
Primordial Ancient Snake

Someone once saw me at the end of the world and respectfully called me the snake that wraps around the world - Yemengarde Someone once looked at my figure at the end of The Underworld and called me an ancient snake—Satan I was also feared by the gods and called me a hundred-headed dragon—Typhon I have had many names, snake of creation, snake of sacrifice, snake of ceremony, snake of the world... But I traveled through the chaos and arrived at the wilderness. There is only one god name - the original ancient snake, the origin of everything

KIRITO_4260 · Eastern
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220 Chs

Chapter 100 The Second Sermon

"Has another hundred epochs passed?"

Furukawa opened his eyes, and there seemed to be countless runes circulating in the depths of the pupils, exuding an unfathomable aura, and an unstoppable horror Magic power permeated from his original ancient snake body.

Although the Magic power on his body didn't grow, and the body of the original ancient snake didn't grow, the progress he made was far, far greater than before.

At this moment, in the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness, there are a total of 1.08 million law runes floating, and each law rune is like a chaotic sphere, spinning around.

Indistinctly, these runes are almost all-encompassing, including the law of thunder, the law of wind, the law of earth, the law of light, the law of darkness, the law of curse, the law of destruction, the law of destruction, the law of devouring, the law of Karma and so on.

These are the laws of rune recorded by Furukawa from the previous "-Zero" many demon gods. After a hundred epochs, he finally understood these laws thoroughly.

In the end, the messages of these laws were condensed on him, forming each rule rune.

Originally, if it was necessary to thoroughly comprehend these laws, it would have taken Furukawa at least hundreds of millions of epochs, but with the assistance of the light of merit from the source of chaos, the Chaos Eight Trigrams on him continued to deduce, saving a lot of time for comprehension.

That's why within the time of a mere hundred epochs, these laws have been thoroughly understood, and even mastered.

But also because of this, because of the light of merit he got from the last sermon, he has consumed most of it at this moment.

But Furukawa didn't have much heartache, but was extremely excited.


Because of these rule runes, Furukawa's comprehension of various laws has almost reached the limit of the quasi-sage level, which is also the limit of the rules.

It can be said that just one step away from reaching the state of Saint, he can transform the comprehension of the law into a great way.

To comprehend an avenue is to become a symbol of Saint.

Mastering the Dao and mastering the laws are completely different realms. If the power of mastering the laws is scattered, then mastering the Dao is condensing all the power of the laws into one, and the power and power that can be exerted are incomparable.

If you have to make a metaphor, it is that the quasi-sage who masters the law is a small river, and the Saint who masters the avenue is the confluence of countless rivers "the final sea formed.

It is conceivable that the gap between Saint and Quasi-Saint cannot be described in words.

Even in later generations, there are only three thousand gods and demons who can finally become masters of the Dao, including Pangu.

Therefore, becoming a Saint is also an extremely difficult thing for a demon god. If there is no chance, then it will be difficult to break through in this life. This is the limit of an ordinary demon god.

"Just one step away, I can step into the realm of Saint."

There was a gleam in Furukawa's eyes.

After a hundred epochs of rapid progress, he has almost completely comprehended most of the laws, and he has reached the end of the laws. If he was an ordinary demon god, he would have been able to try to attack Saint's Realm long ago.

But he is different, the savings are too thick, but it is difficult for him to break through, or the breakthrough is dozens of times, or even hundreds of times more difficult than other demon gods.

In fact, the same is true for Pangu. The reason why Pangu has not yet been born is because Pangu has accumulated a lot of money and has been conceived in the chaotic green lotus. It takes a long time to accumulate and finally be born.

The same reason.


If Furukawa wants to break through to Saint Realm, he also needs an opportunity.

"Forget it, don't think about it for the time being, let it take its course, and it's almost time to start the second sermon now."

It didn't take long for Furukawa to give up thinking about these things for the time being. Instead, it would be better to let nature take its course when it comes to cultivation.


He swept across Chaos City with Divine Sense, and instantly found that Chaos City had undergone earth-shaking changes compared to the first sermon. First of all, the number of gods and demons had increased by more than ten times.

Apparently, the first preaching was spread, making many demon gods in the chaos know about it, and countless demon gods came here attracted by the name and entered the city of chaos.

Those demon gods who suspected that this was a trap also abandoned their doubts and went to Chaos City one after another, which is why the scene of Chaos City being so prosperous at the moment.

Secondly, in the originally empty Chaos City, under the construction of these demon gods, buildings appeared one after another, whether it was shops, or residences...

Vaguely, this already has the atmosphere of a city, many demon gods trade freely in the Chaos City, and even discuss the knowledge of cultivation with each other, which is very lively.

Such free evolution made Furukawa very excited.

He felt that his connection with many demon gods was getting closer, and countless lines of Karma also extended to these demon gods, generating powerful Karma power.

This also makes the law of Karma in him more powerful.

"Well, it's time for a second sermon, too."

Seeing more and more gods and demons appearing in Chaos City, Furukawa was very satisfied, and he felt that this sermon would also bring him great benefits.


In an instant, Furukawa flew out from the central dojo in the Chaos City, hovering over the Chaos City, condescending, sweeping away the demon gods with a pair of omniscient eyes

He opened his mouth and said: "The second opening of the altar to preach, now begins."


These big characters are like golden words, forming the sound of the great way, and resonating with the origin of chaos. Circles of invisible chaos waves sweep across all directions, and are transmitted into the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness of each demon god.

It seems that hearing such a great way, they all have a feeling of enlightenment and epiphany on the spot, and the closer they are, the greater the benefits they get.

Therefore, Countless Magic Shendu wants to be as close as possible to the place where Furukawa preaches at 5.9.

"It has begun, the hundred epochs have passed, and finally the second sermon will begin."

"I missed it last time, and I will never miss it this time."

"This time, we must record all the content of the Chaos City Lord. This may be the way to enlightenment."

At this moment, no matter what the demon gods were doing, they put down their work in an instant, and the demon gods who were originally closed door training also left the level in an instant, approaching the central dojo where Furukawa was located.

They can't wait to [quickly arrive at the place where the central dojo is located.

For a moment, people's heads shook, and hundreds of millions of demon gods gathered.

Fortunately, these demon gods arrived in human form. If they were based on their original bodies, the central ashram probably wouldn't be able to accommodate so many demon gods. .