
Primordial Magician

A seemingly ordinary individual unexpectedly finds themselves reincarnated into the enchanting realm of Arcanus—a world of magic and wonder. In this extraordinary domain, the protagonist is bestowed with a rare and potent ability known as "Chaos," the ancient and foundational form of magic. Thus begins their extraordinary odyssey through a realm where reality is ever-shifting and full of hidden truths. Determined to carve a lasting legacy, the protagonist embarks on a captivating journey to transcend the boundaries of mortality and achieve eternal existence.

Ordinary_artist · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Journey of Alchemy Begins

With the ingredients and the AI Chip's guidance in hand, I was ready to embark on my journey as an alchemist. The first task at hand was creating the basic health and stamina potions. Although the odds of success for novice alchemists like me were typically around 30%, I had a unique advantage with the AI Chip embedded within my mind.

I carefully examined the ingredients provided by the shopkeeper, ensuring their quality and purity. The health potion required a healing herb and essence of vitality, while the stamina potion called for an energy root and essence of revitalization.

The healing herb, known for its soothing and restorative properties, was rich in natural compounds that promoted healing and rejuvenation. I meticulously cleaned and chopped the herb into small pieces, preparing it for the extraction process.

On the other hand, the energy root, a rare plant, possessed stimulating and invigorating properties. Its natural compounds boosted stamina and endurance. I handled the energy root with care, chopping it into small pieces, ready to extract its potent essence.

With the ingredients prepared, I turned my attention to the process of creating the potions. The AI Chip provided step-by-step instructions to ensure optimal results.

For the basic health potion, I began by grinding the healing herb in a mortar and pestle until it formed a thick paste. Adding a small amount of water, I continued grinding to release its active compounds. Transferring the paste into a glass beaker, I then added the essence of vitality, stirring the mixture until the ingredients were thoroughly combined.

As for the basic stamina potion, I ground the energy root in a similar manner, extracting its concentrated essence. The essence of revitalization was added to the energy root paste, creating a mixture that was well blended.

The next step involved the heating process. I set up a burner, igniting it to provide the necessary heat. Placing the glass beaker containing the respective mixtures on the burner, I followed the AI Chip's guidance to gradually heat the potions within specific temperature ranges. This heating allowed the ingredients to infuse, granting the potions their desired effects.

After the heating process, I carefully removed the glass beakers from the burner, allowing the mixtures to cool gradually. This cooling phase was crucial to preserve the potency and stability of the potions. With the AI Chip monitoring the progress, I ensured the cooling was done at the optimal rate.

Once the mixtures had cooled sufficiently, I proceeded to decant the potions into vials. Using a funnel to prevent spillage, I poured the potions into the vials with precision. Each vial was sealed tightly to maintain the freshness and efficacy of the health and stamina potions.

The AI Chip played a crucial role throughout the entire process, providing real-time analysis and guidance. It monitored factors such as temperature, duration, and ingredient ratios, optimizing the brewing process and increasing the chances of successful potion creation.

"Analyze," I commanded the AI Chip as I held up one of the vials containing the basic health potion. The AI Chip quickly scanned the potion and began providing a detailed description of its properties.

"The basic health potion," the AI Chip began, "is a vital concoction for restoring vitality and mending minor injuries. It is a translucent liquid with a subtle green hue. When consumed, it infuses the body with rejuvenating energy, promoting natural healing processes and accelerating the recovery from fatigue, wounds, and ailments. The potion's effects are immediate, restoring 70% health points and providing a significant boost to overall well-being."

I nodded, impressed by the potion's potential. The AI Chip's analysis confirmed the potion's efficacy in enhancing health and resilience. With a sip of this potion, my body would be fortified, ready to endure the challenges that lay ahead.

Curiosity piqued, I held up another vial containing the basic stamina potion. "Analyze," I commanded once again, eager to learn more about this potion's properties.

"The basic stamina potion," the AI Chip responded, "is a powerful elixir designed to replenish and enhance physical endurance. It appears as a shimmering amber liquid, exuding an invigorating aroma. Upon consumption, it revitalizes the body, increasing stamina and granting a surge of energy. This potion allows for prolonged engagement in physical activities without succumbing to exhaustion. It restores 50% stamina points and is particularly effective in combat situations or tasks that demand sustained physical exertion."

As I listened to the AI Chip's description, I could almost feel the potion's energizing effects surging through my veins. The basic stamina potion would be invaluable, ensuring that my physical capabilities remained at their peak even during the most demanding endeavours.

I know the Health potion in the market only restores 50% of your health, I don't want to create anything too eye catching I wanted to create something a bit more average that can only heal 40% of health where the ones with 50% restoration gets sold for 1Gold 60 silver I can sell mine for a bit lower price for around 1Gold 30 silver

So for the remain two portions of Ingredients I went ahead and tinkered a bit and got an efficiency of 43% for health potion and 34% for stamina potion,

Excited by my modest achievement, I prepared a stall in the local marketplace to sell my potions. It was only my first day, and I had a limited quantity to offer—a single health potion and a single stamina potion. I set up the vials neatly, displaying them with pride.

As I waited for potential customers, a middle-aged merchant approached my stall. He examined the potions with a discerning eye, his curiosity piqued by the handmade labels and the unique colors of the potions.

"Good day, sir," I greeted the merchant with a warm smile. "I have created these potions myself, using carefully selected ingredients and a touch of alchemical finesse. Would you be interested in trying them?"

The merchant, intrigued by my offer, nodded and replied, "I'm always on the lookout for quality potions. Let me see what you have to offer."

I handed him the vial containing the modified health potion and explained, "This potion restores 40% of health, providing a balanced healing effect. It is suitable for those who seek a more moderate restoration without the overpowering effects of stronger potions. It is priced at 1 Gold and 30 Silver."

The merchant examined the vial, swirling the liquid within before taking a small sip. His expression softened, and he nodded appreciatively. "This potion has a smooth taste, and I can feel a subtle surge of vitality already. It seems you have a knack for alchemy, my friend. I will take this one."

Delighted by the merchant's positive response, I presented him with the vial of the modified stamina potion. "This potion restores 34% of stamina, providing a reasonable boost for physical endurance. It is perfect for prolonged physical activities or combat situations. Its price is 1 Gold and 20 Silver."

The merchant raised an eyebrow and replied, "Stamina potions are always in demand, especially among adventurers and warriors. Let me give it a try." He uncorked the vial and took a small sip, his eyes widening in surprise. "Impressive! I can feel a surge of energy coursing through my veins. You've created something remarkable here. I'll take this one as well."

With a sense of accomplishment, I wrapped the vials carefully, securing them for the merchant's journey. As we finalized the transaction, he handed me the agreed-upon amount and smiled. "Keep up the good work, young alchemist. If these potions prove effective, I'll be back for more. Good luck on your journey!"

I thanked the merchant sincerely and watched as he left, feeling a mix of excitement and gratitude. Though I had only sold two potions, it was a promising start to my alchemical venture

I bought another 10 sets of stamina and health potion ingredients which costed me around 1 gold and 30 silver after a bit of haggling.