
Primordial Magician

A seemingly ordinary individual unexpectedly finds themselves reincarnated into the enchanting realm of Arcanus—a world of magic and wonder. In this extraordinary domain, the protagonist is bestowed with a rare and potent ability known as "Chaos," the ancient and foundational form of magic. Thus begins their extraordinary odyssey through a realm where reality is ever-shifting and full of hidden truths. Determined to carve a lasting legacy, the protagonist embarks on a captivating journey to transcend the boundaries of mortality and achieve eternal existence.

Ordinary_artist · Fantasy
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16 Chs

The Path of Strength

Create a task to improve my physique, and mana

Ding! The first task is being created

To increase the physique the host is expected to start practicing the the way of sword from instructor Richard, host is also expected to consume 200 grams of Rank 0 Fire salamanders' meat every day for 30 days,

Following these the host can improve his vitality from 0.55 to 0.62, strength from 0.6 to 0.68 , agility from 0.6 to 0.64 and mana from 0.44 to 0.5,

I stared at the notification from the AI Chip, excitement coursing through my veins. It had created my first task, tailored to improve my physique and mana. With a renewed sense of purpose, I delved into the details.

"To increase my physique," I muttered, pondering the AI Chip's instructions. "I need to practice the way of the sword under the guidance of Instructor Richard. And I must consume 200 grams of Rank 0 salamander's meat daily for 30 days."

The thought of honing my physical abilities and channelling mana with greater efficiency filled me with anticipation. This task provided a clear path for improvement, relieving me of the overwhelming burden of trying to learn everything at once. However, I couldn't ignore the challenges that lay ahead.

As an orphan at the Astral Academy, I was far from exceptional. Countless other orphans resided here, each striving to prove their worth. The pressure to succeed weighed heavily on my shoulders, for if I failed to show exceptional skill by the age of ten, I would be cast back to my village, vulnerable to the mercy of the wild beasts. Failure was not an option.

Yet, another obstacle presented itself. While the academy provided us with nourishing meals, they were far from extravagant. To obtain the salamander's meat, I had two choices – purchase it from the bustling Astral City or venture into the treacherous forests surrounding the academy. As a young adolescent, hunting the Rank 0 salamander alone was a daunting prospect, but I couldn't afford to let fear hinder my progress.

With a firm resolve, I decided to test my mettle in the training grounds of the academy. It seemed a safer option, albeit less adventurous. Perhaps I could find a salamander lurking there, allowing me to obtain the meat without venturing too far.

The next day, I approached Instructor Richard with eagerness brimming in my eyes. "Good morning, Instructor," I greeted respectfully.

Richard returned the greeting with a nod, a twinkle of curiosity in his eyes. "What brings you here so early, Daniel?"

"I seek your guidance in the way of the sword," I replied, my voice steady despite the excitement pulsating within me. "I wish to improve my physique and become a skilled warrior."

And so, our training began. Richard meticulously demonstrated each technique, explaining the nuances and intricacies of proper form and footwork. I observed his movements with rapt attention, eager to absorb every ounce of his wisdom.

"Feet shoulder-width apart," Richard instructed, his voice calm yet commanding. "Bend your knees slightly, allowing for balance and flexibility. Grip the sword firmly, but not too tightly."

I mirrored his actions, adopting the prescribed stance. It felt foreign at first, but as the training progressed, my body grew accustomed to the fluidity of the movements. Richard's encouragement spurred me on, his keen eye-catching even the slightest errors.

"Excellent, Daniel," he praised. "Your form is improving. Remember, swordplay is a dance, a harmonious blend of grace and strength. Let the sword become an extension of your body."

Under Richard's watchful eye, I practised diligently, pushing myself beyond my limits. Every day, I immersed myself in the basic movements – the stab, horizontal slash, and vertical slash. Over and over, I repeated these actions, feeling my muscles burn and my breath become shorter. Failure was not an option, so I persevered, even when my voice was lost amidst the strain.

Fifteen days had passed since the beginning of my training, and still, the fire salamander eluded me in the forest. Determined, I refused to be disheartened by my lack of success. My muscles screamed in protest, but I pressed on, seeking mastery of the basics. I knew that building a solid foundation was crucial, as it would serve as the springboard for more advanced techniques.

