
Primordial Ice: Awakened after being frozen for millions of years.

There were four forbidden places on the southern continent of an unknown world. Of the four, one was the most mysterious, they called it the Frozen Abyss, and this place had existed for an unknown number of years. Thousands or millions of years had passed, but the only thing that never changed was that this place always existed in books and in the stories told. Even when ancient races roamed this place, it already existed, carrying a freezing that, no matter the strength, anyone who ventured deep into this place would freeze to death. But one day, suddenly, at the core of the frozen earth, two eyes opened. (English is not my first language, any mistakes please let me know, I appreciate it.) (One chapter a day, maybe more)

Ezreal_Math · Eastern
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58 Chs

Celestial List

After leaving the medicinal mountain in silence, Ling Xue set off again in the same direction he had come from.

Before leaving, he wondered if it was necessary to kill everyone on the medicinal mountain just because of one person, and because of that, he looked at the people trembling in fear at the top of the mountain.

He saw that the leader of the medicinal mountain, although gravely injured, would not die easily, but then looked at the people in the queue and remembered why the medicinal mountain is known.

Recognizing the importance of the medicinal mountain to those seeking pills, cures, and medicines for their illnesses, he decided not to go any further and just leave after killing the one who really bothered him.

Moments after Ling Xue left, in the sky a short distance from the medicinal mountain, a rift appeared in the air suddenly while a man mysteriously emerged. In his hand was a large white stone that glowed faintly.

"So this is the monster that came out of the frozen abyss…" the man murmured, looking in the direction Ling Xue had gone.

"I've finished what she asked; it's time to return and inform her about it," he said, looking at the white stone in his hand. Then, from his hand, spatial Qi was released as the air opened again, forming a spatial rift, and then the man entered, disappearing in the same way he had appeared.

While Ling Xue had left the mountain, Li Yuemei was still flying quickly, trying to catch up with Ling Xue, with numerous thoughts in her mind about what to do and what to say when she saw him again.

However, before she could think about that, suddenly, on the horizon, she saw something approaching at high speed, and soon realized it was him.

Then she stopped and just watched him arrive quickly, which didn't take long for him to be right in front of her. Li Yuemei saw the figure of Ling Xue standing in the air, momentarily paralyzed.

But she soon calmed down as she called out "Ling Xue," her voice showing a bit of concern about something.

"Hm?" Ling Xue expressed a bit of confusion about her expression; his face was no longer as cold and penetrating as before, and Li Yuemei no longer saw anger in his face.

"Have you finished what you went to do?" She asked, thinking about the final fate of the young man she hated.

Ling Xue nodded and said, "Yes, it's done; he will never bother you again." After a brief pause, he said it again.

"Let's go."

Ling Xue quickly approached her, and with a gentle movement, he brought her back into his arms while he began to fly again.

This time, Li Yuemei didn't refuse or struggle and just let him carry her, while a mix of feelings was in her mind.

With a low voice like a whisper, Li Yuemei spoke with her head resting on his chest. "Are we going to the central continent now?"

Despite the low voice, he heard perfectly and replied. "Yes, I've already delayed my departure too long; I need to find out what happened to my sister and settle important matters."

After that, Ling Xue remained silent, as if thinking about other things.

Li Yuemei just looked at his face and then at the horizon ahead, feeling the immense speed at which they were flying. She was in his arms, despite his body being cold, which was strangely comforting, and she soon fell asleep. The mental attack she suffered and the effort she made flying so much for days strongly exhausted her.

Ling Xue looked at her face, sleeping deeply. An imperceptible light smile appeared on his face as he saw her, finding it really a pleasant sight to see.

Then, after that, he returned to flying quickly towards the fortress city of the sea, the only place with a teleportation gate to the central continent. After finding out about this, he decided it was the easiest path to follow, so he headed straight there.

While flying silently, he finally had time to put his thoughts in order. He remembered the fight he had with the saints and the mental attack he suffered, and then thought about how he used his strength. After his Epiphany, he discovered numerous things about his physique, but after taking a mental attack, a new ability about his physique was discovered.

