
Primordial Ancient Snake

Someone once saw me at the end of the world and respectfully called me the snake that wraps around the world - Yemengarde Someone once looked at my figure at the end of The Underworld and called me an ancient snake—Satan I was also feared by the gods and called me a hundred-headed dragon—Typhon I have had many names, snake of creation, snake of sacrifice, snake of ceremony, snake of the world... But I traveled through the chaos and arrived at the wilderness. There is only one god name - the original ancient snake, the origin of everything

KIRITO_4260 · Eastern
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Chapter 102 The Birth Of Chaos City Tool Spirit

In an instant, the huge chaotic original merit light descended, instilled in Furukawa's original ancient snake body, and was absorbed by his body crazily.

However, most of the light of merit is still stored in the depths of Furukawa's sea of ​​consciousness. The endless light of merit seems to condense into a golden sun, emitting golden light all the time.

Feeling the light of such merit, he found that he seemed to be able to be promoted to the realm of Saint at any time, but at the moment he has not yet completed his cultivation, so he still suppressed the urge to break through

"With so many merits and virtues, it seems that promotion to Saint's realm is a sure thing."

To be honest, even if Furukawa's law has reached the realm of perfection, if he wants to hit the realm of Saint, he will need a huge amount of magic power to succeed.

Such savings may take hundreds of millions of epochs to achieve.

However, with these rays of merit, there is no need for the accumulated painstaking practice. A ray of such chaotic original rays of merit is enough to compare with his practice of tens of epochs.

The energy contained in the superposition of so many lights of merit is simply too much to frighten people to death.

"Well, Chaos City also has the Light of Merit?!"

Furukawa blinked his eyes, and he found that the Chaos City he had refined, at this moment, the whole city was bathed in the light of golden merit, and it was shining with golden light.

Under his Divine Sense perception, Chaos City seemed to come alive, turning into a complete life, it was breathing, greedily devouring the rays of merit that landed on it.

As the light of merit merged into Chaos City, I saw that Chaos City itself had undergone earth-shaking changes.


The first is the material of Chaos City itself. It is refined from various precious ores collected by Furukawa from around the Chaos Void. It is a powerful Magic Treasures in itself, indestructible.

But after devouring the light of merit, although the materials of its city have not changed, the density of each material has increased by more than a thousand times.

This also led to the incomparable strength of the entire city.

If the quasi-holy-level demon gods hit with all their strength before, it might cause cracks in Chaos City, but now there is no way, even if the quasi-holy-level demon gods try their best, it is difficult to destroy Chaos City.

Secondly, the walls, ground, various buildings, etc. of the Chaos City are covered with densely packed merit runes. These merit runes are engraved on the surface of the Chaos City, making the Chaos City generate powerful Restrictions in all directions.

If ordinary supernatural powers attack on Chaos City, they will be swallowed and absorbed by these Restrictions formation in an instant, completely dissolved, and it seems to have reached the Realm that Wanfa cannot invade.

With the Restrictions formed by these meritorious virtues, I am afraid that not only quasi-sages will not be able to harm Chaos City, but even demon gods who will reach the Saint level in the future will not be able to cause much damage to Chaos City.

The unique chaotic rune also emerges deep inside these merit runes, which seems to present the message of Bazi.

"Is it the swastika of Buddhism"~?"

Furukawa immediately thought of the representative symbol of Buddhism, that is the swastika, which represents infinity and seems to symbolize the infinity of the universe, containing unfathomable power.

However, this swastika symbol was not invented by Buddhism, but a chaotic symbol that existed in the chaos itself. It was only invented by the Saint of Buddhism and became familiar to the world.

"Interesting, is this the real secret of the Buddhist Cultivation Technique? Doing good to accumulate virtue, accumulating merit?!"

At this moment, Furukawa suddenly realized the infinite mysteries of the Buddhism Cultivation Technique in later generations. Buddhists do everything for the sake of merit, because they have comprehended the mystery of the merit rune and know how to use the power of merit.


That's why Buddhism will be invincible in later generations. It has obtained many merits, recognized by the origin of the world, recognized by the origin of chaos, and has great luck, and everything will go smoothly.

Some people hate Buddhism very much. They think that Buddhism is full of rules and regulations, and forcing others to believe in Buddhism is extremely aggressive.

But the reason why he thinks this way is because he is not a Buddha. If he is a Buddha, he will recognize the practice of Buddhism everywhere, and even take it for granted.

It's as if many people hate rich people, but they don't hate being rich. In fact, when such emotions appear, envy, jealousy and hatred are still at work from the bottom of their hearts.

However, what shocked Furukawa even more was the change in the nature of Chaos City. It seemed that it had undergone further transformation. Deep inside the city, a spirit was born.

"Is it the weapon spirit of Chaos City?"

Furukawa was amazed, he sensed a golden sphere emerging deep inside Chaos City, emitting a soft golden light like the sun.

And this golden sphere is the weapon spirit of Chaos City, which produced unique soul fluctuations.

At the same time, he also perceives that his own soul has a soul connection with Chaos City, which is extremely close, and he can perceive any emotions and thoughts of Chaos City's spirit at any time.

""||It's no wonder that the light of merit descended on Chaos City, is it because it gave birth to a spirit?"

Suddenly, Furukawa realized.

If it is really counted carefully, Chaos City should be the first powerful Magic Treasures forged by the Demon God in the Chaos World, and the existence of the Artifact Spirit was also born.

To be honest, this is considered to be the creation of life, so the source of chaos bestowed a ray of merit on the city of chaos, so that the spirits of the city of chaos can be bred smoothly.

"Master, master."

At this time, the weak brain wave fluctuations of Chaos City Tool Spirit were transmitted to the depths of Furukawa's sea of ​​consciousness, creating waves of dependence and intimacy.

In fact, this Chaos City was created by Furukawa, and it naturally inherited part of Furukawa's knowledge and part of his soul energy.

"Well, you were just born, so it's still not suitable for you to talk too much, go ahead and rest."

In an instant, Furukawa transmitted his own Divine Sense to the Chaos City Tool Spirit.

At this moment, the Chaos City Artifact Spirit has just been born, like a newborn (very good) baby. Even though it has power far beyond ordinary demon gods, it is still ignorant of everything about chaos.

To survive in the chaos like an ordinary demon god still needs a certain amount of time to grow and develop.

Hearing these words, Chaos City Tool Spirit nodded obediently. In fact, it was also very tired, as if saying these words had already consumed a lot of its energy.

Soon it fell asleep and fell into a deep sleep.

I saw wisps of light of merit and virtue also instilled on this huge golden light ball, helping the Chaos City Artifacts to grow up quickly, as if they were growing at a speed visible to the naked eye.


Furukawa squinted his eyes. He could perceive the future potential of Chaos City. If it goes well, its future should be no less than Chaos Pearl, Chaos Qinglian and other Chaos treasures.

Even though it was born the day after tomorrow, it also has a strong growth potential. .