"Ding! The host has learned the basics of the sword. A new skill is being created: Dual Slash," echoed the AI Chip, interrupting my relentless practice. The prospect of a new skill ignited a spark of excitement within me. I stopped my relentless practice and took a look at my first skill.

[Ding! The host has learned the basics of the sword, a new skill is being created,

Dual slash: A Slash with twice the power of a single slash, (Concepts used: the Basics of Sword, Muscle Memory 1, and the connection between mana and muscles)]

Eager to unlock this new skill, I continued honing my technique. I visualized the perfect execution of the Dual Slash, channelling my mana and synchronizing it with the power of my muscles. With each repetition, I could feel the movements becoming more fluid, more ingrained in my muscle memory.

As I ventured into the forest once again, determined to find the fire salamander, I felt a surge of confidence. The AI Chip had provided me with a clear path to improvement, and I would not falter. My sword gleamed in the dappled sunlight as I weaved through the dense foliage, eyes sharp and senses heightened.

Determined to face this formidable creature, I began to strategize. Drawing upon the knowledge I had amassed, I devised a plan to corner the salamander, anticipate its movements, and exploit its vulnerabilities.

Days turned into weeks, and still, the fire salamander remained elusive. Doubt gnawed at the edges of my resolve, but I refused to yield. The training grounds became my sanctuary, my refuge from the frustration that threatened to consume me. With each swing of my sword, I poured my frustrations, doubts, and fears into the rhythmic dance of steel.

And then, one fateful day, as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the training grounds, I spotted it – the flicker of fiery scales amidst the darkness. My heart leapt with excitement as I moved swiftly, silently, and with purpose. I had found the fire salamander.

"Today is the day," I thought

I also realized I can scan the creatures using Analyse function from my AI Chip

Analyse, I whispered


[Creature: Fire Salamander

Strength: 0.9,

Agility: 0.5,

Vitality: 0.75,

Mana: 0.6,

Element: Fire,

Skills: Fireball, FireClaw.]

Upon receiving the notification from the AI Chip about the fire salamander's detailed information, I quickly realized that a direct confrontation was not a viable option. The creature's base stats far surpassed mine, presenting a formidable challenge. However, I had already devised a plan to overcome this obstacle.

With utmost caution, I approached the fire salamander, mindful of every step to minimize any noise. In my hand, I held a potion that I had created utilizing the knowledge provided by the AI Chip. This special concoction was crafted from resources found in the Academy's garden – tumbleweed, poppy plant, and venomous snake's blood. Its purpose was to reduce the fire salamander's stats by 30%.

Carefully, I coated my blade with the poison, preparing for the opportune moment to strike. As luck would have it, the fire salamander was drinking water, presenting a temporary vulnerability. Seizing the opportunity, I leapt from a tree above, executing a powerful double slash aimed at its crucial tail. The blade sliced through the tail with ease, as if it were cutting through butter. Although the beast reacted swiftly, jumping forward to avoid the complete severing of its tail, my strike had already inflicted significant damage.

In retaliation, the fire salamander attempted to unleash a fireball. However, my AI Chip alerted me just in time, providing guidance to evade the imminent danger. Following its instructions, I swiftly moved to the right, covering a distance of five meters. The ground where I previously stood was ravaged by the unleashed flames, reinforcing the importance of the AI Chip's timely warnings.

The encounter intensified, the battle becoming a fierce dance between predator and prey. The fire salamander, weakened by the poison and the injury to its tail, fought back with diminished agility and strength. Meanwhile, I relied on my training, honed skills, and the aid of the AI Chip to strategize and exploit the creature's weaknesses.

Each movement became calculated, every strike precise. I evaded the fire salamander's attacks, swiftly countering with skilful swordplay. The battle became a test of endurance and strategy, as I sought to wear down the creature while avoiding its elemental assaults. The AI Chip provided constant updates, analyzing the fire salamander's patterns and alerting me to crucial moments of vulnerability.

With determination and unwavering focus, I persisted. Blow by blow, I chipped away at the fire salamander's vitality, my strikes landing with increasing accuracy. The poison continued to weaken its overall capabilities, amplifying the effectiveness of my attacks. The forest echoed with the clash of steel and the roars of the wounded creature.

