
Primordial Yang Sword Saint

After getting dumped by his girlfriend, Lin Xiao jumped in a river and died. Fortunately, his story didn't end there. A soul from another world took over his dying body and he met with a goddess...

Guilty_I_Am · Urban
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30 Chs

Chapter 22: An AstralQi Cultivator?

Feng Wuya felt her heart leapt out. She was panicking. Never in her wildest dream did she consider the possibility of Langyan appearing here, but it happened. And they met in the worst possible way! It would to strange if Langyan didn't breed any misunderstanding!

Her relationship with Langyan was more than just teacher and student. Feng Wuya's father is Langyan's mother's brother. They are cousins! While their relationship isn't as close as blood siblings, it's still strong.

"Sister Wuya, why are you together with Lin Xiao?" Fangyan felt the shock of her lifetime. A bitter feeling rose from her heart when she saw Lin Xiao walking together with Feng Wuya.

"We just met by coincidence." Lin Xiao replied before Feng Wuya could answer. He was still calm in this situation.

"Coincidence...?" Langyan didn't believe it.

"Yeah, I was passing by from here when I met Teacher Feng Wuya."

"Then, what were you doing in the hotel?" Fangyan tone was like a wife who was being cheated with.

"Langyan, I plan to have Lin Xiao participate in the competitions in future, so when I ran into him, I invited him for dinner." Feng Wuya said. Lin Xiao calm voice also calmed her down.

Langyan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled. "So that's how it was!"

Fortunately, this hotel was also known for its amazing food. That's why Langyan believed their words easily.

Only after the matter was clarified did a boulder lift from her heart. She realised Lin Xiao was slowly barging into her heart.

Feng Wuya also breathed a sigh of relief and made a mental note to be more careful from now on. If rumours spread that she and a student was coming out of a hotel together, wouldn't she be ruined?

Langyan then glanced at Lin Xiao. She felt like he was tugging her heartstrings more than usual. He looked much more charming than she remembered from this afternoon.

'They say that when you fall for someone, they become special in your eyes... Doesn't that mean that I have already… no way… no way.' A scorching heat travelled to her pretty face, making it red.

"Teacher, thanks for the food. I'll be going now." She heard Lin Xiao's voice. He planned to depart.

"Alright." Feng Wuya nodded. She looked at him with hidden gratitude. 'Not only is he good at studying but he is also a powerful doctor… if only he was younger….' Once that thought arose, Feng Wuya scolded herself for being an old cow thinking of young grass.

"Lin Xiao, wait!"

Right when Lin Xiao turned around, Langyan suddenly called out.

"Is something the matter?" He looked at her.

"Uh, yeah, actually, our hands are tired from carrying the shopping bags. Would you mind helping us take it to the underground parking? It's nearby." Langyan showed a pitiful expression.

Lin Xiao found the group of four young girls were carrying over ten shopping bags. But they didn't look heavy. Langyan was obviously giving an excuse.

"Alright, I'll carry it for you guys. Give it to me." Lin Xiao went forward and took shopping bags from Langyan's hand, rubbing them slightly in the process.

Langyan blushed. She felt like Lin Xiao saw through her plan.

Lin Xiao took this opportunity to look at the other three girls. The two girls behind Langyan looked pretty. However, there was nothing extraordinary about them.

Seeing him, they both were stunned. One of them even tried to flirt. "Hey handsome, is Langyan your girlfriend? If not, how about being my boyfriend?"

"You guys lay off of him." Langyan snapped at her friend. She looked at them with vigilance, like a tigress trying to protect her cub from danger.

"Uwah! Langyan is jealous!" The other girl from the duo giggled.

"W-what?! Who's jealous?! Shut up. Otherwise, I'll teach you a lesson!" Langyan pretty face didn't get a rest as it blushed again.

Their shenanigans continued. Lin Xiao calmly slipped away.

When Lin Xiao approached the last girl, his eyebrows suddenly frowned. While she was trying to conceal it, an aura of the 10th Level Earth Qi Realm cultivator was leaking out of her.

This revelation put Lin Xiao on guard.

One must know that Lin Xiao was very fortunate for obtaining Qianxue's vital Yin. This was the main reason why he could become an Ancestor Qi Realm cultivator this easily.

Otherwise, based on the scarcity of Heaven and Earth Qi on this planet, even he would take decades!

And now, this girl who appears to be in her late teens was actually at the peak of Earth Qi Realm?

This was an astounding discovery.

'Qianxue, does this girl also have some special constitution?' Lin Xiao immediately asked his spiritual advisor.

After some moments, Qianxue replied: "No, she doesn't have any special constitution. However, I can sense an abundance of AstralQi in her body."

AstralQi, contrary to Heaven and Earth Qi, wasn't found on planets. It was mainly found in celestial bodies such as Moon, Sun or Black Holes. The outer space was filled with AstralQi, but cultivators conventionally aren't able to absorb it.

She was an anomaly.

Just what kind of secret was she hiding? Lin Xiao was very curious.

"Miss, should I take your bag too?" Lin Xiao asked. He couldn't see her face since she wore a sun hat covering more than half of her face.

He only saw her cherry-like lips lift slightly. "No, it's alright. My bags are light."

The young girl's voice was tender and pleasant to hear, making whoever listened to it calm down. Yet to Lin Xiao, her voice screeched of deep indifference.

"If you say so." Lin Xiao didn't insist and asked Langyan: "Where are we going?"

"In that way." She stopped fighting with her friend and pointed in a direction, and then looked at Feng Wuya. "Sister Wuya, why don't you come with us? We will drop you on the way."

"Alright, that would be convenient." Feng Wuya agreed.

They then began walking towards the underground parking. While on the way, Lin Xiao and Di Langyan were walking behind the group.

Langyan noticed that Lin Xiao eyes were repeatedly drawn towards her best friend. This made her jealous.

"What is it?" Lin Xiao saw her looking at him, so he asked.

"Nothing, why don't you continue watching Qin Qing? And while you are at it, ask her out too." Langyan spat quickly and turned her face away.

Lin Xiao smiled. How could he not guess her thoughts? Seeing that no one was looking, he silently hugged onto Langyan's waist.

Langyan shivered. She intently looked back at him and whispered lightly: "W-w-what do you think you are doing? We are outside!"

"You mean it's fine if we were inside." He chuckled and slid his hand slowly towards Langyan's curvy buttocks.

A jolt of pleasure, like lightning, ran through her body when his hands finally squeezed her bum. At that instant, she felt a stimulation that couldn't possibly be aroused with just a touch. Unexpectedly, her secret pot was beginning to leak juices!

Lin Xiao was actually using a technique from Emperor's Heart Upanishad that can arouse anyone with simple touches. And from the looks of it, it was effective. A bit too much!

He pried his hands away after giving them a few squeezes. If he did more, Langyan would probably collapse on the sidewalk with a puddle of sparkling liquid around her.

Since he was carrying many bags in his hand, from their back, it looked like he was holding Langyan's waist. An intimate gesture, but nothing remarkable in today's open society. That's why he was so bold.

"How did it feel?" Lin Xiao whispered to the absent-minded Langyan, waking her up.

Hearing his teasing tone, Langyan bit her lips tightly. She felt like if Lin Xiao didn't stop, then she would have lost herself to lust. The proof was her soaking were underwear! Just what did Lin Xiao do to her?!