless. 

"I love my dress, Leigh", I gave her a small smile. "I can't believe Anine made something so beautiful"

I turn to glance at the seamstress and the faint smile on her face told me she had heard my statement. "I agree, Lana. I didn't know witches could create such beautiful things"

That caught her attention and I smiled at her, giving a courtesy she immediately returned.

No hard feelings.

The knots tighten as I find myself a few steps away the banquet hall. I nodded to the herald and he announced my arrival.

"You can do this, baby", Lana emotionally whispers, tears in her eyes as she disappears from my sight as the doors open.

I strode in with my head held high and a low gaze, gauging the expressions of the people who had their eyes on me. I raised my gaze when I reached my father. I bowed low to him and then I faced the crowd. Almost immediately, the groom's arrival was announced and Edward strode in, dressed handsomely with his hair slicked back neatly. He reached me after seconds that felt like years and took my hand from my father's. Kneeling on one knee, he brought my hand to his lips and kissed it before leading me to our decorated seats in the middle of the hall. When everyone was seated, my father began.

"Today, we gather here to celebrate my daughter's marriage to Edward, Prince of Vernagarkh"

There was an applause. Raising his golden goblet, he inclined everyone to do so as well so he could make a toast.

"To a new beginning....", He said and everyone chorused the same thing.

"To a new family...."

To a new family....

"To strength..."

To strength...

"To power..."

To power...

Like I said... power hungry 

"Let the ceremonies begin! Please, enjoy yourselves"

The royalties applauded and soon, musicians, dancers and jesters from all around the nine kingdoms walked in to entertain the guests. 

And soon enough, Edward took me around, introducing me to everyone as his wife. I quickly got exhausted and I excused myself. I needed food...urgently. Going back to our table, I bumped into something and almost fell over when luckily, something strong and firm held me up.

"Are you alright, my lady?", The man holding me asked.

"I'm fine", I muttered and looked up to find the brightest ember eyes I had ever seen. His eyes looked like molten lava, I couldn't bring myself to look away.

"You fancy?", He smirks mischievously. I rolled my eyes, snapping out of my stupor.

Of course it had to be an arrogant prince.

"I can't say that I don't, but it's still not my standard", I held my chin high. "And next time, for your sake and your reputation's sake, don't hold a princess in this manner....a married one at that"

I gestured to where his hands laid, hovering over my breasts.

"Apologies, my lady", he said, letting me go. I nodded at him before walking away. 

I had forgotten to ask his name. How impolite of me. I turned to ask him but he was already gone.

Oh well.


"Remember what I told you?"

"Yes mama"

I remember clearly. Our mother-daughter talk where she had instructed me to respect my husband and the rest. I hugged her tightly, knowing that if everything went as planned, it would be the last time I would see her.

"Don't annoy him, my love. And show him love too..okay?"

"Okay mama"

"And do well at the bridal ceremony, I won't be there with you. As custom demands"

"Yes mama" 

I hugged her tightly once more and looked up to my room's...well, my old room's balcony. Lana and Leigh stood there, tears in their eyes that weren't bothering to hide. They waved at me solemnly and I waved back.

"I'll miss you too", I whispered, fighting back tears of my own.

I rode in the same carriage as Edward, the caravan ahead of us to the kingdom of Vernagarkh where the rest of the ceremony was to take place.

When we got there, I was shown to my room to prepare for my performance at the ceremony. It was tradition, it had to be done.

I changed into another gown Anine had made for me. This one was less heavy, accompanied with a beaded crown and a hood. It was inspired by the look a young, maiden in the woods would have. It was exactly what I needed for my performance.

About thirty minutes later, when it was time, I was called down for the performance.

I began my task, dancing, moving and singing gently to an opera waltz called The Nightingale. Dramatizing the story if a young girl who had a happy beginning but ended in woes and sorrow. The dance was solemn and emotional, a tragic yet beautiful tale.

I was applauded after my dance, I even shed a small tear.

After that, we had a private family dinner. I was welcomed again by Gwen and then reminded of the heirloom ceremony that was to take place the next day, which would complete the marriage rites.

Nodding to almost anything and everything, I excused myself. Reaching my room, I hit the sack. I was unbelievably tired, it was almost unbelievable.

I slept in my dress, jewelry and makeup.

Sue me.

It was so uncomfortable but I was so tired, I just couldn't bring myself to summon maids to help me undress and get ready for bed.

I let out an exasperated groan. Finally.