
Primordial Ice: Awakened after being frozen for millions of years.

There were four forbidden places on the southern continent of an unknown world. Of the four, one was the most mysterious, they called it the Frozen Abyss, and this place had existed for an unknown number of years. Thousands or millions of years had passed, but the only thing that never changed was that this place always existed in books and in the stories told. Even when ancient races roamed this place, it already existed, carrying a freezing that, no matter the strength, anyone who ventured deep into this place would freeze to death. But one day, suddenly, at the core of the frozen earth, two eyes opened. (English is not my first language, any mistakes please let me know, I appreciate it.) (One chapter a day, maybe more)

Ezreal_Math · Eastern
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58 Chs

Cold Vengeance

On a vast mountain on the southern continent, the afternoon sun illuminated numerous ancient buildings and immense gardens stretching almost endlessly across the mountain.

From the base to the top, a vast staircase rose, on which an endless line of thousands of people slowly climbed the mountain.

Even those in the King's realm or above did not dare to fly in this place; the only ones seen flying were people dressed in yellow with a herb on their chests.

This was the Southern Medicinal Mountain, and the sight of countless people climbing the mountain was relatively common, but today there were far more than usual, and the staircase was completely crowded.

Halfway up the mountain, an old man and a young man of ordinary appearance waited in the slowly moving line, their expressions surprised.

"It's incredible; so many people have come for pills and medicines today," said the young man, looking at the crowd.

"Yes, today is a special day; it's the two-thousandth anniversary of one of the alchemist saints of the mountain, and so there are numerous alchemists and doctors available today, and the medicines will be more accessible to everyone."

"Especially after the end of the anniversary, an auction will start selling rare pills and herbs, and that's why so many people are here today; the mountain is even more alive today," said the elder next to the young man.

The two talked quietly while climbing the stairs along with the other people. But then suddenly, a cold breeze arose everywhere.

The sun that shone on the mountain suddenly disappeared behind numerous gray clouds, leaving the sky completely overcast, while a strange sensation ran through everyone on the mountain.

"What happened? How did it become cloudy so suddenly?" asked the young man, holding his arms while shivering slightly from the cold.

"Something is wrong…" said the elder, with a bad feeling.

Then suddenly, someone in the crowd said,

"Look there!"

At that moment, everyone looked in the direction pointed out by the person, and an immediate reaction began in the crowd. The young man and the elder saw the appearance of the person who suddenly appeared and immediately recognized them, as did many people in the crowd.

Then the young man said this while a poster appeared in his hand. "He is… the young man wanted by the sacred land."

"Why did he suddenly appear here?" murmured the elder, looking at the handsome young man in the sky.

Then suddenly, people began to murmur, realizing that something was completely wrong. A freezing cold was rapidly increasing, while the aura that the young man in the sky emanated gave everyone horrible sensations of fear.

Someone in the crowd suddenly said, "To change the climate and environment this way just with his aura… only a saint could do this, and an extremely powerful one."

The people agreed, and then everyone saw the expression on Ling Xue's face in the sky, and soon the young man in the crowd said while already using his Qi to protect himself from the constantly increasing cold.

"His expression… it seems that he did not come for a friendly visit."

As soon as he finished speaking, a golden barrier suddenly appeared around everyone and the mountain, protecting them from the cold.

While everyone thought and discussed, Ling Xue, after arriving at the mountain, looked at the buildings on top with a freezing gaze.

His icy aura radiated from his body, covering the entire mountain, as he searched for signs of that young man.

But then, suddenly, an immense yellow barrier covered the entire place. Ling Xue just watched without caring. As soon as the barrier appeared, numerous elders of the medicinal mountain suddenly appeared in the sky inside the barrier, confronting Ling Xue with furious expressions.

"WHO ARE YOU? HOW DARE YOU INVADE OUR MEDICINAL MOUNTAIN," said one of the elders, insulting Ling Xue for his arrogance.

Ling Xue in the sky, not caring at all about them, just coldly looked at the mountain, then suddenly his already cold expression became even more terrifying and penetrating, and a strange light smile appeared on his face.

"I found you,"

Said Ling Xue as suddenly from his body a terrifying icy aura emerged again while he slowly extended his hand in front of him and said in his mind.

'Absolute Glacial Spear'

From his hand, a large crystalline spear of pure ice appeared again, bringing an icy aura and an extreme cold climate, freezing everything around him.

Ling Xue held the spear while appearing in front of the golden barrier quickly. He touched the tip of the spear to the barrier, and it immediately began to freeze. Pure ice appeared on the barrier, which began to crack rapidly.

The elders, seeing the situation, immediately drew their weapons and advanced on Ling Xue with their most powerful techniques. An immense pressure arose in the sky, but for Ling Xue this was useless. He held the spear firmly, and then something that terrified everyone on the mountain happened.

