
Primordial Ancient Snake

Someone once saw me at the end of the world and respectfully called me the snake that wraps around the world - Yemengarde Someone once looked at my figure at the end of The Underworld and called me an ancient snake—Satan I was also feared by the gods and called me a hundred-headed dragon—Typhon I have had many names, snake of creation, snake of sacrifice, snake of ceremony, snake of the world... But I traveled through the chaos and arrived at the wilderness. There is only one god name - the original ancient snake, the origin of everything

KIRITO_4260 · Eastern
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220 Chs

Chapter 101 Dao Follows Nature, Soul Blends Into Chaos

Furukawa didn't wait for these demons to be ready, and immediately started to speak:

"Being a Taoist travels deep and lives alone, nourishes life and guards nothingness, calms down and enjoys oneself, so there is no need to think about it, the wings are upright and sparse,

Changshengjiushi is flying away, Five Elements are different and have the same root, three and five together are the same, who will fight the sun and the moon together,

Holding the jade, holding the pearl and the son's chamber, the son can keep ten thousand things, and the son's own possession will not be lost, that is, if he wants to enter the gold chamber without dying,

The rising sun and the great moon are my Tao, the seven heavens and the earth guard each other three times, the ups and downs, advances and retreats are combined for a long time, and the falling jade and stone are my treasures

The soul desires to go to the sky and the soul enters the abyss, and the soul returns to the soul to be natural.

Carrying the earth and hanging in the sky, Zhou Qiankun, like a boat that is as red as a boat in four seasons, leans forward and back, and ranks its gates, chooses to return pills and mysterious springs,

The tortoise leads to Spiritual Roots, there are real coins and gold coins in it, and the negative armor holds the talisman to open the seven doors. This is not the leaf but the root.

The Xia regards the sun and the moon as bright pearls, and there is no time for long live. The outer three yang things come naturally, and the inner three gods can live forever. "

In the blink of an eye, these words were spoken in the language of gods and demons. Every sentence was pure and subtle, and it seemed to arouse the resonance of the origin of chaos, buzzing.

And these words also turned into chaotic runes, suspended in mid-air, blooming with infinite golden light, as if turned into pieces of supreme Taoism scriptures.

With Chaos City as the center, chaos vortices are generated in a radius of tens of thousands of light-years. Endless chaotic air flows rushing in, instilling in every corner of Chaos City.


This also makes the chaotic energy in Chaos City ten times stronger than other places, more than a hundred times, each demon Shendu is swallowing chaotic air, and the cultivation efficiency has increased by tens or hundreds of times

The sermon this time is to describe how Furukawa comprehended the laws of the universe, his body merged with the heaven and the earth, and his soul merged with the chaos.

This kind of content is more than a hundred times more difficult than the first sermon.

The previous content was only considered basic content, equivalent to basic courses in elementary school, junior high school, etc., but now it can be considered high school or even university content, which is no longer something ordinary demons can understand.

Especially some demon gods who just came to Chaos City, they didn't even hear the sermon for the first time, how could they understand the content of the second sermon, all of them were ignorant, scratching their heads and scratching their heads, at a loss.

Obviously they know that this is telling very important content, but they get nothing, but even so, they are trying to write it down, hoping to understand something in the future.

However, these advanced knowledge are just right for those high-level demon gods, and every sentence makes them suddenly understand and bow their heads frequently.

"I see, is this the way to comprehend the original law of chaos?"

A high-level demon god suddenly realized, and his heart was extremely excited. Before they realized the original law of chaos, they were ignorant, and they all relied on instinct.

But they didn't expect at all that there was an effective method, which opened up a new world and made them suddenly enlightened.

"Tao follows nature, and soul blends with heaven and earth."

A high-level demon god was ecstatic. He understood the method of understanding the law of origin. The method is very simple, that is, let his own soul merge into the origin of chaos, communicate with the origin of chaos, and make the laws in his body resonate with the laws of chaos, even Resonate and verify each other.

If there are more resonances, then it proves that you have mastered more laws, until the frequency of the resonance of the laws reaches 100%, this proves that you have completely mastered this law.


Before, when it understood the laws and patterns in the body, it relied entirely on instinct, relying on the improvement of the Cultivation Base, it naturally improved, but in this way, the efficiency was extremely low.

And not only is it as simple as low efficiency, but it is also difficult to make the comprehension of the law reach a perfect state.

After reaching the quasi-sage realm, the speed of comprehending the law slowed down a lot.

It's like studying for an exam. The full score is 100 points. It is easy to improve from 30 points to 70 points, but it is difficult to improve from 90 points to 100 points.

Sometimes even if it is a little improvement, it takes more effort than before.

The problem is that if you want to become a Saint, you must thoroughly understand the laws in your body. Only in this way can you transform the laws in your body, form the Dao, and control the laws of the Dao.

If you don't fully comprehend the laws in your body, you will be trapped in the quasi-sage realm for the rest of your life, and you will never be able to breakthrough.

whoosh whoosh!!!

A high-ranking demon Shendu sat down in the Lotus Position, and they had an epiphany from it. It seemed that countless law messages permeated from them, forming countless law runes.

Indistinctly, these demon gods are filled with powerful law realms, covering the surroundings.

It seems that at this moment, the law patterns in the bodies of these demon gods resonated with the various laws of the origin of chaos, and the hype suddenly appeared, and the laws vibrated.

Numerous law lines emerged from them, as if forming a huge law sphere, completely enveloping the bodies of these demon gods, exuding an unfathomable aura.

At this moment, while Furukawa was preaching, he also sensed all the gods and demons in the entire Chaos City. The Chaos Eight Trigrams technique in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness continuously reproduced the law patterns on these demon gods.

whoosh whoosh!!!

With the passage of time, law Stars emerged in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, constantly lighting up, these are the law messages recorded from the demon gods.

It seems that at this moment, in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, there are countless law stars floating, shining with dazzling light of law.

It didn't take long for Furukawa to record all the information about the laws of these new demon gods, and in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, there were countless more books of laws and Taoism.

It seems that these Laws and Dao Sutras record the infinite mysteries of the laws of chaos.

If these Laws and Dao Sutras appear in later generations, it will definitely make countless immortals crazy about them. These are the scriptures that guide immortals to enter the Supreme Dao.

Every Law and Dao Sutra is enough to cause a bloodbath.


At this moment, Furukawa's heart was shaken. He felt the phenomenon of chaos appeared again in the sky above Chaos City, and a huge vortex black hole appeared.

With the Chaos City as the center, the chaotic airflow with a radius of hundreds of thousands of light years boils, rushing towards the Chaos City madly and pouring into every corner of the Chaos City.

He looked up, and immediately saw huge beams of light projected from the depths of the black hole formed by the chaotic airflow, and such beams of light were obviously the light of merit.

"No way, there is still the light of merit?! Is this bestowed several times?"

Furukawa blinked his eyes, but he couldn't believe his own eyes. Originally, he thought that the first sermon would have merit, but he didn't expect that there would be the second time, even greater than the light of merit from the first time. .