Finally, after a relentless exchange of blows, the fire salamander succumbed to its injuries. It fell to the ground, defeated and motionless. A profound sense of accomplishment washed over me, intermingled with a tinge of reverence for the formidable opponent I had vanquished. The battle had been a true test of skill, strategy, and resilience.

As I stood amidst the aftermath of the fierce encounter, I couldn't help but marvel at the power of the AI Chip's knowledge and guidance. Its insights had played a vital role in my victory, elevating my abilities and ensuring my survival. With gratitude and a sense of awe, I sheathed my blade, taking a moment to appreciate the magnitude of what I had achieved.

Yet, the battle with the fire salamander served as a reminder of the challenges that lay ahead. It was a glimpse into the vast world of creatures and adversaries that awaited me on my path of growth and self-discovery. The victory had strengthened my resolve, igniting a hunger for further exploration and conquest.

Lost in my thoughts, I was abruptly pulled back into the present by a notification from the system.

"[Ding! Host has successfully killed the fire salamander.]"

"[Ding! As the Host is not yet 10 years old, they cannot absorb the experience.]"

"[Ding! Does the Host wish to store the experience? It can be used once the Host has awakened.]"

The options "Yes" or "No" stared at me, demanding a quick decision. The concept of storing experience had never crossed my mind before. Time was running out, and I had to make a choice, or the experience would slip away, lost to the depths of the Earth.

In those fleeting moments, my instincts kicked in. Without hesitation, I uttered a resolute "Yes." The significance of this decision was unclear, but something within me urged that storing the experience would serve a greater purpose on my journey.

Without wasting a moment, I swiftly set to work preserving the valuable parts of the fire salamander. Aware that I couldn't carry the entire creature with me, I focused on extracting the most vital components, such as the heart and tail. These would serve as potent resources for future use, providing me with valuable materials and potential enhancements.

With meticulous care, I carefully removed the heart, its fiery essence still pulsating within. This organ contained the life force and mana of the fire salamander, making it a valuable source of power. I wrapped it securely in cloth, ensuring its preservation during my journey.

Next, I turned my attention to the tail, its scales shimmering with residual heat. Knowing the tail possessed unique properties and held the creature's agility, I skillfully severed it from the rest of the body. I marveled at its flexibility and strength, recognizing its potential for crafting potent weapons or armor.

As I finished gathering the essential components, I secured them in a sturdy container, shielding them from external elements. The AI Chip had provided me with knowledge of alchemical preservation techniques, allowing me to maintain their potency and properties for future use.

Satisfied with my preparations, I slung the container over my shoulder and began my journey back to the Astral Academy. The weight of the preserved salamander parts served as a constant reminder of the power and potential they held. I knew that once I unlocked the ability to utilize these resources, they would greatly aid in my growth as a mage and warrior.

Arriving at the academy, I headed straight for the dormitory, where I could safely store the preserved salamander components. The dormitory's magical storage chambers provided a secure and regulated environment, ensuring the preservation and integrity of the items stored within.

As I entered the chamber, a sense of excitement and anticipation surged within me. I carefully placed the container on a designated shelf, knowing that these preserved pieces would play a pivotal role in my future endeavors. With each passing day, my progress and understanding would increase, and I would be one step closer to unlocking the full potential of the fire salamander's essence.

Leaving the chamber, I made my way to the central courtyard, where my fellow students congregated. Their chatter and laughter filled the air, reminding me of the challenges and competitions that awaited me. It was here that the true test of my abilities would unfold, where I would need to demonstrate my skills and surpass the expectations placed upon me.

As I mingled with my peers, I couldn't help but feel a surge of determination. The preserved salamander parts, the knowledge bestowed upon me by the AI Chip, and the guidance of Instructor Richard had equipped me with the tools necessary to forge my own destiny. I was ready to face the trials that lay ahead, fueled by a burning desire for success and a relentless pursuit of greatness.

Little did I know that this encounter with the fire salamander and the choices I had made would mark the beginning of an extraordinary journey, one that would lead me to uncover secrets, confront formidable adversaries, and ultimately shape the course of my life within the Astral Academy.