Ling Xue wielding the spear, just struck in front of him, and then an arc of pure ice emerged at an extreme speed in front of him. The attacks of the elders were completely subdued and frozen while Ling Xue's attack hit the elders; their barriers had no chance of containing any energy, and the elders were completely frozen by the attack falling from the sky lifelessly quickly.

In the crowd, everyone looked with shock and horror at Ling Xue in the sky. They saw the elders of the medicinal mountain, most of whom were emperors and Saints, being killed by just one blow.

At the top of the mountain, a young man dressed in yellow was extremely frightened. "He… he is a monster," murmured the young man, trembling with fear.

Shortly before, he had felt the climate cool down and then saw from his window the defensive barrier of the mountain being activated. He went out to take a look, only to, as soon as he appeared, watch the elders being killed without being able to do anything.

The young master recognized the appearance of Ling Xue and imagined why he was here. He then immediately started running, trying to escape, but a terrible sensation arose in his mind.

In the sky, Ling Xue watched the young man in yellow running desperately with a fixed, cold, and penetrating look, then the ice aura around him suddenly expanded at immense speed, following the ground where the young master ran. His strength was only in the Lord realm, and he was like an ant in front of Ling Xue and the ice reached his feet quickly, freezing him until his legs were completely stuck in ice.

Then he felt his body float suddenly. Ling Xue was lifting him up in his direction quickly. An extreme horror arose in the young man as he approached, but before he got close, an immense aura emerged from the top of the mountain as well.

An extremely old and bent man, looking like he would die soon, appeared in front of the young man in yellow.

Ling Xue saw that the man emanated a pressure like the old woman of fire before, but he didn't care at all; seeing the old man intervene in his matters only annoyed him more.

"How dare you be arroga-"

As soon as the old man was about to start speaking, suddenly a terrifying spear was sent flying in his direction. The old man, who did not expect to be interrupted, suddenly released an intense aura of vitality.

His old appearance suddenly became younger, while immense power emerged. Numerous wooden trunks appeared in front of him, trying to stop the spear, but it was completely useless; it simply passed through everything with a terrible icy force.

Then, in front of the man, a treasure appeared. A huge golden bell stood in front of them to protect them from the spear, but the ice spear hit the bell with an immense impact. The bell was sent flying with immense force and soon hit the old man, making him spit out a huge amount of blood and sending him directly to the buildings on the top of the mountain. It destroyed everything along the way and forced the people of the mountain to dodge for their lives.

The top of the mountain turned into a destroyed mess, while the appearance of the old man bent over returned to normal and his aura decreased severely.

The young man frozen in the air watched the leader of the medicinal mountain be defeated easily terrified, while Ling Xue approached him slowly with the spear in his hand, making the air freeze.

The young master, being close to the aura, couldn't even protect himself and was dying quickly, but Ling Xue didn't let him die frozen by his aura. As soon as he reached the young man, he saw the frightened expression on his face. He seemed to want to beg, but he didn't have the strength even to speak.

Ling Xue then decided to finish what he came to do and raised the ice spear, then slowly thrust the cold tip of the spear into the middle of the young man's forehead. The young man's expression twisted with inexplicable pain while his entire brain was pierced and frozen slowly by the spear. Until finally, his life ended with a glacial silence after his head was completely pierced, and his body fell from the sky, breaking completely upon hitting the ground.

Below, shock and horror hit everyone in the crowd on the staircase and on the top of the mountain that remained.

The young man in the queue said, paralyzed, "He… He really killed the elders and killed a young master of one of the ten forces…"

"He is crazy!" said the elder next to the young man in total disbelief of what he had seen.

Then a sudden silence fell over all the living people on the mountain. Ling Xue had looked at the people of the medicinal mountain on the top at that moment, and then looked at the people in the crowd. Feeling the terrifying gaze of Ling Xue, a panic arose among everyone, fearing they would also be killed.

However, after a few seconds that seemed like an eternity, Ling Xue suddenly turned around and left quickly without saying anything.

Countless sighs arose on the mountain suddenly, while relief fell over everyone. "He's gone…" said the young man in the crowd, trembling and remembering the eyes of that being.

Everyone looked at the clouds that began to spread, giving light to the sun again. Then everyone in the crowd began to descend the mountain, lost in thought. The events of today were too much for these people, even though they only lasted a few minutes.

Flying in the sky, Ling Xue did not know, but in the next few days, the news of what happened on the medicinal mountain would spread like fire across the entire continent.

This chapter ended up being really long, but I wanted to finish it quickly, even though I think things happened too fast. However, I didn't want to delay his departure from the Southern Continent any longer, so I did it this way. There might not be a chapter tomorrow as I am really busy, but I will try to release one anyway. Despite everything, I hope you enjoy it. Happy reading! :)

Ezreal_Mathcreators' thoughts