

Henry watched as his daughter ran from the room. He glanced at the ice slowly spreading on his seat.

His wife was muttering under her breath.

"Why would she do this?" Skylar grumbled, marching toward the door.

Henry frowned. "Do what, Skylar?"

"The Oracle. Just a few days ago I walked in on her-Siarah is part of a prophecy. But I didn't think-"

Henry burst out laughing. He motioned for his wife to leave the room.

Once the door closed behind her, Skylar turned her fiercest glare on him. "This is not a laughing matter. If anything, you should be concerned. I'm sure this is a shock for her as well."

"You want me to be concerned over a fairytale?"

"Oh, good grief. For once in your life would swallow your pride." Skylar snarled. "You know this is real as much as I do. And you know our race is going to be demolished if those werewolves are back."

Henry got to his feet. "Exactly, Skylar dear. If they are back. You know how Siarah likes to tell tales. How can we trust what she saw?"

"Because I was there."

Henry whirled around and saw a woman sitting on his throne. She had long dark hair, white skin, and piercing blue eyes.


"Pleased to meet your acquaintance, King Henry." the woman interrupted. "Skylar, if you would excuse yourself."

Skylar looked between them, then folded her arms. "I deserve to know what's going on with Siarah. Will she be alright?"

"And you will, in time." the woman flicked her wrist flinging open the doors. "I don't want to have to remove you from the room."

Skylar turned and left.

The woman locked the doors.

Henry stumbled. His head started throbbing, and it felt as though his head were being squeezed from all sides.

"A little sound-blocking spell. No one can listen in."

When Henry composed himself, he scowled down at the woman. "What are you doing here?"

"Last time I saw you, you were sitting on your bed with your mother reading a book of fairytales." she chuckled. "Look at how you've grown. A man with his own castle, beautiful wife, and family."

"I'm sure you have a point."

The woman leaned forward, her lips quirked in a smile. "Don't tell me you've forgotten that day last year."

Henry grunted. "What-"

Before he could finish his sentence he found himself in front of his study. He heard his loud voice from the other side of the door.

"If my wife had given birth to a son ten years ago, none of this would be happening."

Henry turned and saw his daughter standing next to him. Her eyes were wide.

"...she's very skilled with her bow and arrow."

"As if, Siarah's scared of her own shadow. I would gladly trade her for a son any day. She's a girl. A girl who will be nothing and will amount to nothing."

Next to him, Siarah sobbed.

"No. No. I didn't mean it, Siarah." Henry said, crouching next to her. "I'm sorry."

The door opened, light flooding the hall. Siarah looked up at his supervisors. Tears stained her cheeks.

"What's the problem?"

Siarah ducked her head and raced off.

Henry got to his feet. "Siarah. Siarah!"

"Nothing, your grace. Just a mouse."

The scene disappeared, and Henry found himself in his throne room, standing in front of the woman. She'd kicked up her legs and was eating out of a golden bowl.

"When the moment comes that the scar is revealed, she shall bring the rise of peace."

Henry gawped at her. "What does that mean?"

"You'll figure it out." she popped another grape in her mouth.

"My daughter's life could be in danger and you won't tell me what's going on?" Henry boomed. "How can I protect her?"

The woman placed the bowl on the ground. "I'm pretty sure she told you. How can you protect her? By being a Father."

Henry blinked, and the woman was gone.

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