
Primordial Magician

A seemingly ordinary individual unexpectedly finds themselves reincarnated into the enchanting realm of Arcanus—a world of magic and wonder. In this extraordinary domain, the protagonist is bestowed with a rare and potent ability known as "Chaos," the ancient and foundational form of magic. Thus begins their extraordinary odyssey through a realm where reality is ever-shifting and full of hidden truths. Determined to carve a lasting legacy, the protagonist embarks on a captivating journey to transcend the boundaries of mortality and achieve eternal existence.

Ordinary_artist · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Acquiring Potion Kit

Current Status [Beep! Scan complete. Daniel Asbury (Mathew Viscot).

Strength: 0.68,

Agility: 0.64,

Vitality: 0.62,

Mana: 0.5,

Talent: Yellow,

Element: Chaos,

Skills: Double Slash(23%), ]

It had been three weeks since I vanquished the formidable fire salamander. Its meat had proven to be a catalyst for the enhancement of my physique. Now, I entrusted the AI with my second task: to bolster my mana. Regardless of how strong my body may be, a mage's true power lies in their mana reserves.

"Ding! Task 2 Created," echoed in my mind as the AI presented me with the best option: creating the Salamander Essence Potion. Its ingredients were listed before me:

one Fire Salamander's Heart,

three Ashwinder Ash,

two Essence of Chamomile, and

one Essence of Ginger.

The effects of this potion were extraordinary. Consuming it would raise my mana from 0.5 to 0.65, increase my strength from 0.68 to 0.75, agility from 0.64 to 0.7, and vitality from 0.62 to 0.71. In addition to these improvements, the potion held several other benefits.

"Enhanced Vitality," I mused, as the AI described how the potion would infuse me with energy, hastening recovery from fatigue, injuries, and minor ailments. "Fire Affinity," it continued, explaining that the potion would deepen my connection to the element of fire, enhancing resistance to fire-based attacks and amplifying my ability to manipulate fire-related spells or abilities.

"Increased Stamina," I whispered, envisioning the potion granting me the endurance and staying power to engage in physical activities for prolonged periods without succumbing to exhaustion. "Regenerative Properties," I contemplated, acknowledging that the potion would accelerate my body's natural healing processes, mending damaged tissues and closing wounds at an accelerated rate.

"And Inner Warmth," I concluded, recognizing the comforting sensation the potion would create within me. It would provide a protective shield against extreme cold, maintaining my body temperature at an optimal level even in freezing environments.

Such a potent concoction did not exist in the world before. It was the result of harnessing the immense knowledge of the AI Chip, a true testament to the melding of magic and technology.

"AI Chip," I addressed the entity within my mind. "Can you provide me with detailed descriptions of each ingredient required to brew this potion?"


Fire Salamander Heart: The heart of a fire salamander is the main component of this potion. It contains potent elemental properties and serves as the essence that imbues the potion with its fiery attributes.

Essence of Chamomile: Adding a touch of chamomile essence can help balance the intense nature of the fire salamander's essence, providing a soothing and calming effect to the potion.

Ashwinder Ash: Ashwinder ash, collected from the remains of magical fire serpents, adds an extra spark to the potion, intensifying its fiery nature. The ash also helps stabilize the essence of the fire salamander.

Essence of Ginger: Ginger essence brings warmth and vitality to the potion, enhancing its invigorating properties. It adds a touch of spiciness to complement the fire element of the salamander essence.


The AI Chip continued I would suggest the Host to acquire potion kit from the market

With a newfound determination to unlock the secrets of the Salamander Essence Potion, I set out to acquire the necessary tools for potion brewing. The AI Chip had suggested that I obtain a potion kit, an essential item for any aspiring alchemist.

However, there was a small hurdle in my path – my limited funds. I had only two gold coins to my name, and the potion kit itself cost one gold coin. It was crucial for me to budget wisely, as I also needed additional materials to create health and stamina potions.

I made my way to the bustling marketplace in the heart of the Academy, a place teeming with merchants peddling their wares. Among the colourful stalls and lively crowd, I sought out a shopkeeper who specialized in alchemical supplies.

The shopkeeper, a middle-aged man with a weathered face and spectacles perched on his nose, greeted me as I approached his stall. Bottles, herbs, and various alchemical apparatuses were meticulously arranged on the shelves behind him.

"Good day, sir," I greeted him with a friendly smile, trying my best to appear as an average alchemy enthusiast rather than someone with advanced knowledge.

"Welcome, young lad," the shopkeeper replied, adjusting his spectacles. "What brings you to my humble stall today?"

"I'm looking to purchase a potion kit," I said, pointing towards the display of potion kits behind him. "I heard you have a fine selection."

His eyes narrowed as he scrutinized me. "A potion kit, you say? It's a valuable tool for any aspiring alchemist. Have you delved into the art of potion brewing?"

I nodded, trying to mask my excitement. "Indeed, I've recently taken an interest in alchemy and potions. I believe it's a fascinating field worth exploring."

The shopkeeper seemed satisfied with my response and beckoned me closer. "Well, young man, I have just the potion kit for you. It's of excellent quality and comes with all the basic tools you'll need. However, it does come at a cost of one gold coin."

My heart sank momentarily as I contemplated my meager funds. I needed that potion kit, but I also needed to secure materials for other potions. I had to be cunning and resourceful to make the most of my limited resources.

"I understand the value of a good potion kit," I said, adopting a slightly hesitant tone. "But, truth be told, I'm a novice alchemist with limited means. Is there any chance of negotiating the price?"

The shopkeeper stroked his chin, considering my request. "Normally, I wouldn't entertain such offers, but you seem earnest. How about this? I'll offer you the potion kit for one gold coin, but I'll include a small bag of basic materials for health and stamina potions as a gesture of goodwill."

Relief washed over me as I realized the shopkeeper was willing to accommodate my situation. "That's very generous of you. I appreciate your kindness."

With the deal struck, I handed over my hard-earned gold coin and received the potion kit along with a small bag of basic materials. I thanked the shopkeeper and bid him farewell

Once I reached the comfort of my room, I carefully unpacked the potion kit, eager to familiarize myself with its contents. The kit consisted of various tools and materials essential for the brewing process, each serving their unique purpose

Aside from the ingredients, the potion kit also contained an array of alchemical tools. There was a finely crafted mortar and pestle made of sturdy stone, essential for grinding and blending the ingredients to release their potent essences. The smooth surface of the mortar was well-worn, bearing the marks of countless potions brewed before mine.

Beside the mortar and pestle, I discovered a set of delicate glass beakers and vials. These containers were designed to hold and measure precise quantities of liquids, ensuring accuracy in the brewing process. I marvelled at their craftsmanship, the clarity of the glass allowing me to appreciate the colours and textures of the ingredients as they would interact during the potion's creation.

The kit also included a small burner, powered by magical flames, which would provide the necessary heat during certain stages of the brewing process. This allowed for precise control over temperature, ensuring the ingredients were infused properly without being compromised.

Now I have to leverage this and create potion's that I can sell for profit