

Siarah looked down at her shaking hands as she paced up and down her room. Ice had started spreading over the walls.

She wasn't sure how to stop it. Wasn't sure if this was a nightmare.

Siarah pinched herself and winced. Nope. It was real, alright, but how?

A knock at the door startled her.

"Siarah, it's me."

The door opened, and her father poked his head inside. "Can I come in?"

"This is a surprise," Siarah grumbled. "I know I'm a witch. No need to rub it in."

"That's not why I'm here, actually." her father stepped into the room. "When you left the throne room, a woman appeared, and she told me the prophecy you're a part of."

Siarah's eyes widen.

"And she showed me my error. My mouth often moves without processing what's about to come out." Her father sat on the edge of her bed. "And if my words hurt you, I'm sorry. I don't expect you to forgive me, I was...I just want to apologize-"

Siarah wrapped her arms around him. "It's alright, pops." she pulled away and stared down at her hands. "What am I supposed to do about my abilities? People will see me as a witch and threaten me. Can I even go out anymore? I'm afraid of what I'll do."

"I assure you that no one will lay a finger on you. Not on my watch. As for controlling it, there may be someone who can help." Her father sighs. "I haven't had contact with them in a while, but I'm sure she'd be willing to help."

Siarah flexed her fingers. "Who is it?"

"Your grandmother."


Once Siarah had finished her last class of the day, her father called a carriage to pick her up at the front of the castle.

"Aren't you coming with me, father?"

Her dad shook her head. "I wish I could. But I must make preparations."

"Whatever for?"

"In case the werewolves do attack. And if they do, I've ordered the guards to keep you and my mother safe in her villa."

Siarah blinked. "But-"

"No, but's Siarah. You'll be safe there."

"What of Ian and Axel? Will they be safe?" Siarah asked. "You can't send me away! I want to help."

Her father placed a hand on her shoulder. "I understand that, Siarah. And I'm proud to have a daughter eager to battle," he paused.

Siarah knew the but was coming, there was always a but. She folds her arms.

"I'll consider it. But that's only if a large sum of our men have fallen." he glanced toward the palace doors. "Your mother and brothers will be safe in the nursery."

Siarah nods. "Alright."

Guards opened the doors to the palace and her mother stepped out. She adorned a dark red dress, with her dark hair pulled back into a bun, and jewelry sparkling around her neck and wrists. Skylar came out next.

Her blonde hair blew behind her as she ran down the stairs and encased Siarah in a hug. Her blue eyes glistened with tears. "Are you sure this is a great idea?"

"I've thought this through, Skylar. She will be fine." King Henry said. "There is no telling when the werewolves will attack. We must hurry to make preparations."

Skylar nodded and took a step back.

Her mother stopped in front of her and she extended an arm awkwardly. Siarah went up and wrapped her arms around her waist. Her mother gasped softly and hesitated before she wrapped her arms around her.

"I'm proud of you Siarah." her mom kissed her hair.

Siarah gave a final squeeze and let go. The guard standing by the carriage opened the door. Siarah gave her family a final wave before climbing into the carriage.

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I hope you're enjoying it. I should have the next chapter posted by tomorrow or Thursday for those of you reading Millionaire's Son.


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