
Primordial Yang Sword Saint

After getting dumped by his girlfriend, Lin Xiao jumped in a river and died. Fortunately, his story didn't end there. A soul from another world took over his dying body and he met with a goddess...

Guilty_I_Am · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter 24: Brewing Trouble

The girls left afterward. Langyan wanted to drop Lin Xiao off too, but he declined, saying that he had something else to do. Being rejected, she could only leave him reluctantly.

After their car disappeared, the smile on Lin Xiao's face vanished. He approached the location where the killing intent earlier stemned from.

A boney man dressed in completely dark clothes was collapsed on the ground there. His mouth was frothing, and he held a tiny dart imbued in green liquid in his hand.

Lin Xiao picked the dart and smelled it.

'Poison! And it is quite potent. He is an assassin.'

Lin Xiao looked for any clues of identification on the man's carcass, but he found nothing.

A trace of dissatisfaction rose for his heart.

Previously when he sensed the killing intent aimed at him, he quickly took action.

Being a high-level cultivator, killing an average human was as easy as flipping an arm to Lin Xiao.

He wanted to rupture the assassin's cerebellum and retrieve his memories, but he accidentally applied too much power.

As a result, his whole brain burst apart. Though the assassin looked alright from the outside, the inside of his brain was minced in fine particles.

Strangely enough, he didn't feel much after killing for the very first time today.

'I am indeed twisted.' Lin Xiao's lips curled into a creepy smile.

Lin Xiao threw the corpse in the Tower Of Nine Heavens, wanting to dispose of it later. At the same time, he contemplated who might've hired this assassin.

'Is it that Ax Lang? Or Langyan's suitor, Fu Chao? Ax Lang is the leader of a gang group; this case most likely isn't related to him. That leaves only one suspect.'


In the living room of a luxurious villa, a few people were engaged in a perfunctory conversation.

Among them was a familiar figure of Fu Chao. At this moment, there wasn't a speck of arrogance on his face. His attitude was humble, and he spoke respectfully.

"Uncle, how long will you be staying here?" Fu Chao asked.

On the other couch sat a middle-aged man with a perverted face. His skin was pale like a sheet, and his whole body was like a skeleton; there were almost no muscles.

The middle-aged man tapped his thighs, gesturing Fu Chao's mother to sit there. With an ugly face, the middle-aged woman sat. Only when he started playing with her knockers did he reply: "Haha! After becoming an elder, this is the first time I came back to the city; I am planning to enjoy myself here for the time being."

Fu Chao, who saw his mother being molested, could do nothing but grit his teeth secretly. His uncle was powerful and lustful, while his father was a coward. It was only natural that his uncle treated his beautiful mother like this.

His uncle was the elder of a famous cultivation sect called Hundred Poison Valley. He has an arrogant nature and treats non-cultivators as if they were his pets.

Having said that, since he was the reason why his Fu Family became one of the major families in this city, no one in the family dared to move against him.

Still, that doesn't mean Fu Chao could watch apathetically while his mother gets defiled.

Just when his heart was bubbling in anger, his butler beside him stepped up and whispered something in his ear. After hearing it, Fu Chao's eyebrows frowned.

"Are you sure that he is actually dead?" He asked the butter, knowing the answer already. His mysterious butler was never wrong.

"Certainly, young master. The killer didn't leave any trace. But I am certain."

"What is it, nephew? Are you facing some trouble?" Fu Choa's uncle, Fu Wang, asked, his hands moving roughly on Fu Chao's mother's body.

"No, uncle. It's fine." He denied courteously.

"Haha! Why are you so tense? As your uncle, I'll help you. Speak, what's the issue?"

Fu Chao 'hesitantly' replied: "Since uncle says so..." Fu Chao recounted his encounter and grievances with Lin Xiao and his extraordinary strength.

"Di Langyan, is that girl tender?" Fu Wang expressed his primary concern.

Fu Chao could only reply: "Yes, Uncle, she is marvelous! However, she's from Di Family, so I don't dare move against her."

"Humph! A mere Di Family isn't worth mentioning. They may be dragons in this city, but they don't even qualify as ants in front of my Hundred Poison Valley."

"Alright, I'll deal with this brat for you. In return, I'll just make your mother work harder." After casually throwing the derisive remark, Fu Wang called out to seemingly no one: "Little Xianxia, did you hear it?"

An appealing figure of a young woman suddenly appeared in front of everyone out of nowhere. She looked at Fu Wang with repugnance and said with a frown: "I heard it. Don't tell me that's my mission?"

"You were entrusted to me by the sect master; I cannot face him if something happens to you. It's better for your opponent to be weak since it's your first mission." Fu Wang didn't mind her disrespectful attitude and explained. Even if he has ten times the guts, he won't dare be rude to her.

Xia Xianxia was dissatisfied after being underestimated. In the end though, for some unknown reason, she accepted his proposal.

"Nephew, give her the information about that brat."

"Right! Here!" Fu Chao was completely dazed as he passed the info. Xia Xianxia's beauty wasn't any less than Di Langyan.

After taking a look, Xia Xianxia swiftly disappeared without a word.

"Uncle, who's she?" Fu Chao felt strange that Fu Wang, of all people, would be respectful to someone.

"Hai! Nephew, stay clear of her. She is called Xia Xianxia, a powerful poison user. Furthermore, she has an extraordinary identity."

Hearing she was poison master, Fu Chao was stunned. Weren't all poison masters supposed to be in their fifties? But she looked to be in her early twenties!

Although curious, since Fu Wang didn't reveal much, he can't ask either.

He was just happy to get Lin Xiao out of the way! There's no way he would survive an attack from a cultivator!

Judging by the interest his uncle exhibited, Di Langyan would most likely be played by him first, but he can always get seconds! He licked his lips and began thinking of a plan to lure Di Langyan.

'Humph, you should have become mine obediently. it's already too late now!'


Unaware of the upcoming threat, Lin Xiao reached his flat. After taking a bath, he ordered some food online.

Although he could survive without eating for weeks, there was still a desire for delicious meals. When the food arrived, he ate it, washed the dishes, and without any further ado, entered the Tower Of Nine Heavens.