
Primordial Yang Sword Saint

After getting dumped by his girlfriend, Lin Xiao jumped in a river and died. Fortunately, his story didn't end there. A soul from another world took over his dying body and he met with a goddess...

Guilty_I_Am · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter 23: Qin Qing

"Langyan, can you tell me about that girl?" Lin Xiao eyed Qin Qing.

Hearing this, Langyan snorted lightly. "Turns out you are interested in her, after all." Her voice then became a bit disheartened as she continued: "Then again, considering it's Qin Qing, it's normal for you to be interested."

"Oh, why do you say that?" Lin Xiao felt like there was some backstory there.

She pouted. "Well, because she is better than me in everything. I've never beaten her in anything in my life. She's more beautiful, intellectual, and athletic than me. She's as close to perfection as one can get."

Even though her tone was envious, there was also a bit of irrefutable pride mixed in.

"You have known each other for a long time?"

Lin Xiao knew this Qin Qing was a high-level cultivator while Langyan was an ordinary girl.

How could Langyan possibly challenge her?

"Yeah, we are childhood friends," Langyan replied with a nod.

Lin Xiao suddenly felt like Langyan sure has interesting connections. Bing Qingtong, Feng Wuya, and now, Qin Qing, all of them were girls he is interested in. Of course, he was also interested in Langyan.

"Langyan, do you believe in supernatural powers?"

Lin Xiao's abrupt change in topic startled Langyan. She looked at him seriously and agreed indirectly: "I don't not believe in it."

"What if I tell you I am one of those superhumans?" Lin Xiao smiled. He wanted to prepare Langyan for the upcoming life changes she would face if she stayed with him.

"I... believe you," She said after a moment of thought.

Lin Xiao was genuinely surprised. He thought she would joke that he had gone crazy or watched too many movies or something like that.

He didn't ask why she would believe in him. Instead, he revealed something that shocked her. "What if I tell you that girl Qin Qing is also a superhuman?"

She muttered honestly with a frown. "I... don't know how to react to that."

Lin Xiao felt like it was enough for one day. He comforted: "Don't overthink. Let's talk about this some other time."

Needless to say, there was a reason for doing this.

Langyan gets jealous easily, and she wants Lin Xiao all to herself. Being the owner of Primordial Yang Body, that was naturally impossible.

He wanted to expand her mindset gradually so that she could ultimately accept polygamy and stay together with him.

Langyan wasn't stupid. She knew Lin Xiao was trying to convey something to her. As for whether this talk about superhuman was true or he was simply playing another prank... She honestly has no idea.

She put it at the back of her mind. As Lin Xiao said, they were going to talk about it sometime later.

After a few minutes, they reached the underground parking. The other two girls had their driver and car waiting for them, so they bade farewell first.

Lin Xiao, Feng Wuya, Qin Qing, and Di Langyan had to walk a bit further since their car was parked a little far away. Langyan and Feng Wuya talked and laughed while Lin Xiao and Qin Qing walked side by side, albeit a bit apart.

Suddenly, both Qin Qing and Lin Xiao inclined their heads towards a specific direction simultaneously. A faint killing intent was aimed at them; it came and went quickly. The presence then disappeared completely. But it was enough for both of them to catch it.

Realizing that they were both focusing on the same place, they subconsciously looked at each other.

Since Qin Qing glanced up, her sun hat also lifted, allowing a clear view of her face. When Lin Xiao saw her, he was amazed by her beauty.

Langyan didn't lie. Qin Qing was really more beautiful than her!

Her facial features were exquisite, with a pair of faded-grey colored pupils, a small nose, and slightly thicker, perfect lips that were built for doing obscene things.

While her eyes contained indifference and disregard for everything, her lips held a subtle smile.

Lin Xiao was stunned only for a moment. After that, he regained his usual smile.

Seeing this, a flash of surprise crossed Qin Qing's eyes.

In fact, she was also secretly astonished by his previous action too.

Although it looked like they turned their head simultaneously, she knew that Lin Xiao was much quicker than her.

Till now, she has ignored his existence. But now, she was a bit curious. She spoke in a light tone while extending her jade-like hands: "We still haven't introduced ourselves, have we? I am Qin Qing. Nice to meet you."

Lin Xiao replied with a smile of his own: "Lin Xiao. Nice to meet you too."

Right when he was about to shake her hand, Lin Xiao snickered inwardly and activated Emperor's Heart Upanishad's arousing technique in full throttle. He was very curious… what kind of reaction would this girl display?!

As a result of the arousing technique, when their hands met, Qin Qing's eyes trembled, and her legs began convulsing all of a sudden. For a moment, Qin Qing was completely stunned! She doesn't dare believe what she just did!

She quickly pried her hands away.

Seeing the 'abnormality', Lin Xiao looked at her with a 'concerned' expression and asked: "Are you alright?"

Qin Qing's heart was pounding. She still didn't believe what she had just done. The moment she touched Lin Xiao's hand, it was as if incessant pleasure ran through her body!

However, when she heard Lin Xiao's concern, a realization struck her like thunder.

She quickly turned to look at him and found the hidden mocking joy in his eyes. He was looking at her in amusement.

She gritted her teeth tightly. Her heart that has been as calm as a lake all her life, experienced a light ripple. 'I am being played around with? No... I am being challenged!'

This didn't make her angry, not at all. She actually found it amusing. From her childhood, she never had an equal. It was for the first time today that she tasted defeated.

Albeit it was a shameless and unannounced competition, Qin Qing was someone who chased after perfection.

She couldn't accept this defeat!

Nevertheless, she isn't stupid. By the mind-boggling experience just now, she ascertained that defeating Lin Xiao in this aspect is next to impossible.

Qin Qing doesn't even know what Lin Xiao just did! She thought that if he performed that technique on an ordinary girl, then she might've been broken right then and there.

Even she felt that her soul was being hooked.

Putting that disturbing experience aside, she wondered what she could do to recover the image and confidence she had just lost?

Obviously, she has to find different ways to defeat him!

Thinking up till this point, she ignored the discomfort in her panties and regained her usual, subtle smile.

"I am fine," She replied shortly.

Lin Xiao was surprised at how fast she regained her composure. It was only five seconds ago that he shook hands with her. It appears as though she really hates losing. He suddenly chucked internally; his guess about her competitive personality was spot on!