

When Siarah snuck into her room, she stumbled when she spotted Jennie standing next to her bed.

"Princess. Where have you been?" she exclaimed. "Your parents have been worried sick! And what's that all over your clothes?"

Jennie pulls out multiple outfits and lay them out on her bed. "Go get cleaned up quickly. Your father requires your presence."

"Why?" Siarah tossed her dirty cloak in her basket.

Jennie shook her head. "I'm not sure, but I did see some men come running into the castle screaming about how the elves have captured you."

"So he didn't think to come to look for me?" Siarah snatched up a black flowy dress.

"He did send out a fleet of guards."

Siarah stormed into the bathroom and slammed the door behind her.

As she was changing her clothes, she noticed a faint line over her heart. She didn't remember cutting herself or falling on something sharp.

Maybe she injured herself fighting. But wouldn't her clothes have blood on them?

She pushed the thought from her head and slipped into the dress. When she stepped out of the bathroom, Jennie was waiting there, holding a pair of silver flats and a small crown.

Jennie placed the crown on her head and handed her the shoes. "Your mother asked me to walk you to the throne room."

Siarah sneered as she stepped into her shoes. "Do you know when Miss Diane will be coming back?"

"Oh." Jennie blinked. "I forgot to mention that she's been moved to the kitchen. So I'm your temporary maid until further notice."


Jennie led the way from her room and they walked down the long and winding hallways until they reached the throne room.

Two guards were stationed outside, staring straight ahead as though their lives depended on it. The guard on the right stepped in front of them. He bowed his head toward Jennie. "We'll take it from here, miss. Thank you."

Jennie bowed her head respectfully and then turned down the hall.

Siarah glanced at the guard.

"Are you alright, princess?" he asked. "Some lunatics came running in here claiming that you'd been kidnapped."


The guard nodded. Then he opened the door and let her inside. "Your father is pretty furious, so tread carefully."

"What's your name?"

"C-Conor, Princess." the guard stuttered.

Siarah nodded. "Thank you for your help today. I look forward to meeting you again."

The guard nodded.

It's good to make friends whenever possible.

Siarah took a deep breath before stepping into the room where her parents were sitting on the thrones. Her father's throne was larger than her mom's.

Her mom covered her mouth.

Siarah rolled her eyes. What BS. Over in the corner were the four men who attacked her.

"These men here claim that you've been captured by elves." her father boomed. "Is this true?"

Even if that were true he didn't bother asking if she was ok, or if she was hurt at all.

"No, it's not."

The men in the corner sputtered, lost for words. The guard in the corner glowered down at them.

"You dare lie on Siarah?" he thundered, the men cowered back against the wall.

Siarah scowled. "If you let me finish my story, Father." she took a deep breath. "After I finished my lunch I left the palace grounds to explore, and I ran into an elf. He didn't hurt me or threaten me in any way. He showed me his earth elemental powers." Siarah took a breath before continuing. "Then he had to run back to his village because they were being attacked by werewolves."

Her mother gasped.

"Werewolves?" her father growled.

Siarah nodded. "They lost many people, and the chief and his wife passed. But I'm guessing these...men conveniently left out the part of them jumping me."

"What?" her mom whispered.

The fat man squeaked. "We'd never do such a thing to the royal family, your grace. Honestly!"

"But since I'm a fair person, I'll allow you to go free." Siarah frowned down at the men, then jerked her head toward the door.

They muttered thanks before scurrying out.

When the men left her father started on her. "Why were you outside the palace walls in the first place? And why would you go near an elf? Have you not been taught better than that?"

"With all due respect, she wasn't hurt," Skylar said. "And she said that the werewolves attacked their village."

"That has nothing to do with me. They can fight their own battles." her father roughly rubbed his face.

"But it won't be long before our people are targeted. We will be in the same boat as the elves, maybe it's time to put aside our differences and come together to fight the werewolves." her mother insisted.

Her father scowled down at Siarah. "Consider yourself dismissed."

"You're going to dismiss me? Just like that?" Siarah snapped. "Heck, even if I were kidnapped by the elves, why not come out yourself to look for me? Oh, that's right. I'm a girl."

Her father opened her mouth to speak, but Siarah spoke over him. "A GIRL WHO WILL AMOUNT TO NOTHING AND WILL BE NOTHING."

Siarah's hands were balled into fists.

"Siarah!" Skylar gasped. "Wha-Are you doing that?"

Siarah looked to where her aunt was pointing and saw ice starting to form on her father's throne. She unclenched her hands and took an unsteady step back.

Her father's eyes widen in surprise. Her mother looked as though she was going to faint.


That couldn't be her. She's never had any powers.

This sure wouldn't help her relations with her father. In his eyes, she's a witch and there was only one outcome of a witch.


Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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See you in the next chapter!!

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