As soon as the mental attack hit him, his physique acted involuntarily while his mind entered a special state. The mental attack that hit him was completely destroyed, while mental clarity emerged.

Basic information about that state hit him, as well as a name that suddenly appeared in his mind.

'Glacial Clarity State.'

As soon as this state occurred, Ling Xue felt an even deeper connection with pure ice while his senses sharpened deeply, and an extraordinary calmness and serenity hit his mind. But Ling Xue felt that this was not everything this state could do.

This state lasted the entire fight, and because of that, he decided to use only the basics of his physique, the creation of pure ice, to fight at first. He wanted to test his strength and learn more about using his power. After the fight ended, shortly before Li Yuemei interrupted, this special state of his mind suddenly disappeared.

And because of that, when he heard about the real cause of everything, he acted impulsively and followed to kill him as quickly as possible.

Ling Xue has now tried to enter the same state again, but without success. It seemed that something needed to happen for him to enter this special state.

He then thought about the most powerful attack he used against the old woman of the sacred land and on the medicinal mountain. This was one of the five named abilities he discovered in his physique after the epiphany. The absolute glacial spear is an ability where he concentrates and condenses an immense amount of pure ice into a spear capable of freezing and penetrating everything in its path.

After Ling Xue used this ability, he finally had a real notion of the strength of these named abilities.

"I hope to have the chance to test the others soon..." he murmured lightly.

After remembering the fight and his strength at the moment, Ling Xue returned to just focusing on the path ahead.


On the central continent, in an absolutely immense city in the center of the continent, everyone suddenly looked at the sky, seeming surprised.

In the city's sky, there was a magnificent, immense golden list floating above the city; right at its sides, there was a silver list and then a bronze one.

An even larger name was above the list, emanating an aura of mysterious pressure.

"Celestial Geniuses List"

A visitor to the city read the words written after seeing everyone around him suddenly looking at the list in the sky.

He had arrived in the city today and was just a country bumpkin from an unknown city, and he did not understand what this list was. He saw people acting like this and then asked a person next to him.

"Excuse me, but can you explain to me what's happening? Why is everyone so focused and surprised?"

"Ah? You don't know about the celestial list? Do you live under the earth?" The man replied to the visitor.

The visitor just scratched his head and waited for the man to answer.

"Well, this is the celestial list, the main attraction of the city these days. Although our city has always been considered one of the largest on the continent, after the emergence of the celestial list, the city has become the main city considered by all."

"It was created by a mysterious old man who appeared suddenly recently, just a few years ago. No one really knows who he is, but his list is extremely reliable; even the great forces consider it true," said the man, seeming a bit enthusiastic.

"I see, but what does this list exactly mean?" Asked the visitor.

"The celestial geniuses list shows the names of the two hundred greatest geniuses from all continents under a hundred years old. Considering their potential for cultivation and their strength, below the golden list, there is a silver list and a bronze list for slightly inferior geniuses."

"Having your name included in any of the lists is a great honor and a sign of power. And those on the golden list are true geniuses of our world," continued the man, speaking enthusiastically.

"I understand, but why does everyone seem so surprised now?" asked the visitor, looking again at the list.

"The reason is that another name is about to appear right at the top of the golden list. Something extremely rare; usually, the celestial list only changes when some complete a hundred years, or then die. And even on these occasions, the names just change positions, but it's rare for a new name to appear on the list, especially directly in the top hundred."

"A new name suddenly appearing directly at the top of the list suggests that a new genius with surprising potential and strength has emerged, and this happened a few times. And that's why it attracts a lot of speculation and attention from everyone."

"Especially from the great forces, the appearance of these geniuses attracts the attention of the forces of the world and can influence the world of cultivation in the future."

"Look, the change is starting," said the man, seeing that in position sixty-three, a name was completely blurred and appearing slowly.

Then, after a few moments, a name finally appeared, fully golden. While some were surprised to recognize this name, others were completely confused, having never heard of it.

In position 63° of the celestial list, the new name that appeared was:

"Li Yuemei"