
Prisoner To The Dark

"Losing my crown and title cannot stop me. Leigh, I must do this. For justice. For Emilia." Princess Elilia twin to Princess Emilia watches her sister die right before her eyes and the cause of her death surges an uncontrollable rage through her body. She makes a silent vow everyday to have revenge. An eye for an eye A life for a life. ...................... No one believes we exist and I do not really care, humans are weak feeble creatures. But one has the courage to venture into my realm. A lady. she should be fun. I grin as she senses my presence. I am sure she tastes as good as she looks. What happens when fate entwines the destines of two hateful souls?

SocialNerd8 · Fantasy
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15 Chs

CHAPTER 2 - The Royals II

"Presenting the Vernagarkh Royal family alongside his Royal Highness king Charles the second."

Immediately the Royal herald announced their arrival into the throne room, I straightened my back, the knights sheathed their swords and in the next second, the Vernagarkhs and my father burst into the room with the knights bowing as they passed through them. This continued until they reached the base of the throne.

"I welcome the Vernagarkh royal family to our kingdom" I felt my father's stare. "In five days as we all know, our lovely and dearest Princess Elilia is to be married to Prince Edward, first son of king Alvis the second." The knights clapped and I gave a tight smile to Edward, sparing a quick glance at my father.

My father talked more and I barely listened, thoughts of my wedding clouded my mind as I perfected my plans.

"Elilia?", I turned to look at my dad and I quickly understood his gesture, I give him a simple nod and say my line, "I welcome you, King Alvis, Queen, Prince" I courtesied as I spoke, "Please, we dare you, join us in the glass hall for the beautiful luncheon prepared in your honour."

"We would be delighted to." Gwendolyn, the queen replied with a smile, I nod and lead the way.

We walked into the already prepared room and would I say that the servants really out did themselves, courtesy of my mother I presume.

"What lovely décor you have here." The queen commented, earning my mother's smile, "Thank you, Gwen".

While the servants dished the food, my mom being my mom, with enthusiasm and sunny disposition, launched into polite conversations with everyone, even the Kings, participated.

"I'm afraid we missed the sporting season, having only just returned from being abroad. How was the grouse hunting this year?"

King Alvis asked, surely to me. I cleared my throat lightly before speaking,

"It was rather tepid, I'd say. Perchance I found it so because the company with which I fell in with was also tepid? I suspect had I my favourite company traipsing across the fields, it might have been far more stimulating." he nods and chews on.

"Who are these company so missed if I my ask?"

"My sister and step brother if you must know " I hummed and raisied my goblet to my lips.

At the mention of my sister, the table became quiet as I wished it to be.

We all sat and as the so called cultured people that we are, no one speaks on the table and I enjoy the slience until...

"If it pleases you, your highness I would like to speak to the Princess in private."

In private?...

What does this devil son want with me. I looked at mother who averted her gaze.

Father swatted his hand as an indication of approval for the useless prince to take me away. I excused myself from the table and joined the prince.

"If it pleases you, can I call you Elilia?, as you are now my betrothed." Edward said once we reached the garden in the west wing.

Clearing my throat and preparing mentally, I replied.

"Lovely evening to you Prince Edward, and please see it fit to refer me with any name of your choice." I finished with a fake smile plastered on my face. The idiot nods and starts to speaking....

I don't listen as usual. If only he knew the crimes of his father and that he is only a pawn in this dark game I chose to play.

"Princess!" I snapped and looked at the fool..

"I asked a question."

"Which was?"

"You were not listening?"

"Truly, I wasn't. What was your question?"

"I was asking if you would like to join me for a horse ride?"

I mentally rolled my eyes.

"Of course your highness, you needn't ask. I'll quickly change to my riding habit and meet you." With a courtesy, I left his presence.

In my room.....


I hate you all!!!!

I take in deep breaths to control my anger. Just days left Elilia, calm yourself. I sighed as I told myself.

I don't wait for my maids to help me. I change my clothes quickly along with my hair-do and then took my sweet time before going out to meet him.

A white mare was prepared for me and with the help of a hostler, I got on it, and we trotted out of the kingdom with the sun behind us, I sigh.

Just few more days!