
Primordial Ice: Awakened after being frozen for millions of years.

There were four forbidden places on the southern continent of an unknown world. Of the four, one was the most mysterious, they called it the Frozen Abyss, and this place had existed for an unknown number of years. Thousands or millions of years had passed, but the only thing that never changed was that this place always existed in books and in the stories told. Even when ancient races roamed this place, it already existed, carrying a freezing that, no matter the strength, anyone who ventured deep into this place would freeze to death. But one day, suddenly, at the core of the frozen earth, two eyes opened. (English is not my first language, any mistakes please let me know, I appreciate it.) (One chapter a day, maybe more)

Ezreal_Math · Eastern
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58 Chs

Hidden Feelings

After Ling Xue disappeared, Li Yuemei looked in the direction he had gone with a somewhat lost gaze, her expression complex as she felt a strange sensation she couldn't explain.

Wei Ming, the leader of the sacred land, and the ancestor felt relieved after seeing Ling Xue leave.

"It seems a disaster will befall the medicinal mountain," said Wei Ming, looking in the direction where Ling Xue had vanished.

"Yes, he seemed even more terrifying before leaving..." the ancestor said, still tired but a bit better. The pill Wei Ming had given her was taking effect; at least she wouldn't die now.

Hearing the two, Li Yuemei responded with hatred. "They deserve to suffer; this all happened because of them. I hope they suffer a thousand times more; that way I won't feel so guilty for not killing that bastard that time."

Li Yuemei knew she was also to blame; if it weren't for her fear of the force behind the medicinal mountain, maybe this wouldn't have happened.

Wei Ming and the ancestor saw Li Yuemei's expression and fell silent for a moment, then Wei Ming suddenly said:.

"Yuemei, tell me what really happened in the time you spent with that person, also the true reason behind these marks, and especially everything you can tell us about him."

Wei Ming had noticed the changes in Li Yuemei as soon as she arrived; her previously black hair was now completely red, and on her forehead were two crescent red moon marks.

He understood that she had her second awakening, even noticing her cultivation in the King realm, but that wouldn't explain her scars. And the most important thing was that he wanted to know what she had discovered about the mysterious and terrifying being who had come out of the frozen abyss.

Then a long conversation began; she told him about her cohabitation with him from the moment he had kidnapped her from the warship.

As she recounted, a smile slowly blossomed on her face as she remembered the time she spent teaching him in the cave and their conversations on the path of eternal winds. Even without realizing it, her smile revealed that for her, those had been happy moments.

Li Yuemei considered Ling Xue her first friend, or at least someone she could talk to and act like herself.

After being born and her physique awakening, all attention was always on her. As the main disciple and genius of the sacred land, everyone used to treat her extremely differently, even more so given her immense beauty. As she grew, she attracted attention everywhere she went in the sacred land.

Her celestial physique and her beauty attracted envy and malicious looks, something she repudiated, and therefore she didn't get close to anyone in the sacred land.

After a certain event, in which Li Yuemei almost killed a disciple using her physique to control the blood inside the boy, just because he had irritated her by looking at her body and almost drooling. Everyone in the sacred land treated her with even more respect, and did not dare to look directly at her or her face for fear of irritating her. Because of that, she became even more isolated and had no one close.

But with Ling Xue it was different; despite the fear she felt as soon as he appeared with his terrifying cold aura in front of her, after a short time beside him, her fear had completely disappeared.

And it became a fun and different experience for her. Ling Xue's strength was unfathomable, and despite that, he never tried to do anything with her, not even looked at her with any desire like the others.

As she had no chance to form friendships or talk to someone like that for so long, her time was spent entirely in cultivation, trying to meet the expectations of her father and the sacred land.

Because of that, this time with Ling Xue was one of the most fun moments of her life, especially the time she taught him so many things in the cave.

Li Yuemei told almost everything she went through, just hiding some parts.

As Li Yuemei recounted her experience to the two, they soon realized that they seemed to have worried needlessly, although they were still apprehensive due to the power Ling Xue demonstrated.

Li Yuemei continued to talk about Ling Xue for a long time without realizing it. The two in front of her showed somewhat strange expressions when hearing her say that despite Ling Xue look scary and cold, he was kind and careful.

She said this when telling how her scars on her body came about, and how she almost died in her awakening because Ling Xue had been kind in protecting her and helping her with a drop of his blood.

And also for being careful with her, even going to scare the people of the medicinal mountain because that young master bastard had looked at her in a way that Ling Xue didn't like. As if she had forgotten that it was because of this that this disaster happened.

Seeing the esteem Li Yuemei had for Ling Xue, they finally became unconcerned and understood that they had nothing to worry about. And after seeing that Li Yuemei didn't seem to stop talking any time soon, Wei Ming interrupted her by placing his hand on her head.

"Alright, we understand that this Ling Xue is not a bad person; I believe in you."

"So, what do you want to do?" Wei Ming asked, looking at her.

Li Yuemei then stopped talking while being silent, as numerous emotions and thoughts were in her mind.

The ancestor and Wei Ming, seeing her expression, sighed, and then the ancestor said.

"You can do what you want and think is best for you; we trust your judgment."

Hearing the words of the ancestor, Li Yuemei gave a beautiful smile, understanding what they meant. Despite the misunderstandings and losses that the sacred land had, they still supported her and did not seem to blame Ling Xue, and because of that, she decided to follow what her heart commanded.

She then suddenly said goodbye to the two of them while flying quickly in the direction Ling Xue had gone.

Wei Ming and the ancestor watched her disappear quickly from their sight.

"So, do you think she will be fine?" Wei Ming asked the ancestor.

"Hmm, I don't know, but I know that expression on her face... if she is safe, it's all good, and with the strength he showed... it shouldn't be a problem for him to protect her, and what do you think of this?" The ancestor asked.

"I'm not sure either, but she showed a happy smile; just like when her mother was alive, it might be the best thing for her to follow him," Wei Ming finished saying.


In the sky, a being was flying at a terrifying speed; a cold wave extended where he passed, leaving a trail of ice along the way.

After Ling Xue suddenly disappeared after discovering who really caused this senseless fight, his murderous intent grew every moment.

Especially after realizing that, because of him, he almost caused a tragedy, killing the relatives of Li Yuemei. He painfully remembered his mother and the face of his sister when that tragedy happened in the past, realizing that he could cause similar pain for Li Yuemei because of a person he had let go before.

Ling Xue considered Li Yuemei a close person; at first he just wanted to know the reason her physique seemed to call him, but as he spent so much time with her, some feelings slowly emerged.

Despite not understanding what it was that he felt or understanding feelings properly, he liked her presence, and considered her someone important to him.

She taught him many things he didn't know, and helped him understand more about this world he didn't know properly. In addition to having fun with the way she acted, and finding it pleasant to look at her.

As he flew, he remembered the expression Yuemei had shown when she saw the tree where her mother was, and the pain on her face after touching the ice. That expression he knew well—the expression of sadness and melancholy—was the same he saw in his sister.

Thinking that he almost killed countless people who could be part of her family, and caused sadness in her as he felt before, his hatred for that young man in yellow grew.

Ling Xue flew quickly towards the Southern Medicinal Mountain, Li Yuemei had given him a map once, and on it was the location of all the main forces of the continent. He had completely engraved this map in his mind.

'It's better you enjoy your few remaining days, because I will surely make you regret irritating me.'

'With this speed, I will arrive at the medicinal mountain in three days,' Ling Xue thought while increasing his speed even more.