
Prisoner To The Dark

"Losing my crown and title cannot stop me. Leigh, I must do this. For justice. For Emilia." Princess Elilia twin to Princess Emilia watches her sister die right before her eyes and the cause of her death surges an uncontrollable rage through her body. She makes a silent vow everyday to have revenge. An eye for an eye A life for a life. ...................... No one believes we exist and I do not really care, humans are weak feeble creatures. But one has the courage to venture into my realm. A lady. she should be fun. I grin as she senses my presence. I am sure she tastes as good as she looks. What happens when fate entwines the destines of two hateful souls?

SocialNerd8 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

CHAPTER 3- Preparations

Three days to my wedding...

To be honest, the Vernagarkh's kingdom was lovely. I have been here since afternoon as the Queen Gwendolyn, Gwen for short, requested for gown fittings of my wedding to be done here. She is fond of me apparently.

Like I care, my mind is set on my goals and a particular interesting shrub.

I sighed missing my sister once more as I walked past orchids and liliac, in the so called Cecilia garden. She told me this was her favourite place. I couldn't help but reminisce at the irony. She came here for marriage, I come for same, just with a slight addition. Death.

I shook my head and began concentrating as I stood in front of 'Light Love', the shrub, which held white flowers in shape of a heart. she talked about them the last time she came home.

"Just looking at it, you would think that it's a small bush with lovely flowers but look closely and you would see a handle. I was quite surprised to see something like that but never did venture". Emilia says as she laughs lightly and Elilia who was braiding her hair replied her sister,

"One day I will go and of course not be a scaredy cat like you and see where the door leads.

"I wasn't scared Elilia," she replies, " I didn't have a chance to, Alvis called for me".


"Does he still misbehave with you?" Elilia asked in whispers, her sister nods, "I hope it doesn't get worse."

"Tell mother and father."

"They won't believe me, I tried, mama said he just wants to know me better, but I'm no fool. He has bad intents, I feel it".

"Well what of..."

"Princess Emilia, your presence is being requested at the throne room". The herald announced and Elilia quickened her braids.

"I'll be there" she replied and the topic died there.

I sat down on the grass as the pain of these memories washed through me. I could have helped. I wish I did. But now she's gone.

My pain is my strength. I marked the handle, made sure nobody was watching and I...

"Your highness, the royal seamstress and the queen are in the Brent courtyard waiting for you". A servant tells me I nod and moved quickly hoping he does not suspect a thing. He doesn't seem to as he walked away freely.

Deep breaths elilia, you can do this. ...just three hours.

Beauty is pain right?


"Oh princess please suck in your breath, the corset must be as tight as possible. We need to make your waist as small as possible" she said emphasising each word with a tug!

If you were ever told that a princess life was easy, always getting new clothes and having the proper etiquettes, then you were right and still soo wrong. It ain't easy!

It includes hours of fake smiling, fake gratitude, fake satisfaction and mostly importantly....

Hours of trying not to kill someone like this fucking woman.

Please excuse my language.

"Lady Anine" I say in a fake airy voice,"I can't breathe. It is too fucking tight".

The queen tutts at my cussing and I stiffly turned to look at her.

"You look perfect darling, the lace is as full as my joy for your wedding."

Eye roll

"But your majesty, I feel like we need to add more lace and perhaps a little more bodies, and oh the back isn't low enough, and oh my, her veil..." Anine started to make suggestions, moving around and pointing at different directions.

The queen laughed and I glared at Anine, my patience with her running thin.

"I think it's perfect lady Anine. This is the fourth dress, and its only one wedding". I said emphasising on 'one'.

"Aye Aye I hear you little one."

Who did she just call Little?

"Little one? You are at most just 3 years older than me." I replied her. "No one belittles Elilia." Now it's her turn to give an eye roll.

"I'll finish with the dresses and you can send someone to pick the four of them up". Then you can choose." She said in a voice that implied she's ready to leave and heavens aren't I happy about that.

"Thank you. I would courtesy but like I told you.... I. can't. Breathe. she nods before releasing the damn thing. "Try to eat less". She said.

"Food is my happy place Anine, know this and know peace".

"I agree with her my dear" the queen chirped in, "We don't want you too big for your day."

Lord have mercy!

I sighed and prepared to leave. "Oh dear", the Queen calls me, I turn. "Please be back in the next thirty minutes, your jeweller and shoe maker as well as...''

"As you wish, your majesty", I say cutting her off. she smiles and I banged the door.

Oh holy heavens.


"May I get to tour the castle more...." I asked as my jeweler left the room.

"yes dear you may, but I feel you should perhaps wait for Edward, he would be back soon or I shall I send for him?"

"No need to bother him my queen, I can go on my own". I say with my sweetest smile on my face.

"Oh well...bye, Be careful with that" she says to the woman who I believe is her personal salonist.

Leaving the castle grounds, I went back to the garden being careful this time I quickly pushed the handle of the hiddden door, ready for what ever was beyond.

Upon entering.....

Oh My God.

Dead men.

Moving my torch I looked around and see skeletons of different people scattered throughout the place. It's like a dump of dead bodies.

I moved between the bones and crouched to touch one of them and something catches my eyes.

A bottle, hanging on what seems to be a make up shelf.

I notice it has no label as I picked it up and dropped it into the hold of my dress.

Something is different about the skeletons here. Their bones are blue....Moving closer, I examined the dump once more, looking around after a little while I found another door behind the skeletons. I moved to it and opened quietly to find a maid dusting the stairs leading to the throne room I suppose.

Something's on my hair, I dust my hair and then I feel it.


Running out of light love, I quickly arrange the flowers the way I met them.


"Yes! Christ you scared me", I chuckled and looked at the not too friendly servant, I asked. "What do you need?" The servant eyed me suspiciously before replying.

"Prince Edward has returned and is asking for you."

I nod.

"Yes, yes I'll be there in a minute".

He looks at the shrub again before leaving. I think he knows or at least noticed something.

"Ah there she is, my bride" Edward exclaims as soon as he sights me.

"Welcome, my lord, I was informed by a rather rude servant that you asked for me "

He chuckles.

"That must be George, he is my father's personal bodyguard". I nod

Long story cut short. I am on a carriage back to my kingdom. With trucks of jewelleries and shoes I don't even need.

I miss my bed dearly. And I need food. I smile at the thought of eating.

"Try to eat less."

I scowl as Anine's voice rings in my head.
